
Dueling Network General
Thread Number #2177
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Second for mariomon.

Too bad Starve Venom is fucking SHIT

Who cares about Upstart or Chicken Race when most OCG builds (where they still have access to 3 Goblin and Race) don't even run those cards and make use of Allure and based Cupidity instead?


Shut the FUCK up you retard.

>ABC and Magnet Warriors are still a joke
>Predators Plants are a shitty archetype that actively contradicts Starve Venom win effect
>Starve Venom is ass too
>All the nostalgia support is shit except for the Dank Magician spell searcher for more searches
>Metalfoe and Blue-Eyes will keep dominating OCG and most likely will dominate TCG once Kozmo and BA get nuked


Who cares what the OCG are doing when that shit isn't relevant to us at all?

So is the DP worth buying for lullaby of obedience?
I know the SDs are just absolute garbage with the Magnet Warriors and ABC gimmick.
Thankfully, this will be the last of DM we see for a while.

Lots of builds still use Chicken Game and Village.

>isn't relevant
Which is why TCG almost always ends up copying some OCG tech or biting off their builds hard as fuck? Do you even play the game retard?

Starve Venom's pretty decent, only really held back by the shit needing to be on the field + Predator Plants being completely fucking stupid.




>didn't read Lullaby of Obedience

read again

xth for becoming one

Retards copy other retards, it's the way of the world. That doesn't make OCG decklists relevant to the TCG.

Starve Venom works in anything BUT Predator Plants.

>tcg players look to the ocg for techs and skeletons
>somehow the ocg isn't relevant or effecting change in the tcg

Literally zero builds running Chicken meme or Upstart meme. Keep in mind that Dark Magician doesn't top that often so I really REALLY hope you aren't talking about the shit you play/see play on YGOPro of all things

>field req
>have to run poly

Yeah, sounds amazing

My are y oh moan.

My deck is fast.

A couple of retards doesn't make up every tcg player. My little brother uses blackwings, does that mean that all tcg players are blackwing players?

comfy again.

anyone has a good statuestun decklist? I wanna check it out

My arrie ohmon is a meaningful righteous moving natural.

Damn the artwork looks so sick now that I have a better look at it. Hopefully it's in the movie pack.

>your opponent has to choose whether it goes in your hand or on your field.
Still a good mirror card.
Does the DP have any cards worth picking up or can we skip this like the CP?

you literally forgot the 60 card metalphosis deck that ran triple Chicken, triple Upstart and triple Terraforming as fill-ins to use Cupidity?

Tags aren't working it seems

you know I was gona call you out and say you're a fucking idiot who cant get the general name right

but then I read the file name

>think about adding Star Eater
>do it anyway because why not
>2nd match this situation comes up
>his set card was a BTH

Star Eater is the real MVP.

Do you think janny looks at his report queue and just rolls his eyes when he realizes it's ANOTHER post from /dng/ that just got reported?

dont fucking use it in predators then retard.
also yes dark magician is still hype

why is his atk 2800

Nah, there are worse generals than ours by far, we probably don't even make the top 10.

So he can punch over Clear Wing, Dark Rebellion and Odd-Eyes Pendulum to establish Joeri as some kind of thread or whatever.

He can't beat crystal wing though, which is what yugo uses against him in the OP.

are you complaining?

So are predator plants anti-Xyz monsters? Lowering monster levels is pretty devastating for some stuff

It can force a double KO with its last effect unless Yugo equips Crystal with Follow Wing

>Ghost Ogre
>never got an "ignoring any summoning conditions" clause to truly be able to use all LIGHT Dragon synchros
Crying shame

So the best he can do is crash, and hope yugo has no protection? And he'll still be taking 3000, which is alot when your most is 4000.

Here for petdeks, wanting to fug Lunalights (ft Starve Venom as their unofficial pet) and waiting to see if Lullaby of Obedience becomes another meme

r8ing and h8ing welcome. This is probably the most consistent Dark Magician deck I could make, and it's only possible because of Summoner's Art.

Blue-Eyes would literally just become Sifr turbo then.

>And he'll still be taking 3000
He can force the KO by using the second effect and copying CWSD's effect; if Yugo negates, it raigekis him, if he doesn't he gets hit by a 5800 beater (assuming he didn't negate the first effect) and that's game.

Unless Yuri fucks himself up and slaps Predator Counters on CWSD for literally no reason. Why the fuck did they make Predator Plants have such a shitty effect?

Starve Venom a best

So, who want to try and make dimension dragons.dek?

>that actively contradicts Starve Venom win effect
Starve Venom is still a fuckhuge beatstick even without copying an enemy effect.

