>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
Other urls found in this thread:
>Korean starcraft player
>Her playstyle is mindless button holding and spraying
Literally 1 APM
first for kyouko
>Meifags making threads waaay earlier to force their shitty memes
We have a new /owg/ Discord now.
No drama. No preferential treatment. No jimmies rustled. Just suffering.
You can post pictures!
oh boy
Wuthering Heights, it's about an angry asshole named Heathcliff and he wants to fuck his sister.
Also no. I am a medic, not a geisha. I keep you from dying, if you want to feel good about yourself then put a W on the screen because that is not my job.
Please keep your drama elsewhere.
So can someone add the google doc link with all the /owg/ player back to the OP please?
Junkrat enjoys blowing people up
>Dragon soon
Tracer is CUTE
We need more bad guys
I actually have that on my shelf, guess I could get around to reading it.
>I am a medic, not a geisha.
But Mercy is made for obedience
A cute boy
Alrigth bois, I need your help to solve my dilemma. I have 40 bucks in cards in front of me but I'm not sure I want to buy Overwatch without actually knowing if the game is going to be as active as it was during beta.
I also really want to play the Legacy of the Void campaign and it costs about the same as Overwatch.
Should I pirate LotV and buy Overwatch blind or just wait a couple of months after OW release?
No Chaotic Girls
So do you
This is a question of sanity I suspect, you're aware of fiction and reality, is he?
How active it will be in two months isn't easy to say, but one thing's for sure, it will be ver active at launch.
I read it in high school like 9 years ago so I only remember bits and pieces. Alternatively you could read Franken Fran.
Fairly sure it'll be active enough to warrant a purchase.
Who cares nigga he's still evil
Just like Bastion's automated defense programming makes him chaotic
>tfw only playing Lawfull Good chars
That makes him lawful if anything.
I want a mod that changes the FOV when using the Dragonblade. Can't see shit captain
Junkrat is just an anarchist
Roadhog is a murderer and a terrorist
Blowing people up is murder
While I was playing over the OBT session, my wrist started to hurt a lot recently. What should I do?
Isn't Pharah lawful evil?
Didn't she decimate crowds of civillian protestors in Egypt with her rocket barrage?
do wrist exercises
Nah, it's only murder if you intend to kill them
It's manslaughter if they just happen to be collateral damage
>he's still evil
That's not how good and evil works, having brain problems doesn't make you evil, user
Every Overwatch character is murdering one another. And they all have a ball while doing it.
Overwatch is one of the easiest shooters to get into ever released. Look at Hearthstone, the card game equivalent, its Blizzard's most popular game and still going strong 2 and a half years later.
With 9.7 million open beta players and seeing a largely positive opinion about the game everywhere I looked I seriously doubt this game will have issues for years to come. Matchmaking was still alright 5 months into the closed beta and they only invited like 150 people to that.
Theres a higher chance of Battleborn becoming a good game than Overwatch dying in its first 2-3 years.
>Isn't Pharah lawful evil?
>Didn't she decimate crowds of civillian protestors in Egypt with her rocket barrage?
Official source is required
What is Battleborn's deal anyways?
More FPS territory control?
Do the wrist exercises user, they actually work.
I want to know the rate of heroes coming out for it, is one a month too much? It seems like it would be but maybe I'm wrong.
Hoping for one a month, but that seems unlikely due to balance and the like
One every two months sounds very doable
Every few months we get either one or several heroes at a time seems more likely
Obligatory Battleborn shitpost
Sure, it's manslaughter but you don't call those people manslughterererers. They're called murderers, just like Bruce. Bruce murdered an old woman that day and nobody seems to give a single fuck because it wants to be called a pretend woman now.
>a game that is literally unplayable right now has more viewers than Stillborn
holy fucking lel
in a certain way, he did commit manslaughter
Any recommendations? Should I worry about? Like fix how I hold my mouse or something?
I'll probably never play Battleborn but I admit to liking that intro
Nobody is talking about it but Gigantic was actually pretty fun, was in the beta and had a good time...I'll also probably never play that again though due to Overwatch haha, unless my friends make me play it
they release 3 at a time. I prefer they polish the heroes instead of shitting new one out every month
What's that game like anyway?
