/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

Official Genetics Edition
/wpsg/ guilds:

- Theatre of Dreams, Horde 2x

- Atlantiss, Alliance 1x

>Where can I get game clients?

>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.

Previous thread: 142391951

P.S. Tyrannus btfo

Other urls found in this thread:


BTFO Tyrranis

What happened?

Does ToD have an RDF?

Yes it does. You can have 4x and RDF if both people vote.

previous thread

excalibur doesnt have dual spec does it?

nah, dual spec came during Wrath

i thought it was in the pre-patch to wrath no?

1. He's losing it really. Acts like he doesn't wanna be back in despite begging Cobe to be let back in. Cobe posted the chat logs because he got tired of seeing him be delusional in the thread. This pushed him over the edge.

2. Claims his guild """survived""" an """attack""" when all it was, was some shitbirds kicking everyone in the guild out of boredom for shitposting material and then /gleave.

3. His guild can't clear Kara at all, you can pug and progress further than it. Not to mention he has normies in the guild, typical Tyrranis guild leading.

>Pillar men not in the OP
>Pillar men are the OP
holy kek

If you're playing on Vengeance WoW, and just enjoy shit talking and trolling hit up


(thats our old guild recruitment on Nost)

msg Samsta, Deedlenick, Flashpoint for an invite.

We're at 19 people so far, we're all gearing up right now but all we live for is causing drama and shitting on people.

Must be a screenshot from ages ago when wpsg played on a tbc server. dead guild.



fuck off with your normie guild on that shit server

source on song?

>pic that could have been taken years ago when the guild was alive

Even then, I bet there were normies in there.

Rather join


Poor Shuya. Shuya deserves better.

>pussy slayer
you got me


If you were horde (since an orc whispered you) and he was alliance, how was he killing lows in honor hold?

That picture was from literally minutes ago. Why are you so mad?

What's the freshest meme server around?

It's from 4.2 or something

meh i didnt want to correct the error with a reply so i just deleted it


>tfw no insta 58 on excalibur
kill me

oh ok lol. good job defending the poor folk though

>playing on pay to win servers

you can pay for levels though :o)
on alliance btw


>minority of attack Pillar men in dead hours
>kick all players
>rommel comes on
>takes control and makes the guild more active

You think someone would just lie on the internet?

Is this Tyrranis? I hear every time he is confronted he just goes "u mad?" Something I'd expect his little brothers to do.

>using carbonite.

wew lad pls delete urself

How do you 'win' at world of warcraft, user?


fuck off with your normie guild shitter

Naw, I'm just another person in the guild. I just didn't understand why you would assume it's not from right now.

It was one person. It was done for shitposting purposes. Are the other members of Pillar men just as delusional as Tyrranis himself?

>all those normies
>still can't clear Kara

what's wrong with carbonite?

You're a complete faggot, kys.

t. noobspoon

>minority of
>It was only chickenlord
>chicken doesn't even raid with anymore and hasn't for weeks

Stretching the truth there pretty hard.

will you be making more Samsta Shenanigan videos?

Joining hostile takeover to camp Pillar men shitters. This is gonna be gud.

>tfw all the corrupt core shilling against has only led to them getting stronger

>tfw you suck cobe's dick to be let back into and he doesn't let you in

>tfw you can't clear Kara still

>tfw 19 people on and half of them are normies

wrong server you idiot

if only they were on the same server so they could actually duke their rivalry out

Seeing how the guild isn't in the OP, can you blame me? :^) Hello Pillar men shitters, nice to see you got scared there for a second.

>get back into by not begging but saying I won't complain about corrupt core
>leave the next
>they cry about it for a full month now


>corrupt core
>can't isolate a single event/person of wrongdoing


What are the mental gymnastics you jump through every day Tyrranis?

>it's not a big deal chicken kicked everyone
>still cry about it days laters

I can play the same game as you, only better. For instance I pugged Kara and cleared it one night easily.

>killed group two because of loot whoring
>thinks that's not corrupt


>get back into from dick sucking
>think your dick sucking gets you a raid spot
>don't get invited for one raid
>sperg out and try to kill the guild
>leave guild out of OP for a long time
>give up because it doesn't work and no cares
> starts making ops and starts leaving """""your"""" guild out
>you sperg out constantly

>say it isn't a big deal that chicken tried to kill the guild
>made us stronger

Clearly wasn't a big deal retard.

