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Ongoing: April 8th to May 20th: IM@S Characro cafe&bar "Forever! We are..." campaign April 24th to Jun 19th: Idolmaster official shop promo in Shizuoka 109
A collection of CG comics by Knuck07 has been typeset: onwards + onwards A CG comic featuring Chihiro and TakeP has been typeset: A CG comic about how babies are made has been translated: (comic) + Latest ML cards update (5/16): Day 1 of the ML 2nd Live has been subbed up to the 8th song, and the 1st MC has also been subbed: A SideM live stream was announced during the Cafe Parade/Shinsoku Ikkon release event and will air on 5/19. The stream will feature DRAMATIC STARS and others: + アイ MUST GO! will stop being sold on iTunes after 5/18: Numakura Manami (Hibiki's VA), Yoshimura Haruka (Mika's VA), and Fujii Yukiyo (Megumi's VA) have an interview regarding the 10th Anniversary Live and gravure in "B.L.T. VOICE GIRLS Vol. 26", which went on sale 5/16: VA stream activity (5/13-5/15): + + PREVIOUS: + + + UPCOMING (outdated): REQUESTS:
Nathaniel Jones
I'm usually not an Airi fan but she's so cute in that shot.