He will never blitzkrieg your eager and willing gebärmutterhals Edition
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/owg/ - Overwatch General
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Holy shit, we actually managed to get a thread near 750 posts before hitting imagelimit.
remove omnic
>8 days of doing nothing but browsing this shitty site and sleeping
first for cute
Early xth for withdrawal syptoms.
I also approve of this thread
How can anyone be mean to cute little robots?
this game needs to come out already so that waifufags can be insulted by 16 year olds for being shit at their waifu.
What kind of lives do your waifus/husbandoslive outside of Overwatch?
Xth for the timeline of this game makes no fucking sense
>playing as your waifu
Then you don't get to protect her in-game and save her from bad guys.
I need god damn fanart of heroes just hangin out. Just chillin. No crazy costumes. No fighting. Just widowmaker in a comfy sweater reading a book or something like that. Junkrat and Roadhog going grocery shopping. Pharah and Mercy seeing a broadway play
Pharah exercises for half the day, then works on gathering intel until she goes to sleep
There's nothing yet that explicitly breaks it, it's just very vague and there's SCIENCE all over the place.
Shitposting and being extremely bad at video games
Guess my husbando
Name a single contradiction.
How about Tracer relaxing on the beach?
no 3rd party faggotry no shills
stop burning throug threads so fast
it isn't natural!
>junkrat and roadhog grocery shopping
Requesting this, also
>winston on a bus/sitting in a gorilla sized car in a traffic jam
Relaxing heroes best heroes
This is acceptable
What time does overwatch release? And what timezone? I can convert it myself to my time. Idk what timezone they're using and what time.
That's just nature user. Wind blows, rain falls and the shitposters prey on the threads.
8 days 1 hour and 35 minutes.
Doesn't matter what timezone.
Who's that doing pullups? I'm guessing Overwatch doesn't have Co-ed locker rooms so it must be Zarya. Also the weight on the floor is a big indicator.
Jesus Zarya is shredded.
>Tracer outside of her time-travel-blinking containment device
>skinny Mei
utter shit
Excellent guess but no
Think more ethnicity and not personality.
I always thought it was Reinhardt Without his armour
dafug, thats Reinhardt
how good is you aim /owg/?
go here aimbooster.com
click challenge
post results
Suppression field is active on the ship nigger
Like Winston's lab
People's ages for the most part. Like it's been 20 or 30 years since the omnic crisis that started overwatch so that makes people like McCree 7 or 17 when they first joined. I'm actually leaning towards the omnic crisis being 30 years ago because Bastion is listed as being 30 years old and he was built during the crisis.
alright thank you.
is there a countdown website? I've been counting down the days but not the hours.
Oh look, Zenyatta CAN take off his trip.
Fuck off mate, quit with your obsession over controlling the OP.
So this game is almost guaranteed to have a bad ranked mode and no/corrupt competitive scene. Would you still be able to play for a long time regardless?
The ship contains a chronal containment field so Tracer can be bare ass naked and be fine.
Also we can't really see Mei's body.
Stop being such a sperglord.
I am... not good.
We don't know for how long Overwatch continued to exist after the crisis.
Reinhardt is fucking enormous m8
>Girly ankles, small feet
>Big butt
It's Zarya you dumb niggers
I don't even particularly want to play ranked nor do I care about competitive so sure.
still fucking gold
proper proper proper
I plan on playing casual and weekly brawls. Some of the weekly stuff sounds fun as fuck
McCree >riding trains without entering them and whiling afternoons away at the local diner
Mercy >spend the evening unwinding and asking her cat why shes still single
Mei >if the round was won: ice cream. Same for a loss.
Symmetra >continue working on her diorama and wreck it again for being slightly off
Widowmaker >weapon maintenance, body maintenance and admiring the trophy of her first kill: a gold wedding ring
The majority of the playable ex-Overwatch members didn't participate in the handling of the first Omnic Crisis at all. It was mostly just the old fucks like Soldier 76/Reinhardt back then.
why is that guaranteed? unlike Valve with TF2, Blizzard has already said they're going to be dedicated to the competitive scene.
My shit posting has transcended from Veeky Forums.
I have a female friend who plays Junkrat and she loves him.
I just want to date her.
I never play games without dank e-scenes so no.
In fact I don't even play games I just shitpost about my favourite koreans.
I hope this general gets to the point that the game itself is never mentioned.
Shit, on second check, one countdown website is 1 hour slower than another.
Is Tracer supposed to able to take off her timey-wimey gear?
Wouldn't she be teleporting all over the place without that stuff?
Can somebody link the drawboard
just use that thread after this one mang
The one they had during the last closed beta was fucking insane. Your damage was higher, your ultimate recharged something like 75% faster, and respawn time was down to like 3 seconds.
It was so fucking fun.
Cheater already won a tournament and there's no way they can prove they're combating all cheaters to the point of making the games valid. Ontop of that, without an accurate ladder teams can't actually recruit good players that people would care about. It'll be a circlejerk of people who grandfathered into the scene like it was with HotS.
what time is it?
this is fucking gay and that's BECAUSE I'm bad at it.
i wanted to predownload. It comes out at night my time and I wanted to play all night long.
Will this game have voice chat?
Not very quick but I guess I'm accurate?
>This is a game you can only play in a coordinated group if you want to win a lot.
Eh fuck it, why would you want to do that? I don't have what it takes to play on a competitive level and tryharding against randoms is just most pathetic thing you could possibly do.
Overwatch is a casual friendly game, just take it easy it, have fun, and hone your individual skill, unless you're aiming at the top there's no reason to sperg out about win percentages.
It does, party and team voice chat and it's actually good quality voice chat.
No, that's fucking cancerous.
I can always put an end to that, y'know.
Meh, mouse was never my style. I play with a wired 360 controller anyway.
am i gud?
Too late, I'm in discord too.
My only issue with making premade groups is that you'd have to worry about team composition and I'd really rather just play whatever I want rather than have to do the same old winston/mccree/mercy/lucio/x strat.
couldn't care less about that, famitsu
Who is she sending that pic to?
o fuk do emojis work?
Reminder to cuck all omnigger loving tripfags and hide all trpfag threads.
Be her roadhog
If I want to play some team cocmps I will play ranked mode.
Else I will disable voice chat and just pick what i feel like in quick play and just have some fun, winning or not.
To me
Seconded for showing omnigger lovers the door
so /owg/ which version did you get?
on the verge of buying the origins not really because of the skins but because i want to support the game
That's not me, m8
Collector's and origins because I'm fucking retarded
I don't remember seeing this in the game, is it an emote?
videos of reaper dancing are all I have to sustain myself in the wait for release