/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Classics edition.




PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/xQq8jLch
M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:
>Swedish Mayonnaise
>Caribbean! Blood and Gold (on Steam)

Other urls found in this thread:



>it's november 2017
>bannerlord is great fun, but after playing it nonstop for almost a year now, you're getting a bit burned out on the game
>taleworlds twitter: tomorrow we have a big announcement to make
>you're excited af
>you go to sleep, barely able to contain your excitment and able to sleep
>you wake up
>go to taleworlds.com
>''New expansion announcement: Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord, Ancestral Homelands''
>''In this new expansion, the overworld map is expanded even further towards all directions, revealing the ancestral homelands of some, and new opportunities for others''.
>''Over the western ocean lies another continent unknown to the native Calradians, from which the Vlandian people claim descent. Long ago, back in their ancestral lands the Vlandians distant brothers fractured into numerous smaller kingdoms, tired of the constant bloodshed that followed, a segment of the Vlandian people decided to flee their homes, sail over the ocean and settle in the newly discovered Calradia, little did they know that they escaped one war right into another.''
>''To the far north the Sturgians led harsh lives. Every day was a struggle for survival as they were pitted against the merciless forces of nature and constant fighting over the precious few natural resources with their bitter enemies, the Nords. As their situation darkened, the Sturgian king decided to mobilize the entire Sturgian people for a great migration south towards Calradia for milder climates and fertile lands. Now, in the ruins of the Sturgian peoples former villages and towns, the Nord raiders have settled in and threaten to follow in the footsteps of the Sturgians, and launch a brutal invasion of Calradia, should they ever cease with their constant infighting amongst eachother and with the remaining Sturgians.''

>''The endless steppes of the east were the lands formerly roamed by the Khuzaits. But one fateful day, a colossal army of bloodthirsty savages calling themselves ''The Golden Horde'', arrived from the far east and forced the Khuzaits out of their steppes, pushing them west towards Calradia. The Golden Horde swallowed everything in its path, assimilating everything it touched into its gigantic moving nation. The Khuzaits, fervent in their wish to remain a distinct people, are now stuck on one side between Calradia that perceives them as the Khuzaits perceive the Golden Horde, and the Golden Horde itself on the other.''
>''South of the marble cities of the Aserai, lies endless oceans of sand but also the occasional congregation of life around the few oases that dot the landscape. A growing city-state ruled by the noble House of Saran is growing in power, and seeks to subjugate the surrounding smaller trading towns but also to curb the large warbands of roaming bandits. This increase in activity south of their lands, the Aserai grow concerned as they're already preoccupied with affairs in Calradia to the north. But with chaos comes opportunity, and many an adventurer has recently made their way south of the Aserai cities to seek their luck.''


I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

Rhodoks best faction.
Khergits a shit.


playing floris, these new troop trees are a tad confusing and i cant tell the difference between some of these guys from their names and appearance alone

also artimenner claims that the rhodoks have "the only pass out of calradia" and that really doesnt seem to be the case. the only way out of the map the rhodoks seem to have from their starting position would be on a ship

Artimenner's dialogue is just a leftover from the original Mount & Blade, which had a different map.

the floris expanded troop trees are pretty redundant

most Veeky Forums mod
that will never be finished

shader looks shitty on steel objects and the scabbards aren't vertex animated
0/10 docm


Caribbean DLC coming out on the 27th.

is there a way to switch down to reworked or native, or is that only at game start

Have you tried that Dynasty Warriors one? I hear it's not so bad.


they should probably just call free dlc "updates", and keep dlc as the term for paid content

I think most people are used to big updates being called "DLC" now. It is supposed to mean "downloadable content", after all.

At least they don't use "Free-LC" like Total War does.

I just want a decent 1700s-era mod

why isn't there one

10th day never ever

It hasn't even been 10 days yet, user. Be more patient!

imagine calradia; imperial age with actually good assets

who else /dreamer/ here

Page 10, day not 10

is story mode in VC fun? it looks fun but ive never done it

if it looks fun to you, you should try it

is this from some mod or something

It's boring shit.