Besides. We know barely anything about how Predator Plants actually play. They may very well have a card(s) that makes monsters level 5 or higher as well.
The ability to make Starve Venom able to attack each special summoned monster once each is already pretty neat as is though.

>Opponent activates Lullaby of Obedience, calls Exodia
>I Special Summon Exodia to opponent's field
>Opponent returns Exodia to the hand with Genex Ally Birdman
>Opponent now has all five pieces of Exodia in his hand

Ghost Ogre is a very nice addition in a deck with only 1 trap, I'm liking it so far.

And yeah it's a shame about Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon not having that clause yet at the same time he isn't so bad himself as is.

Sekret tech for Predator Plants

Gee, what deck is mostly comprised of DARK monsters and can shit out Level 7 Synchros and Rank 4s equally well?
hint: birds

But can it pendulum summon level 7 monsters?

i got back to this game like a month ago, how come people are choosing ghost ogre over veiler? Ghost doesn't negate, that's why i dont like using her.

Ghost Ogre kills continuous spells and pendulum effects.
And can still kill annoying as fuck monsters that Veiler can't actually get rid off and often times not even prevent the summon of.

I have one Veiler in the deck too. But Ghost Ogre allows us to destroy Pendulum cards when they activate and remove problematic monsters.


Noone actually uses her hand effect.

I mean Yuri probably has more spells like Violet Flash or other fusion support

Is there any way to prevent Counters from being placed on cards?
Predator counters sound annoying as fuck on paper.

Tek in Performapals

Cockblocks stuff like Monkeyboard, Tenki and the like.

Skill drain.

whos ready to test stupid shit


So monkeyboard, guiturtle, lizardraw, and skullcrobat?


That looks stupid, tell me how it does

I'm still making my deck.

I am screaming internally and externally looking at that deck.

>not playing a REAL card game

>tfw you want to build 4yuus.dek but predator plants are hot garbage

What game even is that?

So Starve Venom Dark law.dek with destiny heroes for drawing?

Watch it turn out that his true deck is evil heroes

oh damn that makes sense then
yea makes sense now, sorry for the stupid question man.
thanks for the answer man

Rosemon best waifu, yellow rookies best deck.


We're talking about Dark Magician retard

some kind of digimon

>Any of those
>Pendulum summoning Level 7
Nigga you forgot Odd-Eyes Unicorn

Speaking of which, I do miss the days of teching in 3x Skullcrobat 3x Monkeyboard 2x Guiturtle and 1x Lizardraw in every deck from Gladiator Beasts to Aliens.

hosting tag, 16K LP

I'm assuming it's the Digimon TCG game fro the PSOne. Was the shit when I was a kid even when I still didn't know moon back then.

Actually, got hit with so much nostalgia, I might try emulating it.

>we're talking about Dark Magician retard
>the deck that barely has 3 tops in OCG
>wondering why they aren't using Cupidity, Chicken Meme and Upstart

But they are using Cupidity retard, every single topping Dark Magician deck uses it, are you following the conversation at all?


Post dek

we were talking about the combination of those 3 cards. Shut the fuck up faggot.

Nigger I just said tech in Performapals as a joke

Except that's wrong faggot, again follow the conversation
literally started with someone specifically talking about Dark Magician not needing to run Upstart or Chicken Memes to top when both options are available to them in the OCG. Learn how to fucking read you spaz

New OCG tourney when?
I want to see if they're using Cyber Angels yet

Whoever suggested I actually BUY RAID RAPTORS yesterday, I have to thank you.

Y-you're welcome user.
Have you gone the route of Ultimate Falcon turbo or just Rank 4 spam

I think they said CARD CAPTORS not RAID RAPTORS.

right in the nostalgia


Wait a minute
>Fusion Summon 1 Dragon-Type Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.
>Doesn't need Pendulum monsters or anything

God damn Starve Venom already has a searchable Polymerization

I just left it running and it seems no one joined yet

I run triple Last Strix, triple Skip Force, and a Cattle Call, mostly all for Ultimate Falcon into Deadly Sins when I don't get RUMs, but it's R4 spam besides that.

>already has a searchable Polymerization
Poly (and thus, Fusion Substitute which is objectively better for the sake of summoning SVFD) is searchable by like 4 times as many cards as OEF you stupid retard

There's also Trump Girl

Meant to reply to

What's better, Odd-Eyes Magicians or Odd-Eyes Performapal? Or Performapal Odd-Eyes Magicians? For POEM, I feel like there's too many things going on with the deck, and don't feel like it would be as good as the first two decks.

Also, could someone post an example of the decks?

>summon this
>set PK RUM
>activate two MST or jar of greed or whatever from hand
>rank-up to kali-yuga