Raid Along: King's Fall
Wednesday, May 18th @ Bungie Twitch
Raid Along: King's Fall
Wednesday, May 18th @ Bungie Twitch
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first for every pucci poster is shit
Anyone wanna farm heroics or something?
What will next week's modifier be, /dg/?
I'm game
yummy yummy daddy's cummies!
this is why I dont post my name at all, because some meme'ing faggot will try to shitpost as me for months at a time until someone new to meme on comes along
>lol they won't notice I samefag!
Princess dilemma I see you
Well you're wrong so...?
>not providing proof
Only strengthens that statement, Farn
You're not that important enough for us to shitpost about you
>tfw no qt ps4 trap to have sit next to me as I play destiny
Y liff
But fucks did shitpost as me a few months ago
Lol dude screenshotting my page is gonna prove anything, I'm not gonna run in a circle for you just to cry inspect element at the end of this. Whether you believe or not is up to you
>tfw no qt rabbit gf
Y yiff?
Fuck off retard.
I want to go back and play Y1 House Wolves Destiny
>rip shit up with a blue suros SCO-43
good god I forgot how nice high RoF SRs felt
DIS-47 preorder (again) when?
You're a big guy.
Ded game ded thread
i hope it's rift again for IB
delet this
Anyone doing anything on PS4?
Gonna farm the Nightfall for Stolen Wills, anyone else want in? 1 spot.
Anyone wanna Court of oryx? Got 4 Antiquated I need to get through.
I'm game
>playing ToO with passive ass snipers
kill me now.
solo it
On your team or the enemy team?
my team.
damn they did really neuter last word, i've barely seen it used since the update
>Passive players
Gross. Aggressive is the only way to go, it made for a fun run on Saturday with you
What have I done
currently playing with two lfg idiots who just scope common ass lanes. doesn't matter if i take out two, they're just scoping some random shit in Africa.
Anyone up for trials?
Holy shit you're alive.
He's been alive.
I'm in, if you've room. I just haven't played in like 5 months, so 310 is as much light as I can pull out
>haven't played in 5 months
>want to play the Sweat of Sweats
Trials still still the most casual.
So I guess regular ass control is sweatier than Trials.
With SBMM? Yeah.
If I can get one more with high light to balance it out sure, but trials really isn't too welcoming.
Then your line of thinking is fucking ass backwards.
Cool, thanks.
Is the challenge of elders a good way to get gear, or is 310 in there just asking for not a good time?
The best way to get to 335 I whould say is hard mode kings fall, as for trials, a 310 can do ok but it will hurt.
Do a raid, the game will try to drop gear that's atleast +5 your current light so your garunteed a boost in level especially since its Oryx CM. Running CoE and farming rank ups with factions is good too
Basically just play the game
Best way to 335 is sharding all your good weapons and armor.
>year two
Oh yea I forgot farming planet materials, that's important too if you want to be the best.
Anyone wants to play some casual Crucible. I'll stream and pop a booster as well.
I'll join since I can't get a trials group.
2/6 for casual Crucible.
Stream is up
>wait until i finish using a rep boost to post too
Sounds fun.
I'm game to join
12 patrol bounties n chill?
I'll have time to thaw out with how long you take
brb telling my wife i wont see her for about a year or so
Noob downloading the game right now. What's the class closest to Boba Fett? Jetpack, rockets, pistols, rifles, good at tracking people down.
Also what class has the best jump? I like getting on top of buildings and nooks to surprise people
Nah man, you can only post that when he posts his name in the thread. Thats how the autism works.
Don't forget about your wife's son jiro
take a wild guess by the names of the classes.
as for jumps either titan or hunter
There aren't a lot of buildings to jump on and snipe from in Destiny.
Pick Hunter. Any class can use any weapon but Hunters are the most "bounty hunter."
the manliest: titan
the edgiest: hunter
the gayest: warlock
just pick titan, it's the best class in the game
You're looking for the Hunter class.
Yeah part of my reservation was the "edge factor". a lot of children like playing the thief/assassin/shadow class
Are you memeing me? Is titan fun? Class balance comes and goes.
Thanks that looks pretty awesome.
All of the classes are fun, they just have different skill sets.
You can make 3 different characters, make one of each.
WTF don't warlocks have some sort of channeled invis yet
Will you stop avatarfagging if I play with you, faggot?
>wanting the most broken class to have invisibility
Fuck off retard
Also Patience and Time gives you invisibility when aiming down scope.
>hunters have shadestep
>titans have twilight garrison
>warlocks have ??????
bungo bias does it again!!!
I am short on time, part of my problem in other games was spreading myself too thin, and I don't want to have to level 3 different characters every expansion and every raid
>my mfw when on my second mass effect playthrough I kilt liaras mother before meeting her so my first words could be "I dusted your mom bitch"
where did bioware go so wong?
>page 7
And they say the division is dead?
Are you actually stupid? P&T is useless lol
See Streams take everyone away from posting the thread.
Oh and this game will never die.
trust me, having three classes isnt hard at all and is needed. With three classes you have three chances of loot compared to just one. and it really does help. also dont listen to some of those guys, warlocks are fun as are all of the classes. And dont forget with the update we got loot coming out the wazzoo, but the problem is it will be like two arm pieces or three class items which is useless but with another class you can transfer the loot to them and infuse their armor to make it better. also muh grimoire
How's this roll? Mulligan and Triple Tap.
nice stats, shit perks. sights?
>3 people in the stream
wew lad
console? pls be xbone
>Mulligan and Triple Tap
>shit perks
Sounds good to me in Pve. Firefly would have been better than Mulligan but it still works.
We could be page 3 if it wasnt for them
sorry, im thinking of a PvP and PvE perspective. I guess it'd be alright for PvE but at least for me I have so many better options like my loop