Trashmouse Edition
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
>Convert source mouse sensitivity
>Dragons Animated Short
Previous Thread:
Trashmouse Edition
>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
>Convert source mouse sensitivity
>Dragons Animated Short
Previous Thread:
ded game
I don't even want to be here
1st for superior australian waifu
is yuyushiki allowed in this general
I think you posted in the wrong thread
Here's the right one, user
overwatch will die because it won't pull any people from the CS:GO crowd, and the tf2 crowd that are playing it now will migrate back to the skill based game.
Blizzdrones are all that will sustain this game, and barely so.
xth for Where the FUCK is Genji's gray fox skin?
76 for Best Squad Daddy
Jokes on you I have literally quit CS and will devote my time to Overwatch.
>All those views and likes on the dragons video
has blizzard finally made a good game again?
get fukd m8
I just want to play this game holy fuck
Genji's single dragon is bigger than Hanzo's two
Ah, thanks user, knew I posted in the wrong thread!
>no retarded trading economy where virtual pixels are worth hundreds of dollars
lmao ded gaem
Has there been an actual explanation on why widow is blue?
i had more fun playing overwatch than i ever did playing csgo desu
the best thing is that it costs money so that means no retarded russians
pure edge runs through her veins
when's it coming out shill?
fuckign tell me
post webms
very slow heartrate so she's a better sniper
you'll be back in 3 months blizzdrone.
>not wanting to acquire the virtual pixels through smart trading and then sell them for real money
Don't lie to yourself user. Have you already forgotten how much funyou had?
What Overwatch feels do you miss the most /owg/?
>Instalock Pharah
>Carrying round hard
>Pubbie notices and switches to Mercy to pocket me
>Win round, finish with 4 gold medals
>Most of enemy team leaves
>Game has to be remade as they all left
>New game instance
>Pubbie is in the new game, on my team
>Doesn't even hesitate to insta-lock Mercy
>mfw I've made a new healslut know her place
I can't wait for next week, I need this again
Very slow heartbeat so her breathing doesn't interrupt her aim.
Daily Reminder that Mei sounds like an idiot when she has her Chinese spasms.
Who is best girl, and why is it her ?
Yes. It's dumb.
>people just miss the main character a shitton
this is why dragons will have the best fights, the weapons don't make the fights look like everyone is just really innacurate
>and the tf2 crowd that are playing it now will migrate back to the skill based game.
yeah, all 20 players
Talon raped her so hard her heart gave out, since less blood is flowing under her skin it turns blue
the yuyus are not for lewding!
the entire time I was playing junkrat in the beta, I kept wishing I had a sticky launcher and better pipes.
That being said, tracer, gengi, symmetra, and pudge were fun.
Her heart rate is slowed, so her skin doesn't get enough blood. If you want to know why her heart rate is slowed, it's to help her be a better sniper. Snipers are trained to shoot between heartbeats to be as accurate as possible. If her heart rate is slowed, she has a longer window of time to take her shot.
cold hearted french bitch
It seems they struck the diversity right on this one
because shes in a wheelchair now
>there are more people on tumblr than there are on /owg/ that argue mei is skinny and if you draw her fat you're projecting
well I guess it's too much to assume tumblr would actually play the fuckin video game
It's in her bio. Talon experimented on her in ways that fucked with her metabolism and physiology.
>He thinks he's a merchant selling CS skins
>tfw you have fun being a healslut
But if you slow her heartrate you'll get one extremely slow and lazy lady.
There's official art of her without her coat. Why is there any disagreement?
>Going to tumblr
I mean, I don't know what you expected
cause you can look at her literally fat ass in game
So she can't run ?
Oh there's Reaper and Hanzo and Reinhardt and Genji
There's Junkrat and 76 and some Reinhardt maybe
But do you recall?
The greatest husbando of all??
Jesse McCree! He's hot hot HOT, and he's crushing Battleborn hopes and dreams every day at about 11:59. This smooth southerner is everything the ladies dream of. Do you want to know more? Of course you do! Here are five facts about Jesse McCree!
1. McCree is deadly with his aim!
2. He never misses a shot!
3. He's shot straight into my heart!
2. I love him!
I always pick S:76 when my team needs a healer.
Because fuck Mercy, that's why
Any streams or youtube channels worth watching? This withdrawal is killing me.
It's like you don't know how clothes work.
i take back my earlier statement
seagull is pretty good
I enjoy ster but a lot of people don't
>When someone thanks you for the heals on S76
But I'm not healing you
I'm healing myself
That's dumb
Those lists are one of the greatest memes.
By the way,what are your favorite over watch memes
My bet is on HIGH NOON
o i am laffin
its a proven fact from official artwork that mei is thin with busty boobs and child bearing hips
It's ok sweetie, don't fight it. just get on your knees and accept it instead
CSGO costs money as well????
Because it looks like he doesn't actually enjoy the game and wants to go back to tf2 but weak to money
Choose one to balance the game:
-Most heroes get a health boost
-Most heroes get a speed boost
Yeah but I like winning.
90% of TF2s population and 60% of CSGOs population don't even play the game
They are solely, entirely in it for the economy
Now does that mean Overwatch is gonna be a super popular streaming game that will compete with CSGO? No, of course not, but I personally think that's a positive way above a negative
Fuck Esports, play the damn game, that's what I say
High noon is my favorite maymay!
Fuck I forgot Roadhog in the song, but it all pales to McCree
Game is dead, close everything
>Most heroes get a health boost
Welcome to the club.
Enjoy your fantasies about being surrounded by thankful cocks.
why do the pharah posters insist on being masculine when theyre playing a female
even the zarya posters are more feminine
I just get the impression he gets gradually pissed off streaming 8 hours a day for like a week
how about designing maps around every character's mobility
>tfw a cinema airing the opening event 1 mile away from my house
>tfw have nobody to go with as I'm an immigrant and only talk with friends back in the homecountry
What color are her nipples is the real question.
>On mild tilt, end up on Gibraltar and decide to pick Bastion
>Complain to friendd that deep down I know I'm wasting my time because Bastion is shit and hard to have a real impact with
>End up stomping the enemy team so hard that they cycle through about 9 different players and I get PotG for going tank mode and bombing them while they're in spawn.
>overwatch won't pull any people from the CS:GO crowd, and the tf2 crowd
This is a good thing.