League of Legends General - /lolg/

Irelia is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

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first for Singed

xth for kat a best

1st for bronze


xth for kys

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

Claim your husbando.

Fuck man, i wanted to find a good pic of Irelia but i had to use the first one i got because Pbe

Never again

>tfw tyler1 will never be back

Xth for Leona

>He thinks drawing fanservice isn't fun




>Gnar gets another skin after merely 2 months
>Mundo gets his 9th (!) skin
>meanwhile still nothing for Cass after 1194 days

Sona and Ari are friends!

Sona helps Ahri with her homework because Sona is smart, and Ahri helps Sona be more social since Ahri is popular and Sona is shy.

>lucian still hasn't been buffed


xth for champions being radical instead of waifu bait

>Gnar gets another skin
>okay cool
>it's another fucking joke skin when all of his other skins are fucking joke skins
>not something unique or fitting, like Tribal, Prehistoric or maybe even Void
>mfw another meme skin line when we just had fucking Super Galaxy given to completely unfitting champs like Shyvana and Kindred

I want this meme shit to end.

We posting Irelia?

Yep. Do your worst.


ez swainbro

If you've been reading carefully, you'd know Riot doesn't give 2 shits about women.

>God tier 750 Gnar skin
Thank you Riot Sheckleberg
Don't worry cassbuffs, she'll get a skin after she's gonna get properly buffed

>no blood moon jhin


>actually posting bait

What skin is it?

i said skin buying, not largest skind buying, the thing is if you want to sell something you try to make sure someone'll will 100% positively buy it, so it doesn't matter if it's 1 out of 10, if you're 100% sure that that 1 will buy it it's still more profitable than trying to sell something that you're not sure about how the public will react since yeah, they may be 1/10, but they're not the only one who'll buy it

i'm in a hurry and my english is shit but i think you can get what i'm tryin to say

>Tribal Gnar
>Prehistoric Gnar

Where the fuck is your imagination? That's what his default character is, smarty

Every time you post they extend the Cass skin project by a week

I hope she gets into this year's Pool Party line up. Would be kind of neat to see them turn her poison into little pools of water or w/e

>tfw Karthus stealth buffs are real
>tfw 6.10 will get him to serious-tier

Lucha skin

The rain mang is fucking rip dude

Where the FUCK are the patch notes riot

>lowest AA range of all marksmen
>damage falls off late game
>needs to use his mobility offensively thanks to shit range

>Tribal, Prehistoric
So you mean base Gnar?

Oh, trust me, I know. They don't care about the women who actually play their game, they just want to placate the screaming cunts who like to complain. I don't understand this because I can guarantee you these aren't people who spend their money on this game.

League of Legends.

>Riot doesn't give 2 shits about women.

This desu

They want to be transprogressive by destroying all signs of feminine beauty (since it triggers trans women) and attractive men (since those are clearly meant to be insensitive jokes that induce gay panic)

What are some mechanically simple champions for top and jungle?

I have a few for mid lane but I need some for top and jungle.

I already have nunu for jungle and Ryze for top lane.

I know Garen is top too.

But who else should I play?

I'm talking Annie simple.

Fine, Aztec Gnar with fancy azul and gold jewelry and a tribal headress.

And then his rage form is some quetzalcoatl-inspired beast.

Something like that.

>implying we won't get some meme shit like arcade Jhin first

Doesn't matter, the average lol meme lord can't play karthus

You can actually cast a spell and have it not do anything because it missed. No baby forgiving mechanics for all the spastic kids.

Also even when he's OP he's not good at killing his opponent except for the early cheese and most league players think that if someone tells them it's op, they can get 5 kills in lane for free.

Xin Zhao

just do this

>no arclight jhin

screencap this:
gnar will get another new skin in 5 months

it'll be another joke skin

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Sounds redundant, you'll need to be more specific here,

Literally his basic skin, you won't get much with this theme, it would be like "Fire Brand" or "Ice Lissandra".

I don't think this will come anytime soon because Fizz and Illaoi already got one.

they don't have to play the game, they'd rather just poison the minds of the dev team. To them a gender traitor like you is actually worse than shitlord male.

Is Xin Zhao good at defending himself from early invades?

I had trouble as Nunu against a Kindred.

Susan too? Got it.

Thanks anons.

Tank warwick jungle

Jhinbro, but meme skins are fun.
>Not wanting mini boss Jhin
Poor taste

That is physically impossible as lulu's body does not contain a large enough quantity of water nor does it have a large enough volume for you to be fully submerged

>people time nasus Q's to music
>bazillions of views and a possible community that he can make bank off of
>for something so fucking dumb

end me.

