League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sivir is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

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Wtf my game just ended randomly? I have internet connection and my client crashed then when I tried to reconnect it said the game had ended?

There never was a game, the game you think happened did not happen. Move on with your life.

Snuggliest pair!

xth for kat a cutest

when will they finally give lucian the buffs he deserves?

Isn't this a bit excessive?

>needing buffs

he already dominates botlane and has a fucking 40% play rate


>play cait
>go 13-0 first time ever
>think i was just lucky
>go 12-0 again
>try again
>go 15-0

is cait really good or did i just get really lucky

no opinion

lucian is pretty balanced imo

i feel like he's pretty short range in a meta that worships cait and tristana however

she's pretty strong, having a fuckton of range and being right click: the champion will never be bad

Post Poppy
Play Poppy
Vote Poppy
Love Poppy

She was only a few points from elimination yesterday so she's going to need all the help she can get to keep going for the rest of this week.

If you were one of the unfortunate Tristana voters who got fucked by the negavote squad, switching to the other yordle now.

>Lucian's biggest rival and enemy is a jailer

who has the best voice and why is it metal bug

>Use Taric's ult
>it triggers after my 2 carries already got deleted
nice game lolbabbs

>Team throws the game because they want to chase ga renekton instead of coming mid and ending the match
>Enemy team respawns
>Takes baron and elder

>After several months of Lucian being the only viable ADC Riot makes up their mind to nerf him into the trash can along with every other ADC
What the fuck does Riot have against this role? Tanks can run around 1v5ing and mids can 100-0 people from lv6 onward but they have an unspoken law to make ADC weaker than fucking support. I don't get it.

Make a new thread already.

>Lucian has a 40% pickrate nearly the entire season
>other champs have had sub 1% pickrate for consecutive seasons
Explain this, lolbabs. No trolling here, but legitimately curious. I think this says a lot about the state of your game.

How much farm am I supposed to have when I play Nunu?

At what point do I stop bullying Jax and the enemy laners and farm my jungle?

> only viable adc
I love this meme

>AD babs this delusional

I miss when Malzas E could actually kill a minion on its own.

>switching to the other
meant to say "consider switching"
obviously you don't have to
but I'd appreciate it.

Its like Thunderlord

Instead of "Hey all the other adc are in a bad spot, lets buff them a little"

They decide to go "So who is the ADC cancer of this patch to gutt him to dead !?"

riot gets hard when ADCs have no choice but to pick caitlyn and ezreal and be nowhere near a team fight and siege the entire game


Yeah, that's why he's not in literally every single game I've played in the past ~5 months. I bet you're the shitters that call Quinn and Graves ADCs.

A win is a win if us ask me

The armor pen build is the go to thing on him these days right?

What's the build on trist right now?

>Thinks that's the reason he's delusional
>He thinks the role still with the most support throughout the entire match is weak

>That Soraka build

lmao wtf

Oh I love this meme, it points out your ignorance of the role so quickly. You don't just have one person protecting you, you have 2 people trying to murder you instead of 1. It goes the other way too monkey.

>Building ZzRot
>Into Susan


Anyone play Tailyah on pbe yet? Is she any fun?

Why are Shurima champions so much fun.

Enemy adc also has 2 people trying to kill them
Your team also has these mid lanes and tanks that can do X
That's why it's a team game and not "adc" game.
Play with your team fucko.

Why cant they just add in an armor item that gives damage, or attack speed, or anything ADCs use. Preferably something like attack speed or crit so assassins cant make very good use of it. Bruisers get Maw, they get Steraks, all the tank items, hp and mana items - it just seems ridiculous how much they get. ADCs seem to have just been designed purely for damage without any type of survivability unless theyre long ranged or have escapes, why cant we have both?



>Shuriman champions other than Xerath or Skarner

>shurima champions

you enjoy pressing one button

Who's a champion you wish you were good at but that you cannot play for whatever reason?

>be fiddle
>2-3 levels up on the enemy team
>deal most damage on team
>still lose because my team is garbo

and 3/4 of my team mates spoke spanish all game

gotta love euw!


You have no idea how hard you're contradicting yourself and then you talk about something entirely off topic. Now I remember why I don't bother arguing with silver monkeys on here.

All of them.

>Enemy team has Amumu,Malphite,and Amumu
>We have Udyr and Singed

I wish Riot would force people to watch a video explaining the ways you can win game outside of lane THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE GROUPING MID LIKE FUCKING SHEEP

>watch pros play TF vs assassins and solo kill them
>I play him and feed my ass off

>snappy race car of backline disruption
>not fun

>Try to splitpush
>Even post in chat that's what you're doing
>Team still engages fights instead of defending a tower and baiting them in

Every time

I want to vape with Lissandra

Just practice more. Nearly all of his matchups are skill based.

He has no hard counters.


I meant

Amumu,Malphite,braum and Yasuo fuck.


Mostly for the csing with autos


Everytime in the loading screen i got a hard one for her


Asking again from the other thread.