Oh c'mon anons moddded VC user, I expected more than a fucking knobbed mace from ''Frankish mace'' worth 11k peningas described as ''a symbol of wealth'', like one of those one handed maces we see in Anno 1257 with quite a bit of damage and perhaps even crush through blocks. Not this unbalanced shit with low damage and shit stats all around.

not checked this general since March, did Warsword release yet?

nevermind just checked the mod page

>My estimate is that we are still a couple of weeks away from release although we cannot say for sure until the all the model work is finished and we have done a bit more testing.

jesus christ please

naw man. they say its close but they been saying its close for kind of a long time now. this might be a watched pot never boils sort of thing

>Lord Fuckbitch Von Cumguzzle is laying waste to Saren for the tenth motherfucking time in the last two motherfucking days
>Fuck it, fuck this, fuck cavalry, fuck effort
>Load up on crossbowmen
>Everyone is crossbowmen
>A handful of mercenary cavalry to go with my companions, and the rest of my 100 man army is just Rhodok crossbows
>Run down Lord Bumfuck and his lackey Count Cuntwaffle, both with about 50 men
>Low, rolling terrain, good for cavalry, neither of us have much of it
>They're infantry heavy and I've got no nice hill to put my crossbows on
>wewlads might not turn out swell
>Infantry closes in as we skirmish with the cavalry and
>motherfucking bolts everywhere
>bolt bukakke
>more fucking bolts than Strelok's wet dreams
>a tidal wave of hissing fucking death as men drop like fucking flies, like the hand of God himself has smote them where they stood

I have made a serious error playing Swadian all these years.

Having everyone be cavalry is a much easier won fight though

>Having everyone be cavalry is a much easier won fight though

That's what I always thought. Then I watched that mostly-Nord force get facefucked by a tidal wave of bolts. Legit less effort than a cavalry force.

fighting nords in the field isnt really a good test of either archers or cavalry

It's called DLC so they can sneak the prostitutes past various video game rating boards without getting an immediate 18+ R mature naughty you are a bad person rating

Looks like they listened to the people whining on the Steam forums, too, since they added an option to remove the nudity.

>fighting the best infantry in the game isn't a good test of crossbows vs. infantry

whatever bru

Cavalry is guaranteed to fuck infantry in the ass, good charges and tactics just keep the casualties in check, but if the infantry actually reaches your crossbowmen, you might lose the battle.
Vanilla archers and crossbowmen are OP anyways.

nords are bads

What's the worst general on Veeky Forums?

well i havent been in them all, so i cant say. i was in war thunder general for a while and it was pretty bad. i bet the ones for games that receive no updates or mods like fnaf or undertale are pretty bad too but perhaps it is rude of me to judge.

>endless train of cuntbags raiding my ONE village
>rape every single one that attacks, incessantly
>everyone observes that the Rhodoks are getting btfo
>King Graveth refuses to fucking make peace


The kings in M&B are amazingly incompetent considering half of them are supposed to have taken their kingdoms by force.

Strength and honor.

who can I visit a lady if the fucking guards wont let me?

you need to make nice with the girl's father, probably can't have controversy either, and enough renown


I went after the daughter of the lord whom I had the highest rating with, that was Count Haringoth. My rating with him is 22
430 is my renown and I have 0 controversy
Is that enough?

Also, can I earn the title of Count? or is it only Lord and King?

The last character you played in any other game has to fight your Warband party.
Who is more fucked?

>A mid-tier sized army of Vaegir infantry and freemen mercenaries, with ~500 assorted archers and cavalry back home in Dhirim
>An alligator that's punched satan in the dick and vomits boiling water at anything that pisses him off
tough call

>Mayor Degtyarev, undercover sniper of the USS, vs all of my 18 powerful Silverstag companions and my PC.
It all depends on where the fight occurs.

JESUS CHRIST what a COMPLETE mess sea battles and sea sieges are in VC, STILL after all this time.

