Old: RIP
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for being a cunt
>that bm
Is karthus good after the new mage changes? He got a pretty high wr on champ gg
fucking bag in normal game
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Next rework is WW or Yorick?
Post champs made for cunnilingus
>deleted at 150
>no eyoson link
what the fuck mods
Old thread wasn't at 750, someone probably bumped it
and I wondered why it's suddenly all papercraft & origami in it
Alright boys I'm playing tryndamere now.
After roughly 40 games on him I've found I'm just definitely not going to win lane against certain counterpicks.
Should I just relegate myself to being a tank at that point with epic heals and high cdr and cancer it up like ekko?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
my gf isnt a champ though :
NO you need to go dmg every time its not worth to go tank, you dont have % max HP and hight base dmg spells.
>they haven't nerfed tank ekko yet
my rage has burnt out leaving only ashes and dust
but they are buffing ap ekko so tank ekko is less good in comparison :^)
Has Lyte really contributed something positive even at least one thing towards the game set aside those stuff such as shady research stuff feeding his own ego and successfully brainwashing the entirety of the player base of his self-coined toxicity meme?
I mean, we've been denied some crucial game features solely because of him.
Okay so am I sorta just shit out of luck and hope my team doesn't throw by end of laning and the top has to leave?
Keep in mind this is about gold II - Plat Plat III range people I'm playing with.
Would you hate me if I went an AP build against my losing matchups? For the CDR and scaling on my heal and still have a good bit of on hit damage.
Every marksman should be pleasured orally before the game, after every multi kill and after the game.
ryze then yorick then warwick is planned a little further down
>We've heard your cries guys, and we totally understand
>You're tired of seeing Ekko top so now we are giving him 400% bonus scaling AP on all skills so being an assasin is just plain better, so now he'll go mid!
>tfw swam in
nerfs in 6.11? Riot stated they're looking to nerf his tank shit again.
But I mean he'll never not be good at being a tank now that people have figured out his kit is loaded as fuck.
btw riot, this is what happens when you create champions with loaded ass kits that can do everything you fucking bonobos.
wew can't wait to see people snowball even harder off tank Ekko with mejais
Yare yare daze
>Reworking Ryze for the 4th time
I wonder what kind of broken mess will they make now
>pubic hair
fucking disgusting minushuman
Trynd relies solely on damage scalling to be relevant so going tank isn't really an option.
If you get shit on in lane, you have to either splitpush farm for a good while or laneswap.
Riot is essentially the figurehead of his department and not the only individual. Figurehead meaning he will be the face of the changes but he is not the only deciding factor, there are a lot of people who go into this shit. Lyte is just the one closest to community interaction.
That being said I'm positive most of the bullshit they've been attempting to feed us (cant sandbox cause toxic blah blah etc) is just their way of dodging the fact that the base coding of the game is absolute garbage and the current people in charge of game changes have no way to deal with it and implement these features other than to work the game from the ground up again.
I want to suck on Vlad's neck and collarbones while massaging his balls before he pins me down and fills me, one hand around my neck, the other-clawing at my butt
>tfw only win when playing support
>He's been broken since ever
>hurr durr guys what could it be???
>Keep his peculiar scaling everytime
>they still wonder what could it be
I see, so it's generally just an all or nothing facet to the champ. I can deal with that.
I'm only gold II so I have a lot to learn about the champ and everything else in general, thanks for the (you) though.
What the h*ck user that's gross.
If you're saying that most of their failures to deliver such sweet feats for us, would it be because of their philosophies and their garbage coding? Would the latter problem be solved by the new client in the works?
you just jelly
That's just like, your opinion man.
So did thresh get nerfed? I see him picked only once every games now instead of every game and no one bitches about him
I hate the new Malzahar, his passive is so annoying and all they do in the hotfix was nerfing his dmg.....how to deal with him?
>new client
Isn't this already their third client?
Jelly of how gross you are?
I'm not so sure about that one user.
there is easier shit to play
The client and the game itself are actually coded entirely separate and don't effect one another. If I remember correctly they don't even use the same language. (client is adobe and the game is some other random shit)
I'm just saying philosophically it's possible they're being entirely genuine (and expected) in the sense that they want to rid toxicity from the game, but that has absolutely no relevance to any of the features they're gating us from so it's a clear case of just bullshit.