I heard it's a moba fps but I don't get it.
I would expect at least 2 in the first 2 months.
Past that im not sure how often we will be seeing new heroes, doing a new hero every month would leave us with a bloated roster very quickly.
how do you hold it?
you might have a weird angle at which you hold your mouse
It's a (bad) MOBA in first person and with guns with Gearbox's signature cancerous "humour".
Fuck. Guilty.
I'm so used to putting my wrist down to rest it on the table as I move my mouse.
The more you know I suppose.
i think my wrist is slightly bent while I use it. I think that's the reason.
PFFT, I've had fun with literally everyone so I don't honestly see that happening. My only disappointment is the lack of a Spy-like hero and the worry we may not get one ever since apparently Genji had cloak and backstab at one point
the only common thing is the art style
That's a disappointment is it?
Google gaming wrist exercises, theres a shiny black man that has a few things you should be doing.
There are some other more wrist oriented exercises, but im having trouble finding them.
jesus christ when was this image made?
Who makes a V shape with their wrist anyways? My arm goes down after hitting the edge of my table, not up.
Reaper's already better than any spy class and he's actually in fights and participating in the game. Cloaks for sneaking classes just encourages people to sit around doing nothing.
Yeah, Spy was my favorite class in TF2.
It and Pyro happened to be the worst in the game, but I still had fun with them in pubs.
I think it happens if you rest your wrist on the table, or the height of the chair to the table is either too high or too low.
Thanks by the way.
Getting a mouse pad with a wrist support cushion works wonders. I'm at a computer most hours of the day and never had any wrist problems.
So you dont understand how having a roster of 50+ heroes could become a problem for this game? I bet you want hero limits and a pick+ban phase too.
Blizzard will push out a couple heroes early on to fill in some gaps, but expect it to nearly stop after we hit 24ish.
>Chaotic Evil
He's a big fat enforcer turned bodyguard. The only reason he's with Junkrat is for the money, which is even more neutral than Junkrat. As well as being the straight man of the duo. He'd be True Neutral if not for the fact that he's a Mad Max too
Symmetra goes in Lawful Evil too
I usually rest my entire arm on my table since I have an L shaped desk.
Dude, Spy was terrible even when it was contributing 100% of the time at even remotely above-average levels of the game. And I say this as someone that one countless games as Spy for my teams
But you have the right line of thinking, cloak character needs to be encouraged to get in and kill people/achieve goals so what you mentioned doesn't happen.
post your top three heroes along with your top skin for each
we'll see who's the one with questionable tastes
>my arm goes down after hitting the edge of the table, not up
Let me explain why this happens to you with a picture.
They said something like ideas for dozens so you're already wrong
And no it's not a problem, the game isn't static and having variations of a role is a good thing.
Mercy gel boob mousemat where?
here's mine:
Can't decide between default, Cobalt, or Valkyrie
Either Security Chief or Anubis.
What about having your entire arm on the table and resting your wrist on the mousepad?
I play shooters like this with my elbow at the edge of my table.
but those aren't good gaming mouse pads, especially for FPS. Needs a way bigger pad.
It depends on the position of your table and the height of your chair
I rest my wrist on the table too but it doesn't matter because that's what keeps my wrist straight
Huntress or Contesse.
How is your right arm so much longer than your left?
Mercy is not that plump.
However, I wouldn't be against it.
What's this /tv/ looking garbage?
What is the best EMOTE and why is it "MARDA, MARDA"/"Sake"?
can't tell gender
Ever heard of arm rests on chairs?
Mine entire arm also rests on the table, but my desk is shaped like this
Why all of Reinhardt attacks/abilities pierce another Reinhardt shield except for his ultimate..Like wtf?
Who the hell is playing all those Simulator games?
Because I was trying to do this quickly
This is how I normally do it. Im basically trying to hug my table when I play games
euro truck simulator? stoners
sims in general? germans
Can confirm, we germans love our simulator games.
1- Mei | Classic/RescueMei
2- Reinhardt | Stonehardt
3- Pharah | Titanium/Jackal/Mechaqueen
4- Mercy | Amber/Cobalt
5- Lucio | The red one
sorry, can't do only 3
> mfw Kristen Stewart