What's your League playlist right now anons?



>poes law the game
>nothing you do works
>enemy team always gets away with sub 10% HP
>all dives fail no matter what
>enemy team seems to be literally invincible and uncatchable

Holy fucking shit, talk about tilting my ass off

>What's your League playlist right now anons?

I haven't played game of league since March of 2014

Thanks for sharing user I bet you feel all special now! Look here's a (you)

>waifu so ugly you post something else

Classic Lissandra-fag

>people still think Zed is ban worthy

Mostly just characters that give me an erection. Elise, Cassiopeia, Riven, Zyra Mid (haven't played her in a normal since the rework though, I should), Riven (hate her kit anyway I just want to fuck her), Syndra, etcetera.


>Zed baboons

Been playing a lot of normal games where no one bans Zed.
And of course someone ends up picking him anyways.

Get Zhonya's or burst Zed before he can build the damage on his ult enough to kill you.


Mostly rap and some modern day stuff you hear on the radio, one weeb song, a little bit of rock, and some stuff I hear on videogames


I was just triggering you kogfag

lucian has been the best and most picked AD for the last 12 patches

will this joke go on much longer or will riot EVER meaningfully nerf him

Someone make a vg vs vg so I cant watch autists fight.


Yes my farm was horrid but I did the most damage.

Depending on the nerfs he'll probably be the most picked for the next 12 patches. THERES NO OTHER FUCKING GOOD ADCS. Every other ADC is seriously lacking one way or another. The whole "Having strengths and weaknesses" thing doesn't work in League when you have shit like tops and mids that have EVERYTHING.

Lucian is fucking broken and has pretty much no weakness to the point where he completely overshadows the other ADCs. He needs to be gutted.

I'm with you bro. Been waiting here for real zed nerfs....maybe the lucian nerfs will come too.

>both teams hover around mid for literally 5 minutes
>ping them to leave
>they don't
>walk off for 2 seconds
This was my experience in Silver 2 years ago. Its basically a game of chicken.

Same thing for Thresh, been unbeatable since his release pretty much. Riot trying so hard to force their Thresh Lucian meme.

I'm wondering, how hard is Syndra overall and in terms of handling her balls? Do I handle her balls with care and precision the same way I handle GP's barrels(which I'm pretty fucking terrible at) or what?
Thinking of getting her.


>team gets trashed in fights
>one asshole keeps splitpushing instead of helping out

uh lolbabs?

Don't get into teamfights and let him split push.
objectives > kills

Zed, Lucian
I literally cannot play those champions no matter what

>implying most top and mid laners have ranged sustain damage
>implying any of them could melt tanks in seconds like an ADC could with crit

Lucian hits a mid game power spike unlike other ADCs, which means in this more fast paced meta, he shines much more than the other ADCs.
Every champ has weaknesses, don't say that they don't.

well, he's a lane bully with a lot of mobility and burst.

perfect for shitting on soloq

>that unironically bronze guy who your friends keep trying to force into games
>keeps putting us against better more coordinated premades

Thresh isn't broken, Whats there to nerf? Alistar is the most broken support right now.

As someone who loves the splitpushing playstyle. It's amazing how many either can't comprehend how or flat out refuse to play around the fact that you have a splitpusher.

>implying most top and mid laners have ranged sustain damage

What does "ranged sustain damage" mean that mids don't have them or tops like Ryze? And what does it matter if ADCs blow up like pinatas in less than 3 seconds?

hes a lanebully with the best mobility out of any AD carry, safety in spades, waveclear, burst, sustained damage, good scaling, strongest midgame spike among others

he's basically the perfect AD carry in the same way Azir is the perfect mage. the only way for them to not be the best possible pick under all scenarios is for them to be underpowered by sheer power of numbers because their kits have no weaknesses


He really doesn't though. He's squishy, like every other ADC, but has spammable dashes once early game is over, doesn't need to build AS if he builds CDR. His only weak point is a slightly underwhelming ult.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA
password is vidya
all levels and ranks welcome to indulge their masochism

>not charming his ass as soon as he ults you
another reason to play Ahri

>tfw i don't play Zed nor have interest in it
>tfw i actually think Zed isn't this op
>tfw i think he is actually close to balance
>tfw noone ever will agree with me

You realize they literally nerfed every single one of their items to release ER, which most of them can't even build?

seven slots now remain

>implying they haven't nerfed him before
>implying nerfs will help
He's broken solely because of his passive and just like Kalista there is no way to balance his passive.

Ryze is an extremely special case and Riot is reworking him again, that argument is invalid.

Late game fights are literally protect the ADC or you will lose the fight. Mid laners can not deal with tanks because tanks stack health. And top laners can not because they lack overall damage to get through resistances.

Give me an example of someone with ranged sustain damage that goes top and mid who isn't Ryze, Who actually is quite short range.

She's actually broken as fuck like Azir but people just don't realize it yet.