>killed group two because of loot whoring

just how delusional are you

>1-19 people online
>t-thanks chicken!
>Still can't clear Kara
>15 of those 19 people are normies
>Tyrranis has changed his definition of what a normies is 4 times now to justify his members

>clearly wasn't a big deal retard
>keeps posting about it

How mad are you Tyrranis?

> starts making ops

its genetics, member of making the OPs

I wouldn't admit you have one of your own members making the OP and leaving his own guild out. Shows that even a member of your guild doesn't think it's a /wpsg/ guild and is a shit guild. Foot in mouth confirmed.

I left the your guild because there was nothing there for me.

I'm not trying to kill your guild kiddo. Cobe has his core. We have ours.

Keep shilling against us though I'm sure it will work out for you :^)

Weird how Tyrannis claims to have killed g2 tho :^)

>We have ours
15 normies doesn't count

Whatever you say.

We are the OP you cucks are just in it.

Why did you try to get back in tho

>doesn't have his guild info in OP because even Genetics is shitting on Tyrannis
>t-totally c-cucked you guys!!


playtbc wasn't even out yet

I left because senna was trying to reserve gear for himself in a 10man alt run.

>people still use the meme emoticon
come up these memes are old even facebook is onto the meme nose emote

Can you blame him? He is the most delusional person I've seen on /wpsg/. I honestly would rather take pickles over him despite me saying both of them are the same type of person.

Nothing there because you sat out once and threw a tantrum. Don't try to change the truth. I read the pm's cobe posted in the last thread. And yeah you did for awhile try to ruin and it didn't work so you gave up like the cuck you are. It's hard to shill against a dead guild. If I were to say "I like excalibur" you'd mark that as shilling. A week later you'll go "That guy was shilling so fucking hard for excalibur". The mental gymnastics you go through and the delusion you have is strong.

There are some people that need a good ass kick irl and you are one of them. Picking on your brothers all day gives you a really big epeen boost.

>playing a dk
>trying to steal loot from a shadow priest

You slay big mean things and take their stuff. Shitters by the stuff big mean things drop in order to kill the big mean things.

>no guild info in the OP
>picture has guild in OP
If I was a newfag I'd assume this is a really old screenshot. Nice job cucking yourself, what are you so mad?

>playtbc wasn't even out yet

>Can't come up with a good response

This has to be Kartstic/Noobspoon/Edgy

he literally did 2x10 and 2x25 every week for at least 5-6 weeks just like most of the officers
>reserving loot
kill yourself

>trying to reserve gear

desu, I don't like him as a raid leader, but you gotta admit this guy actually loves the guilds/servers he plays on consider he does multiple pugs/tries to get multiple groups going on ToD and is even running a guild on atlantiss. His heart is in the right place.

goodnight, senna
see you tomorrow for the raid!

>implying I'm senna
Senna just went to bed you fucking dunce. I really hate how wpsg is now "if you say something nice about someone I don't like you're them." It's some high grade autism and pretty cringe.

He reserved death's bite in an alt run.

That's fucking stupid.

Proof? You think people would just really lie about shit on the internet?

still need source

Why don't you ask him then?

>level a shadow priest
>gets fed gear
>levels a ret paladin
>gets fed gear
>expects every single item from a raid

Fuck off back to your normie guild Tyrrannis

Most of Excalibur is EU and most of it is Horde. If I roll Alliance, will I be able to find a guild that raids during NA hours?

Anyone play L4G? I am not levelling again.

Eat a bag of dicks you human piece of autistic shit no wonder your guild is dead, nobody wants to deal with this much corruption

>gets fed gear


corrupt core getting desperate.

Also it looks likeL4G has the higher population

>playing on funserver


Kronos is now dead so I need to decide on L4G or excal. I want a higher pop but decent raids which one?

l4g is better in every way except the fact it doesn't have a wpsg guild so you'd be playing "alone"

L4G if you play during NA. It lags like fuck during EU primetime. It's fine during NA and OCX/SEA.

excal also doesn't have a wpsg guild

>alt run
Except there were mains in that run
and mains>alts in all runs, you fucking retard.

Fine fuck it I'm making an L4G guild if we can get enough people to answer. Fuck you all. I'll set it up once I finish class.

Choose a faction.


there was never an alt run

There are 3 of us already on horde with a 70 doing kara even