Lulu is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
I want to go swimming in Lulu Edition
Lulu is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
I want to go swimming in Lulu Edition
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In? Don't you mean with?
I'm Draven and I'm the best.
>the worst of all lulufags gets the op
there can only be one best and cutest girl user?
who is it really?
>he made new OP early to get his meme at the very top
I may not like you but I like your style nigga
also FRESH MEME HERE get it while it's hot
I want to make Illaoi a vessel for my seed!
Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.
why are people buying probelt over GLP-800? the dash u get from probelt is so insignificantly small that just getting a item with movespeed like ludens would actually be better.
and in general GLP is the superior item in stats and damage anyway.
because you have less reaction time to someone dashing than someone walking at you
How do I move the chat window? HUD overlaps the bottom of it when I'm spectating.
The damage is actually pretty good on the active... and it is fucking amazing on certain champions like Syndra and Fiddlesticks
breast waifu
shotacon waifu
How does one swim /in/ Lulu? Be as detailed as possible please.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Normally I'm the type of guy to get salty quick and start calling for surrender votes, but for whatever reason, this game I chose to stick it out.
Feels good.
What champions will those without autism never understand?
even still the 65% slow from GLP is better than the dash from probelt for gap closing.
The damage from GLP is actually higher at all levels.
I barely go on there anymore. it's a good thing I removed reddit before capturing or that would just be guaranteed replies
nth for terra will be shit on release and get nami'd within minutes
Is that new colored Legoman?
fuck niels
* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ
>They didn't pick Stoneflower or Tectonic Marvel
singed, aatrox, nunu, urgot, tryndamere, yorick, shaco, illaoi, aurelion sol, lulu, nasus, and teemo.
Taliyah a cute!
taric is fun af
>tfw stuck at undyings fight
genocide run a hard
Damned if it doesn't get me hype though
I thought we had agreed to use Bard'd from now on.
Is bloodrazor the worst new item league has had in years? It is literally only effective at all on kindred, and even then dev was better. No other champion in the game wants to build that item.
>shyvana buffs
>we had agreed
I didn't agree to anything fuckboy
Bard was always op
Just wait for korea :^)
Yeah bitch, like the old times
When you used to post this and get like 1 response every 3 threads
It's getting buffed heavily next patch. AS from 40% to 50%, proc damage from 3% to 4%.
>playing at bronze 2
>enemy team has two bronze 5s and a silver 1 kalista jungle
>I'm here inting so I don't care which way the game goes
>kali goes bot a level 2 and picks up a double
>gets bloodrazor and begins killing everyone else
>I'm just up top letting kayle push in to my tower till she takes it n shit, safest way to int w/out being banned
>kali ends like 23/4
nothing really else to say about bloodrazor.
I remember watching those games, pretty funny shit from tricks stream
I miss ranked 5s....
>implying I'm not building it udyr into triforce going full war machine
But on a different note it is lack lustre, buffs next patch though.
xth for Cute Vi
Cute Lulu Edition
>implying zyra support isn't a fucking blender of a champ right now
>guys name is surprise suicide
im not sure what i was expecting
they didn't go through with the 50% increase. Even then it's not gonna be enough because the problem with the item isn't necessarily the stats (though they aren't great) it's that it does physical damage. One of the lesser talked about reasons Dev was so good is that it did magic damage, and champions almost always have more armor than they do mr. So they said it would do more damage than sated at like level 11 or something, but that's not true because the targets will naturally have more defenses against that damage than they did with sated. Plus the passive was just ridiculously good and gold efficient. They need to make it like 50%, 5-6%, and magic damage for it to be anywhere near worth buying over any of the other items, especially since you're sacrificing stats for your abilities to scale off of.
>playing trist adc
>have a zyra support
>zyra double kills bot lane in the first 10min with little input from me
>at the end of the game I'm about equal in damage with her
Zyra support is a great meme.
Enchantment: Bloodrazor
Unique Passive now deals 4% target's maximum health on hit from 3%
Attack speed increased to 50% from 40%
You wouldn't believe how soft her tails are.
Still looking for a cute summoner name to base my 1 trick smurf on.
>Tfw genuinely like Teemo but he's always banned in Ascension and Riot hates the fuck out of him in general.
At least he got buffs right?
What was the name of the team, i'm trying to remember but i cant..
Super Secret something.. what was again ?
>fighting against a zyra and caitlyn bot lane
>they both have thunderlords
>zyra misses her Q and E on me
>her plants still grow because they're near her Q and E
>lost 60% of my health from 2 fucking plants because of TL proc
She's a proper fucking blender.
odd sleep
even have a smoke then 1 more game...
