/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #263
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/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #263
Fox Edition
iOS: itunes.apple.com
Friend list: ofo.jp
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Reminder that Sillanon is out there sucking dicks for us to keep the servers up and running.
How is she so based?
he already did silla
>no Miho
>no Khirel
When will this nightmare end?
I am waiting patiently for tail touching fanart.
Anyone using Lucifer?
>prem ticket
How bad.is he?
Pretty fucking bad.
despite his changes, he's still not that great. might have some gimmick you can use him for in CoT/CoD but it requires investing littres and shit into him for something that's not 100% guaranteed to work
Attacker with a paralysis gimmick, even though an attacker's job is to Ohko someone to break out of a line.
I bet miho would make a very cute "squeak" if you pulled her tail. Then she would turn you to ash but it would be worth it.
BB needs a commie leader
>Delete Milky
>Ok no delete Silla the ace but it down to 20% and no more HP requirement
>Magnus and variants remove element negate
>Sharr and variant remove elemental anti
>All units have totem or all totem scale no more great than 30% of self skill only
>Buff team active. No fair totem skill better than skill that uses spirit
>Dark bullied by Ardor wrong. WW bullied by Thunder wrong. Dark need buff. Thunder need nerfs.
>Legend nerf to non game breaking or team not carry more Legend one
>Remove censorship.
After playing this for 14 months I finally got cancer today. And damn he's so cute. Too bad he's shit.
Lewd. Miho is kinda ugly though.
Alright /esg/, how do I take my team and grind enough gp for a Luka?
Any suggestions on what else I should do with my team?
Started last week btw
>2 strikers
Gee Billy
just focus on getting your striker, legend and gk up and running while being on the lookout for luka. Jheet goes well with Avnore-Meta mid if you find him. Worry about fixing the backline later although if you see Magnus or Kiki consider picking them up
Yeah, constance was to be my cheapo striker until I drew Vito, so now I'm looking to replace her with Luka.
What's a good 3-4 star stopgap, in the mean time?
Oh come the fuck on
weak cm
What should we call this? Team building gore?
I havent done cod in about 4 months
I just auto to 33 every week, cant be arsed to manual this thing anymore
>Network failure
It can't be real.
Damn game even tells me something like
"Failure to authenticate blah blah" every second game I play. Did Sillanon stopped sucking on BB's dick?
No problems here
>fail 90% powerup
>fail 96% powerup
Should I waste my gems on attribute summon if I want to have a dark team, or should I wait for something?
Employees don't count.
Why not, just do it. Be prepared for fiestas tho
Personally, I would try to scout players instead, and use crystals on weekends when dark players I want are boosted.
I have no idea how to get more GP.
Sillanon with her amazing dick sucking powers keep up the servers ;_;7
Do cod, cot, arena, sell 3*, do draws.
test my post
Can we agree Silla is best girl?
At some point I want to see the actual chances of certain things happening, like power stone powerups, + powerups and coop defense chances for my team in addition to the enemy team's.
rebbit I think datamined the coop defense formula. It doesn't help much since you can't easily calculate it in game.
>light niggers are always complaining about their backlines
Off yourselves. Light teams are the most annoying to face.
Where are the Milky lewds, /ssg/?
Kevin too OP
Yo, can i get a discord invite?
Fuck you, Miho a cute.
Need help choosing which 5* to get
New to the game as well.
There is a guide in the OP. Did you read it first before asking??
You need a striker. And a better gk.
All Eruns are superior to Miho. We need a Heles grade furries.
>almost every new /gbf/ unit has emphasis on armpits
Is this what Soccer Spirits is lacking?
pick Vitos or Beato
Is he really tho fampai?
>removing the player list
baka desu senpai
fuck off jkun
my wife is filing for a divorce since I spent 1k on this game.
she never loved you and never will. at least not the way your soccer waifus do
take half of her wealth and buy another legend
Ditch the 3dpd. Preenupt are best to make sure the bimbo 3dpd don't get anything after the split.
that's dumb, 1k is nothing.
do I get skill points back when I evolve?
yes they reset
>tfw silla
Buttrice recall when? I know, BB too stupid to fix lucian and they gonna buff strikers. I need this fucking recall.
Elizabeth EE when?
So I rolled Leventor yesterday and was wondering if it would be worth replacing my current hyper maxed striker, including stones. I don't even have a SHoT, but I do have a TB.
>SS servers are running on the power of an australian sucking dicks
Shanti EE when?
They should be pretty stable then, wtf.
Build him up as an alternate striker. I do the same between Kirin and Leventor
Depends who you current striker is.
Cynthia vs Lynia on a Bell/Jury/Lukia midline? Trending towards Lynia for the sweet sweet synergy with Lukia.
fuck Lukia but she is the best I have for now
Cynthia requires a lot of investment before she starts hitting legendary status whereas Lynia is useful for her totem straight off the bat
Investment as in Littles? These I lack, but I can 6*, EE, max lvl and throw some pluses right off the bat. I was trending towards Lynia anyway as I said, but I reckon the ideal would be to have both. Another option I am considering is just waiting until I scout one of the two and then use the box to get the other one.
you'll want both but Cynthia only really starts 1 shotting things reliably when she's maxed superbed
I havent played since they released the skins system. With the free stone and 5* I decided to start playing again. What new busted EE/units have they released since then?
Okay, Lynia it is then. Thanks for the help.
Based Sillanon sucking all the dicks she can so servers run for us
She takes the loads so we don't have to load
So just got back after a few months of quitting and now theres a whole lot of new stuff. Used to run Ardor/WW so how viable is it right now? Can also run mono WW so whats the top element right now and how good is my team right now? Also wheres the best place to farm season 2 event points?
Youll be fine even if youll run for Saint Maria as striker. Why do u even asking.
Stopped playing for about 5 months and now theres a ton of new stuff that pop up and now I dont know whats the current meta and where my team stands. Can also make WW/Dark but dont know if dark is viable ir still shit right now. Just need an opinion if you may
Run brokenteon instead.
Get some reflexes for midlane, critrate for Beatrice.
You can also run Nera CM to push it even further.
ardor/ww is probably the strongest dual element now. Get Victoria to replace VB and move Kiki to the back in place of BT, EE Lucian and get a Linmay or PM for up front in place of Kiki if you don't wanna put balth in, personally I'd just put Balth there though
>got Dale from draw.
Pretty good.
>got Dale as a 14 days login reward.
Oh what the fuck?
Who of these should i replace with silla?
None. You need one more striker for support slot and she will go to forward line as well.
I forget the name, I can find it when I get home. A one-episode hentai about a guy who was childhood friends with a foxgirl, and years later he met her while she was robbing men of their spiritual energy while working as a prostitute.
Typical fox doing fox things.
Really? I was thinking of benching my hiro and EE and ST silla
Silla can't proc cooperative attack.
Koi Maguwai
Thanks senpai. How does this look now? Just need to EE Lucian and Victoria. Also what are good stones for Shu? And Khirel has EBM, Magnus has Meta, Nera has Prey, and have another Meta. Also wheres the best place to farm points for season 2 celeb?
Well thanks for the bait user
If she's on the enemy team she can.
Nice Boat leveled up and has a free slot for someone active!
I'm not 100% sure what PvP Shu's use but the ones I've seen have all been in the backline and use metatron's will so you could probably use that fine. Back looks good, mids interesting for ardor/ww since you've got a lot of options. Lia-Nera-PM, vic-lia-roina etc. If your Bea has good enough crit I'd swap linmay and nera on that particular team. Also remember to use Lia or Lucian as your ace. As for farming points I think most people use the rival matches to farm