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DOOM general
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how long is pic related supposed to take?
its funny, Sam talks on about exploiting hell but the logs paint a story of Hell's influence exploiting the UAC into proxy workers to do their work, the "soldiers" they made never betrayed them, they just never realized they were making them for Hell, not oh so cleverly stealing from hell like they thought
as in how long does the loading screen prior to anything resembling a game last
Not that long. You contacted id/Bethesda about it?
I've never had to wait longer than 10 seconds.
>mfw this whole fucking game
Jesus Christ is this much fun even legal?
shitters everywhere in this game
they think my game doesn't launch, even though i explicitly told them that i got an infinite loading screen
i've tried basically everything
and the game being so new, google just piles on ad stuff instead of solutions
spam mick gordon's twitter account until he gets off his arse and puts it on itunes/gplay
Hey, at least they aren't accusing you of pirating the game.
Why is Doom Marine such a dick to these little guys?
Hes not being a dick hes giving them a face brofist
He hate everything except toys and rabbits.
Have you tried verifying the cache?
> face brofist
i'm going to start using that
>Doom Marine
Is that Doomguy's brother?
also the driver update
even a re-install that took a second entire day to download
doom marine is just the name hes giving in doom4. though i was really hoping the hell audiologs would refer to him as the doomguy
DoomSlayer is pretty damn cool as well.
Pitch me your Quake "reboot" in the style of Doom and Wolfenstein:TNO because its all but confirmed by this point
Quake 2 pretty much already played exactly like D44M
>A demon once sided with Doomguy and designed and built his current armor.
Man, I wish we could have met that guy.
This but it fucking better include strafe jumping, rocket jumping, and cpma physics.
I say go all in on the original idea, focus slightly more on melee and go all in on the magic gun side of things.
More physics based level design which relies on the lovecraftian inspiration to design and traverse
it would be pretty sweet be able to chain a rocket jump into some kind of ground slam melee.
Really the stroggo universe is kind of played out, it would be nice if they returned to the quake 1 'lovecraftian horrors' theme, or give real lore to the quake 3 tournament administrators or something
Okay. It's the original Quake, but with more linear levels, melee executions, better graphics, and slower movement. Also lots of character development that you don't care about, ala Shadow Warrior and Wolfenstein TNO
Been dicking with getting the game to run smooth for a while now and I'm pulling my hair out. It can run smooth 60 at high/ultra in a lot of places but will randomly dip badly.
This room is a great example, standing here caps my FPS at 40. The weird thing is, I turned everything down to lowest possible settings and it didn't change at all, this screenshot is on low.
The only thing I've found that fixes it is running the game in windowed mode, which apparently removes the FPS cap? Is there a way to remove the cap without playing with a window border?
There's borderless mode
Rich and Jack are praising the shit out of this horrible game right now...
Its okay user. Eventually being a contrarian will bring you cool points.
Not today though.
For whatever reason borderless has the exact same 60 FPS lock that fullscreen has, in fact that screen was taken in borderless mode.
But in windowed I can get up to 120fps, this screen is on ultra settings. There has to be a way to uncap FPS.
Oh you guys and your /v/posting
It doesn't let go of the mod box quickly enough which pisses Doom Dude off.
>Rich and Jack
Who? You must be a child.
Yfw Doomguy is literally the Marine from Doom 1 and 2 -- they couldn't stop him and the only way they could beat him is to literally slow him down and seal him away in hell for hundreds of years until the UAC found him by accident.
Except it's a good game and you need to stop watching RLM
not him but what does RLM have to do with this?
Wow, you really found the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
He's talking about Jack and Rich from RLM.
Was that words?
>that fps
Why the fuck does it barely reach 50 on my 770?
So I was following the snapmap tutorials and I started thinking that I could probably get the hang of it.
Then I checked out the reference maps to try to follow the logic, and fell way back into the deep end again. There should be some intermediate tutorials.
Fatty and baldy.
>Reach the ending
>That cliffhanger
Now let's watch bethesda go "If you want to know what happened next, tune in to our next Bethesda Showcase the next two months"
Mark my words.
I dont even know who those are.
Doesnt mater if its as good as the current single player campaign.
If anything I hope the positive reception emboldens them to let ID off the leash more.
Anyway with the good campaign people should be motivated to make maps in the map editor and we could enter a new era of good cutom maps.
Well duh, yeah.
Fuck this bitch-ass door, I'm never going to get past the first mission at this rate.