They get stuck on the boats, or they manage to get off, they all clump together at the side of the docks and just stay put there.

What the fuck is this shit?

Has it been 10 days yet?

up mongrels

It's only at game start.

>more fucking bolts than Strelok's wet dreams

The Withcer/Steampunk is pretty cancerous. Every thread is Yen vs Triss waifufagging. I've never seen anyone mention the game there yet.

Is ACOK any good yet?

Fucking Prophesy of Poop

>Decide to help Madame Ursual take back Ravenstern
>Manage to take a castle before hiting Level 20, things are going well
>Give castle to Ursula since she can garrison it with magical troops that she pulls from her saddlebags
>The war cycle ends, only us at war with Ravenstern
>For some reason King Gregory doesn't send the faggot brigae to take back my castle.
>For some reason, the rest of Pendor forgets Ravenstern exists, nobody fights them AT ALL except for me.
>Fuck around for a while grinding armies to lose in sieges.
>Cunt campaign scripting replaces the garrisons faster than I can erode them due Ravenstern
>Fuck Ravenstern, Fuck the Kingsguard, Fuck the King

Claimants, not even once.

I'm using nippon adventures and I like it a lot but there's a problem. I cannot upgrade my officers to hatamoto guards, the factions being Hojo and Takeda. Both of those factions have been eliminated in my game, is that the case? And how do I re-enable them? Also when I send my companions on a mission to recruit lords, after coming back to me they do not display a name of the lord I sent the request for, it's only a blank. Help!

If you can get past "You stumble and fall" and the Retard Events it's not too bad.

anyone has that noob guide and could post it here?
i can't access fucking imgur

because modders are autistic and make mods about shitty settings only

>mfw none of the roman era mods are good or complete

thissun? you want thissun right here?

nice meme

all you need is 60 swadian knights my boy :)

Should I support Arwa the Pearled One, or continue solo? Is it interesting to support a claimant?

I've never supported a claimant myself

I always aim to conquer the world myself, and what's the point of doing it twice


it's ok as it saves you the hassle of dealing with all your faggot lords being unhappy all the time, giving fiefs, juggling marshallship and so on. So it's a more convinient way to go through the game while still having a significant influence, but not all the glory will be yours

Every time

All the claimants are SLUTS

Is it still only WarWolf I can touch myself to being cruelly raped as a prisoner?

Anything textual?

You can try the mod A Dance With Rogues for Neverwinter Nights. :^)

>like one of those one handed maces we see in Anno 1257 with quite a bit of damage
it does 30b without modifiers

Yeah but, that's kinda shit.

Pretty sure hojo and Takeda don't get hatamoto guards

not at all
especially in a mod that has hardly any blunt weapons

What the fuck are Taleworlds doing?

They've been working on Bannerlord for 4 years, yet all they have to show for it are a bunch of poorly put together 'blogs', and a 30 minute gameplay video.

No release date, no real info, no nothing. It really grills my kebab.

We got a real shitty community manager.

It can't be his fault entirely, I mean surely he just implements the general company PR policy, or merely influences it at best.

Well mbg, what do you think?

will my new character inspire fear in the hearts of the butter king's subjects?

Get some proper armour and make the Khan proud.

I think you look like a clown in a monkey suit.

i hate that axe

salt willing I'll find enough fat caravans to fund some

you're a funny guy

"yolo" - Roman Empire of Nicaea 1259

yeah, I'll be getting a bardiche as soon as I can, or a two hand sabre

It's 1259, COME ON!!!

>can't equip cabbage as a throwing weapon

The first ever "mod" I made was throwing cabbages and felt hats.

Matt Daymon

So Vlandians...are Nords?

Haven't been on the taleworld forums for ages. Is that Melkir cunt still around?

How do I end a long war after defending for eternity? I don't have the strength to assault them, but they won't stop attempting and failing to capture my town.

pretty sure if you have good relation with your king or high persuasion you can try and ask for peace

>I have made a serious error playing Swadian all these years.
We told you. Welcome into the light.

rhodoks a shit


Hey, it's the truth!