Why is Singed in EVERY fucking game of Ascension?
>Get my ass handed to me by a plat 1 2 seasons Nasus main as Wukong
>My silver ADC is crying I'm a feeding shitbag retard for losing a matchup I'm favoured in
>She fed a Zyra support
Life is cruel
Still looking for people to report theese posts
why are you even playing that mode?
do you even lp summoner
When does daily hextech chest purchase limit reset?
Good luck young man.
it was something like "this is a secret team 2"
we remade because our very first game, imthem was a bit tipsy and kept going all in AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY with gragas and he was playing captain save a ho with his ults, keeping people alive
ive never had so much fun/improved so much in a short time playing with them. :(
ban evader go kill yourself
oh huh i guess they didn't. It's still not gonna be enough, if they're going to keep it physical damage, it needs to be like 6%, maybe even 7.
Zyra doing damage is cool and all but why the fuck is it so high early game
Like it's absolutely ridiculous
You have a lot of hatred for some anonymous poster on the internet, user.
I think it's time to reconsider some of your methods!!!
>Following the attention whore flowchart
Every time you autists post it's the exact same shit
At least try to be creative
I'm trying to find a cute smurf name...
What's a creative way to accomplish this?
Sometimes i would like to lie to myself or other telling that the fun times can come back, but i think its over, this is it.
Well clearly since you don't have a functioning brain we can rule that one out
Try google
Guys, I was the one who asked for the Azyr trick in the other thread, does this work? I mean, will this bring the enemy to the other side of the wall with me?
>7% Max HP
>combined with the armour pen you should be taking
Senpai understand the item on it's own should not straight win you the game of it.
Take kindred and blend it with her kit and item build.
Also you don't want to take it too far or THOSE FUCKING LANE BABIES will start taking smite and Riot shits itself in fear and rage when this happens (see top cinderhulk and runeglaive ezreal for recent examples)
Nami'd came first. And after MSI you'd best respect the fish.
yeah, but you need to make it faster, and aim your ult in the right direction
Outside of that you're good to go
So you don't have an answer to that yourself, huh?
It's okay user. I'll give you the attention that you've been craving, for I am a kind ojou-sama. We can give each other (You)s and keep this sustainable ecosystem going, you know what I mean?
How has your day been young man? Have you been eating well? It's important to make sure you keep a balanced diet to avoid feeling groggy and moody.
use it on a bot
It's possible as long as you you reach close to the end point (the moment you hit Q). Just don't do it without communicating it beforehand because Azir isn't meant to dive into people and look them in the eye.
Again, following the flow chart. It's not cute it's not funny. Please stop.
>tfw no sandbox mode to train
I can't, you keep giving me the (You)s.
>armor pen you should be building
nobody who built old rageblade built armor pen except yi (who didn't even build it towards the end of it's life span). Nobody.
Shiv, PD, IE, BoRK. That sort of thing.
>wanting to create a toxic environment where you're encouraged to practice and improve yourself
you're everything that's wrong with the world I bet you support trump you bigot
>not training while climbing divisions Korean style
Come on step it up
But user, Riot thinks training is Toxic. I mean look at scrims in Korea!
Train like everyone else and practice new champs and builds on ranked, its just a game you know ?
>old rageblade
Who gives a fuck?
Time change m8
I'll admit I'm thinking from a kindred's points of view with the armour pen thing.
fuck i meant sated, not rageblade
>sandbox mode for trying out stuff is too toxic
>try out stuff in normals or ranked
>get reported and banned for being toxic
What better way to ensure Riot has to keep a Social Systems Psychologist: Anti-Toxicity Team Lead employed! :^)
xth for drugging away the loneliness
>get reported and banned for being toxic
>being reported
You cant possibly have this little self-control
Is blue escence used for anything else other than champions?
kindred is the only problem with this solution, to which i'll just say nerf kindred. Literally not a single jungler who built sated built armor pen except maybe yi, and MAYBE jax if he builds maw (and he still doesn't build that for the armor pen at all, he does half magic damage). They either need make the item do magic damage again or make the physical damage it does do worth buying as much as warrior which gives fucking 60 ad and 10% cdr.
>miss swiss
it is supposed to be used to buy the mastery 6/7 ranks apparently or something soon? idk
Yeah the old time when we stayed after memesports on Cylol and raid that girl stream, and make her put the shoe on his head
Reese times.
we;lding of salem.
please :)