Honestly, what can Doomguy do? It seems like trapping him is the only way to stop him.
Okay I've got a question.
Why is the Doom Marine being worshipped? What happened that put him into the sarcophagus?
>inb4 underage b&
Hell magic
cliffhanger? In Doom? oh no!
poorfag here
when will there be a singleplayer crack
You know that giant skeleton you see throughout hell? Doomguy killed that.
Moonlight at McDonalds/Starbucks and buy the game.
>tfw downloaded some iwads to play while doom gets cracked
tfw poorfag and if still paid for the game it would take me like 5 days to download 45gb
dem pools of blood, fucking brutal.
Can't wait to play it. Hope my 970 can run it and not get meme'd by vram.
spent my gbp on Overwatch
either the backup of the AI he took somehow frees him, or the templar ghosts free him.
You can always engage in thr Steam tokens/badges/trading cards or whatever thing people use to get free steam dolars to buy the game.
Its worth it.
And you can always wait to buy it later.
ive got a 970 and an i5, the game runs at 60+ on more or less max settings.
It'd be cool if the mysterious demon that helped him out between games would be the one that lets him out as well.
Does anyone ever feel oddly satisfied whenever Doomguy cracks his knuckles?
who is he retard who thought fall damage was a good idea
I don't mind it, considering health is always right around the corner.
Fall damage and high ledges has been part of doom since 93 friend
>75 fps
I have a fucking titan and I'm stuck at 60, what the fuck?
How do I get 60+ fps?
are any details given on the nature of this rogue demon?
But after the pipeline level you never have to worry about fall damage ever again
Just that he betrayed Hell and designed and built Doomguys suit.
I don't get why people shit on multiplayer I think it's amazing. It's the first fps to get my blood pumping in a long time.
Compared to all other modern shooters this game has the best multiplayer to me. Everyone is going crazy for overwatch and bb right now and shitting all over doom and I just don't see it.
Especially in doom 2
There is a point among warlike societies when an enemy has butchered enough of them, they stop seeing him as an evil murderer and start having a begrudging respect, and once the begrudgingly respected enemy (how the covenant view Master Chief in Halo 2) has murdered his way past that point it becomes worship.
>Robot guy "betrays" you
Gee looks like you really didn't "watch him work" why would you betray him you dumb robot, you know he's going to crush your little brain
he honestly think's he's exploiting hell when it's clearly exploiting him
Can't crush him when he's not in the same dimension.
Good 'ol /v/ users
Just like John Stalvern the Marine has become demonically terrifying to the demons themselves, and has been exposed to so much demonic power that he has indeed become the demons himself, in a way. The way the demons finally trapped him before the events of the game even have them getting him stuck by dropping the ceiling upon him, so that he would not be able to continue killing them.
this is all just fucking DOOM: Repercussions of Evil,
Samuel Hayden is a fucking Revenant.
Let's put it this way: Brain Uploading is a far stretch from the kind of research that has been going in UAC. Chances are, he might be instead reanimated with Lazarus waves. Besides making him appear like some sort of super Science Hero man, triumphant over death itself rather than a spooky skeleton and providing the standard combat perks of Powered Armor, his shell could be somehow isolating him from the Mastermind's influence... unless he's only thinking he is acting on his own terms and against the greater evil, much as how the UAC facility played right into hells hands by making a bunch of shock troops ripe for taking command of. Note that Revenants are explicitly mentioned to be skeletal-thin and very tall, which explains the need for the suit's gigantic proportions. And, of course, a climactic reveal will happen when the doctor transitions into a genuine villain, to cement the point he has been deceptive in more ways than one.
And tips on getting the "Thread the needle" challenge on Lazarus Lab?
what the fuck are you smoking
you can literally fall 2KM in doom 1 and 2
there's no fall damage, only pits with damageing floor you can still get out of
my fave trick was to cut through lava by maxing out my health and bunny hopping through it
Git guud
I kinda want that to be true
>your face when you got the BFG 9000 and started ruining everything's shit.
Anyone else have this on PS4 mind helping me test a Defense/Wave mode map I made?
I'm trying to get into creating levels, but I want to start small with a few small challenge maps and work on a good idea for the map/enemies.
What if you play a lone Strogg soldier on a remote base on a moon of Stroggos, when suddenly scientists open a Slipgate to dimension ruled by Shub-Niggurath? And it's your job to stop it, for glory of the flesh and the metal!
I miss the Guardian of hell, I kinda wish it and the Maladect could become Staple Doom Bosses