League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush qt who lactates ice cream!
>tfw you will never pour cesar dressing over Zyra and eat her
>tfw you will never crush Elise with your boot

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first for olev

Lissandra looks silly as fuck with that hat but she sure is fun to play.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

xth for rumble


xth for the bird fun sucker gutted

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums IS LIVE ON NA


I want to give Megpoid Gumi a hot, warm facial!

>q roots at 700 ap


>Bunch of literal whos

A chest finally! Let's see what's inside...


Ward skin

Malzahar is not beautiful, should never be and WILL NEVER BE. Keep it in your fucking vaginas, you inbreds.

>squeeze wiggums not on blitz

>wall duration lowered to 2 second from 5/6/7 seconds
>do not gain movement speed from moving through the wall

where were you when riot decided to kill azir?

xth for Wits End buff = buffing Warwick.

Who AWOO here?


Fuck that stupid fucking bird.

Could've been worse..

>Hecarim indirectly nerfed two patches in a row

wew lads. Riot really hates this champion

who cares about azir
they made ryze good then made him useless again

whats the point of buffing a champion when you're just going to take it all away one patch later

>Attack speed on hit reworked jungle item
>Buff on wits end

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

is shit

xth for best girl!
now with proper turn tech on her tails!
now they only need to fix her tails coming out of random points around her butt

is it possible for malazhar and warwick to ult each other at the same time?


>they made ryze good then made him useless again

I hope you're not actually still playing him top


>spams Lissandra OPs
>doesn't even play her for the contest

You refering to the TF changes as a nerf? Also Ghost got buffed, it gives 40% MS on lvl 18, that should help him out a bit.

in the blog post where they discussed these changes they said there would be diminishing returns

Anyone with a working brain could have told you Warwick was going to get remade at some point, dumbass

Yeah but dare i queston why

Lulu in swimming, want I go to?


I do though


wew lad riot are finally making TF good for Irelia again

does anyone have that "i will change your experience of yasuo" crop? could you please post it?

>I feel your tribe sleeping below the earth.

I noticed swain's Q doesn't get tribute gold from spellthief's edge, wonder if they fixed that

also riot girl trist's new splash is fucking GOAT holy shit

what did I do to deserve this

?htiw neam uoy t'nod


This patch it's the loss of early movespeed with zeal into TF. Last patch it was the removal of alacrity.

Also, I'm not taking ghost + smite over flash + smite.

He's been on reworking hell almost as long as Taric, is not a question of "if" but "when"
>That unnecesary hostility
Someone got anger issues

You know what's going in her, don't you?

Looks pretty gay

The he'll was wrong with your mao?

i know its perfect

I really like this post.

>not wanting to be a luchador


you're gay

WW is officially on the list of reworks user

It's not a secret

A real american

>get a 3-4 man premade in my gold promos
>they speak spanish in all chat and feed their lanes

thanks lyte

And Taric eventually came out. "Smelling a rework" for Warwick is the same as telling me you breathe involuntarily.

I dunno he was premade with Yasuo and switched lanes
but they both fed anyway

How's ready for some big lcs plays with highlights and shit !?


It looks fucking retarded.

Wasnt she canon 16??

It still isn't better than rushing SV for MR

>calling the game shit
>play it for hours on end every day

If you do this you have very legitimate brain problems.

>be adc
>feed my ass off
>focus on farming
>get money for items
>start playing safe in teamfights and getting kills
>eventually reach the point where we just have to wait for the enemy team to make a mistake and throw the game
>they do
>mfw i went from 1/7 to 17/16
My god, a fed Kog'Maw is absolutely terrifying to play against. Thank god Lux could deal with him from afar.

it's cute.
I LOVE CUTE things.


Pastrytime is a NA caster.

I want to fuck luchador Mega Gnar

It's his worst skin so far. Gentleman is better than this steaming hot turd.

The only man with taste in here

>calling the game shit
>play it for hours on end every day
This could be applied to every single general, its the collective selfhatred and fustration putting the blame on the game

It's always a Yasuo.


Well probably yes. Still nice for more aggressive builds though, or against stacked magic teams

>implying I don't try and force myself to play at least one match a day because of sunk cost fallacy
>implying this game isn't shit

>based, Quas, non-TSM Santorin, GBM and Kiwi on the same team

Name one reason why you wouldn't cheer for this team in the upcoming season

>New lore for Rammus
>its a 1000 word essay that can be summed up to "The fuck is rammus?"

not always
sometimes it's

Well it ALSO states that's he's benevolent but an ass.

>My god, a fed Kog'Maw is absolutely terrifying to play against
Yeah, I've supported a few that fed their asses off but melted everyone once they finished their rage blade.

It's disgusting lmao.

But you can take advantage of his shitty laning phase by just murdering him as soon he steps foot in lane.

If he spends more time dead than he does farming he's not carrying anything.

What a fucking retard lol.

because they're all literal shitters

>watching #LoLEsports

nah family

>Meanwhile at the Lore department
>We need to write an essay about Rammus
>The fuck is rammus?

>more GP nerfs on PBE


How come Amumu doesn't see any play? His ult is so fucking strong, I don't get why no one wants to play him. He's sitting on a 54% winrate aswell


>...An elderly mason was inspired by a profound, yet brief conversation with Rammus...


>sinking enough money into a game you very easily ended up hating in the grand scheme of things for there to be a sunk cost fallacy to begin with

Nice going, inbred

>they made ryze good and then made him useless again
>they made azir good and then made him useless again


why does riot keep churning out these shitty fucking skins

no one asked for mundo or gnar skins

no one plays these shitty champs

retarded mana costs, ult on an insane cooldown, relies on a thin skillshot for initiation, gets invaded to shit, is a worse version of sejuani

I've probably been playing this game longer than you have, newfag gaynigger.

He's boring as fuck to play.


Because he's super vulnerable to invades and he only works well against uncoordinated teams.


>read taliyah's lore story

who writes this dribble?

>theres an annie bug that sometimes allows tibbers to deal no damage or stun on cast


Why doesn't riot make long cinematics anymore?

The longest one that recently happened was the project one
If blizzard can do it why can't the billion dollar indie company?

>jumping into the middle of the enemy team and snaring them so your team can ace them
>not fun

What champions do you find fun, user?