>implying we won't get some meme shit like arcade Jhin first

They've already mentioned it and that scares the shit out of me. Blood Moon Jhin would print money, but I guess money is one of Riot's crippling fears.

Arclight Jhin would be amazing. See above for reasons why this won't happen.

They've told me this themselves, don't worry.

Sure, this is an Irelia Thread


I don't really play jungle so I'm not too sure how well he does against kindred

>he keeps posting bait
man you must be bored
get a new hobby


>Disciples of the cult devoted to Rammus demonstrate their unwavering faith in a yearly ceremony by imitating his famous roll and somersaulting through the city in droves.

Oh I'm laffin












Where are you guys getting skin info from?????

>Irelia in a short skirt
hnnnnnnnnnnnngg thank you based sir

>could of had Elderwood Kindred
>instead get a shit skin that doesn't fit their theme in the slightest

I believe you. My sister shared with me an article the other day about how women being attracted to men was a social construct and a tool of the patriarchy. She was laughing at it, but the person who sent it to her was 100% serious.

better than 99% of the other league videos

I like it.

Just wait. She's a waifu that can make plays she'll get lots of skins.

Yare yare daze.

>meme lore

wew thanks riot

I'm waiting for esports and I work a nightshift

>Goofy character gets goofy skins
>Wants a tribal or prehistoric skin for Gnar
You are one unimaginative, pessimistic motherfucker. No wonder you obsess over Jhin so much.

That's actually pretty cool in a bizarre way.

All this wasted potential.

>Elderwood Gnar
>Marauder/Warden Gnar
>Mecha Gnar
>Infernal Gnar
>Void Bringer Gnar

Memeskins are fun one in a while until a champion's entire skin pool is nothing but meme skins. Which is what Gnar's issue is.

Sure buddy, what Thread should be next !?

I'm between Ashe or Kindred so far

>its muh promo
>plays like complete shit for 40 minutes

>tfw you love your waifu and you win a lot with her
Who /happy/ here?

>sexual attraction is a tool of a patriarchy

The fuck are animals doing then? Or are birds and rats also controlled by the white dudes?

please at least tell me that bull crap wasn't in a scientific journal

>ap jungle
>baby ludin's echoes!
>AS jungle
>baby %health based damage!
>HP jungle
>baby sunfire cape aura!
>AD jungle
>baby pic related

return of carry junglers? will we ever get this?

how much/10 do you want this? because I want this

It's odd how a lot of you guys want more serious skins rather than "meme" skins, and whenever I check up on Smite, Hi-Rez literally can't go a day without making some sort of ridiculous, wacky skin they probably pulled from some random, effortless community idea on reddit or their forums or something.

Not that I mind these wrestle skins all that much, but I prefer the "serious" skins also. Just an observation

>Blood Moon Jhin would print money, but I guess money is one of Riot's crippling fears.
Holy shit I cannot think of a more boring skin for Jhin. We just got even more of those uninspired "paint particles red, throw a mask on them" skins and yiu want a cool new champ to get another? Fuck off dude

So with the Amumu and Rammus Lore it looks like "throw a bunch of random myths and rumors on a pile" is their new go to for hard to define champs.

I really hope they don't do this for Evelynn when they finally get to her. I'd really like for them to decide what she is.

I really feel for guys right now, trust me. I have a little brother who's gonna have to put up with shit like that from these brainwashed idiots pretty soon. Men and women can't see each other as the enemy, you know? It doesn't do either of us any good.

I love this, I wish they had done this instead. I hate that Galaxy skin, Lamb looks so fucking bulky and awkward.

you only win because the jungler is too retarded to gank bot, dont think sona is good at anything




Of course not

Science is a tool of the patriarchy too

I prefer kindred because that tight lamb pussy but more irelia would be best

Can I use Caitlyn's Q while E backdash?

nice desu

>the rumors say evelyn is an ancient slut, her cult followers walk around with their dicks out to see if she appears and sucks them while invisible

Can someone explain why G2 wasn't playing in the bracket stage at msi?

Gnar is literally a goofy character, I don't think serious skins would fit him.

>the climb with galio

100% winrate for me thus far, his kits just broken with new cata.

desu I feel like if this shit is gonna stop it's gotta come from both sides. Speak out and demand actual equal treatment rather than this no fun allowed garbage. I'll be right there with you.

because they took a vacation and became G2-8.

This is why you just always ban kindred. Problem solved

Taliyah Spotlight is out



what have you done?