I hate to say this but just ban him, he's cancerous
sour grapes user
>Not wanting to gag on someones pubic hair getting tangled up in your mouth while someone smashes your face with their vagina or penis as you're 'forced' to pleasure them.
You will never be a good bitch.
You just gotta ban him, user.
Riot usually listens once they see certain champions have an insane ban rate regardless of their win rate at all. (Malzahar's winrate is insanely high right now still though in all his main roles)
Like tahm kench, may he never rest in peace.
League of legends
>tfw everything's closed but I know the owner of a pizza place so I've got pizza and cola
There are champions that can cc far more reliably than he can and generally out dps him pre-6.
After alistar gets his nerf and we see a resurgence in things like nami, raka, etc he'll be a fine pick but as it stands there's a lot of dps in the bot lane right now that makes it hard for him to handle because he's not as innately tanky as things like braum and alistar.
That being said, as always, in the right hands a thresh can carry a game it's just he's not reliable and not op.
Are you a germanfag?
someone posted disgusting singed wallpaper in the pruned thread. YOU'RE DISGUSTING. - from SINAF
best singed splash in the historisms pic related.
Who is the best champ to main for mid/top. Is it Gangplank?
No, I'm a Norwayfag
æ kain itj lev ut'n dæ, sjoh
It should be a banable offense to play support, build damage; and not buy a sightstone.
trust is a false emotion
It should be a bannable offence to be a shitter that needs vision to win games
Best dialect, though
That's swedish you fuck, get out of here.
Veeky Forums doesn't allow the o tard
fucking low elo shits
you should be able to predict all of your enemies movements across the map
Alright I'm doing it. Ranked in the morning idgaf I'm a mad man.
>just be able to read your enemies mind
Just kill yourselves.
Psh, what's the matter? Aren't you intelligent enough?
someone post the youtube video with the dude trying to buy something and he and the merchant just talk gibberish all the time
it's swedish, norwegian or something like that
>tfw everyone gets S rank on your team
I wonder what percentage of games have a quintuple S.
dead general lolbabs
>The only change in singed appearance is that he just kept loosing more hair little by little in each splashart
is the best build for shyvana atm stalkers > swifties > tiamat > bork > titanic > tank items > cinderhulk?
any shyvana players here?
xth for memes
>tfw get a 4 man ult but it doesn't matter because I'm getting hard carried anyway
N-Nice game lolbabs.
when is taliyah coming out?
has anyone here played her on pbe?
Reminder liking bishounen is the natural and healthy option for young women, and anyone disputing the superiority of bishounen is a gay or a teenage american boy.
so bara zed is pure faggotry
what are some junglers that if fed take the game and make it theirs? I'm thinking kindred, khazix, udyr, shyvana
>That bush
In a few days
xth for Soraka's Needlessly Large Rod
>have braum soft locked for 40 seconds top decide they're gonna support and locks in janina
>lol bruh you didn't call
What the fuck is wrong with morning league players?
>snek keeps sending me his hentais
>I keep telling him this kind if stuff drawn in this style has 0 appeal to me
>he keeps going it
send help
>another drawing
>another year without a good cass rework
A fed Shaco is a Rengar with 8s ult
A fed one, though. You're worth jackshit if you aren't 4/0 by 5 minutes.
Unicorn pussy a better
What do you guys do when you get the urge to just plant your face into someones ass and go to town?
I just want someone to scratch their butt itch with my nose, you know what I'm sayin?
It gets really distracting sometimes, like, I'll be playin League and suddenly I can't get the taste of ass out of my mouth.
and fapping doesn't help at all, like nigga I'm horny as fuck.
this is what girlfriends are for. or boyfriends. you ned to find a nice person who above all else, appreciates your fetishes.
>enemy jungler obviously walks down in the bot jungle after they have a fight mid
>ganks bot directly after
>I didn't ping the shit out of bot
>I'm the stupid one
I really expect too much of my team
Kill yourself
Is there any good reason why we don't have Marie than three bans?
good morning guys
Syndra is my wife.
Because someday Froggen will play Anivia
I am not joking.
new to this game and shit. I like guns so I want to know if there is a character that has something like a goddamn shotgun that blows people apart.
Graves is literally that.