Ahri is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Ahri is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
I was the one who started the jayce face meme
First for Riot fucking up
I hate/love Ahri.
She's always good, I love her ulti because it's 100% for dueling and skills.
Why can't she have good skins or have a good personality?
what happened to Renegades, do I have to watch the 1hr thooorin video?
What does kitsune milk taste like?
what they did now ?
Welcome to bronze. I honestly think those people need to be reminded to breathe
Why do you think people who say they can't get out of bronze cause elo hell are constantly mocked
If you actually have to put effort into bronze, you're shit.
what's happening?
Classic is TRUE comfy, Snow Day is artificial comfy
aite EUW works again
thanks rito what the fuck even happened
did your DNS server die or some shit?
Post tight female champions.
Pic related
>kogmaws still rushing rage blade
What is elderwood
>not rushing rage blade
>jinx will never sit on your face
How do you lady boys even get out of bed in the afternoon?
the one you go to when you're tired of Classic
Xth for Katarina
best girl
hi guys
give me tips 4 challenger plz
plat 1 atm
Git gud
Pick fizz
Evelynn buffs WHEN
Wow I sure am upset I don't get to feel her boney ass in my face, cutting me up.
That's actually why I never play ranked, I queue in with golds and shit so when they see I'm bronze they (understandably) think I'm braindead retarded so that gives me some kind of edge. It's not like I'd be challenger if I played ranked, at most I'd end the season at high silver which is the "not so but still very much retarded" division so what's the point
xth for being a cucked support to my ADC.
why won't riot release cinematics like blizz does
Eve with
and Nazhors tooth
different PR team
>my support relocked their zekes on the midlaner
s-sorry ;-;
What does that even mean?
They released that cinematic like 2 years ago now and one about 2 years before that so one some time this year maybe?
They did for a while. But I guess these days the game spreads more efficiently through esports and word of mouth than cinematic ads.
High silver/low gold is where you start to see the most basic shred of actual understanding at this game.
Your average silver 1 will kick your average silver 5's ass down the fucking street.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 9 slots left
password is vidya
what qts wanna sell me lewds?? paying in rp
Also from personal experience Silver I is so much better than Gold V. Gold V was the hardest rank to climb out of and it all came down to awful teamwork skills. Never at any other rank do I see people so unwilling to listen to each other in an attempt to win a game.
>pre-rework swain is able to reliably beat zed in lane
>post rework he gets raped by le shadow man of many escapes
Go fuck yourselves Riot, Zed needs fucking counterplay that isn't banning him
>I will never get to arrest jinx and forcibly rehabilitate her in a psych facility until she understands how her actions harm others
>people playing tank fizz
why do you hate everyone around you?
Every V rank is bad especially above gold, it's full of boosted children and faggots who think theyre special because they finally made it.
Me! add me ign: imthem
Do you really think people deserve to have fun?
>Try tank other assassins like tank Kha
>Its super ass
Sad days.
xth for being a little boy that gets taken advantage of by sona
>Win Lane
>Lose game due to another lane being complete shit or forgetting their masteries
>2 games in a row
Kill Me senpai, i don't wanna live anymore
diamond 5
Oh for sure but I think Gold V is the worst, it has that real kind of self importance where you're above the bronzies and the silver, so you think you're hot shit.
Can't wait to get to Dia V and see how horrifying that is
>people playing tank ekko
why do you hate everyone around you?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 9 slots left
password is vidya
just wait until it gets to 6 games in a row like me,aaaaahhhhhhhh
I just want a win.
I just lost because J4 got fed and Morg/Blitz lost to Katarina/Sona
>Play Modern day league
>Every game consists of a bunch of fags picking the highest winrate champions in the game for fucking normal games
>They build and immitate pros
>Spam all chat like queers
And im not aloud to shit talk these pussies in all chat?
I hate how hard riot pushes esports its ruining how fun this game used to be
Fourth time today I've been matchmade against an enemy team 300 MMR higher than me
Please explain how this is in any way fair
thats a cute girl you posted there
really though i'll pay up to $100 per qt
>people with "Hi I'm" or "SKT" in their name
Should be a bannable offence desu
this does not address my frustration
>300 mmr
Wrong game
Your frustrations are justified.
What build on Xin Top? Rageblade into bork? Ghostblade? Cleaver? Full Tank?
who top lane 1 trick here
Plat V is the worst.
It's the the most common boost target, so you have every kind of gutter trash there.
It's plat, so people really start to let it go to their head
On top of that, once you hit plat teamwork starts becoming very important very quickly.
All the people who could solo carry in gold think they can in plat
All the people who climbed purely off mechanics get concentrated in low plat because the average player stops being surprised by a riven flash-w.
It becomes this fetid cesspool of everything wrong with the league playerbase.
this meme triggers me
why do so many people get a shit item thats only good on 2 champs
gunblade into rageblade into tank
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 9 slots left
password is vidya
If you wanna meme get a premade and pick waveclear champs with two splitpushers and have everyone build Zzrot and banner
The spastic Ekko mains don't know what to do when they aren't allowed to chase for 2 minutes unpunished.
you know mmr exists in this game too right
>Plat V is the worst.
god awful elo
I'd say only 2 of the losses were my fault, one for feeding a darius and the other for throwing, the rest were straight up trash teammates and afk
>nobody ever makes those on euw
cant open the client, anyone else here too?
literally had one earlier today faggot
you dont think xin is one of those two champs?
What champions would be good with gunblade that don't already build it?
Plat V is the perfect storm of everything wrong with ranked
I enjoy it though because top laners in plat try to kill you 24/7 and actually shut down if they don't get 3 kills in 10 minutes
is lulu fun
How would
Go? it's not maxed cdr rush, but the zz'rot would give warwick the extra map pressure while his slow ass walks around and forced the enemy team to break up more, which is where his ult shines the most.
>I enjoy it though because top laners in plat try to kill you 24/7
kek I main irelia and that's basically me
I need to get fed in lane or I just stop caring, when I lose lane I just go on my silver account and absolutely stomp to feel better/get that thrill of being 5/0 in 10 mins
no lol
standard lane bully
win lane lose lane
kog? all of his abilities scale with ap
Not a bad entry. There's a lot of options for that comp
It's my favorite anti meta strategy because as they realize they're losing objectives, they'll have a meltdown and actually start extending further for kills, because all they know how to do is spam buttons until they get a kill.
Modern league players are robots, change one thing and they sputter and break.
and you know that it's hidden.
and also that site estimates are pretty bad.
it was better when the api used to show average team mmr, but now it literally shows nothing, and sites just spit out a random number based on whatever criteria they want (ranked tier/div, prior mmr, literally anything)
Xth for Vlad is a cute.
I'm not gonna say wait for Korea.
But refrain from final judgement until a certain country on the west coast of the Japanese sea interferes.
I'm trying to find ways to make warwick work more. It's what I was thinking about last night, He's just so damn comfy to jungle.
Despite lore, Janna desserve more love
I've been wanting to play Irelia in ranked but my team is always some shit like kha/soraka/lucian/Azir and we need more raw beef so I pick maokai or something like that.
Mao is great because you just stack defense against the guy and eventually reach the point where you heal more than they can damage.
Plat top laners get so anally devastated at the concept that they can't kill someone
shyvanabros ww@?
bloodrazer sucks dick on her, even bloodrazer -> bork sucks because of how squishy it leaves her
I've been trying out cinderhulk -> bork -> tank and it's not too bad, might do that with fervor instead of sota to see the difference
xth for Cute Vi
Cute Ahri Edition
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
You can make almost all champs fit in that comp. You have the right idea, there wasn't much more to tell you.
At some point I'm gonna get my friends to do a 5 man Zzrot rush bruiser comp or some meme like that.
Maybe 4 bruisers and an ohmwrecker bard.
Towers? What towers?
WW really needs wits end for MR if you want to kill people, and SV is pretty nice for a second. ZZrot could be a third of the enemy team is mostly AP, but it would hurt your 1v1 taking it over the other 2 first.
play her in ranked if you're good on her, she's in a good spot right now, in fact I'd say she's freelo atm
triforce -> fh/spirit visage -> bork/maw -> more tank is more than enough
I find she does really well against tanks even now that rageblade has been changed. Maokai is ez lane for irelia though.
I will sincerely vote for Trump if he would region lock China out of US-based online gaming
Probably gonna get this account banned because I responded "go back to Garena please" because that's racist and toxic :^)
>they don't know
6 games more and I think I'm ready to give him a try.
Dont forget Kindred to ult under towers, Pantheon, and I guess Diana or something (her passive applies bonus damage to turrets)
and last would be Nasus, obviously.
>Nasus top
>Panth Jungle
>Diana mid
>Bard/Kindred bot
How well would that work? Panth, nasus, and Bard all get Ruby sight stones of course for dat sexy HP and 10% more ZZrotting
I bet you had like 3/1 and felt proud of yourself
How to illaoi? People are fucking dancing around me while I try to hit them with my slow ass animations
Cinderhulk->Zz'rot one lane push other lane.
Literally cant go wrong with that buildup. Provides tank, increases your gold generation, puts pressure on the map, increases your splitpushing prowess etc.
But when my team is ebin assassins and soraka and they're all constantly hornier than an unneutered dog for kills I don't ever get time or room to play a carry top laner.
If I pick someone who isn't our engage, zed or vayne will inevitably try to take the job.
It's much easier to just pick tanks, ignore my lane opponent, and tell my team
>we are fighting NOW. Get in here
Lulu is fun af and I love all her skins, even though I have none. I opened a chest a couple days ago and when I saw "dragon trainer" I was hype as fuck. Too bad it was just Tristana, still unlocked it tho