/srg/ - Speedrunning General

- ESA equivalent taking place in NA, May 19th - 23rd
- speedrun.com/nasa/forum
- twitter.com/NASAMarathon


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mfw serg

proper cat

xth for no elins


who else here is single and realizes they deserve their own miserable loneliness?

chibi go to sleep




>learning meme games

im single but i hope every day that this will be the one where i meet the cute boi of my dreams

what games do you run?

it's a shame NASA is just as corrupt as Californathon and Midwest Speedfest. why did naegleria give the beaver boy a run in the marathon? enjoy getting coerced into a meditation cult.

>$25 attendance fee for everyone for 4 days
>cyghfer can only make it for 2 days
>naegleria only charges him $5
when did Mike Uyama take over NASA and give preferential treatment to the old boys again?

It costs over 50 bucks to attend esa

they have to pay for the prayer room so muhammad and his family can attend.

is speedrunning fucking dead?

na, hit up speedrunslive right now and see the dozens of runners

right here.

welcome to the last 6 years of my life


if i had a penny for every dick plum has taken

that'd be a heck ton of cash


What did Cosme mean by this?

*holds important meeting*

showing how #aboveitall and completely delusional they are

>runnerguy became a hobo
>cosmo became a tranny degenerate

wait what
fill a newboi in on runnerguy

rumor was the meeting was just his mom telling pie he has to be quiet at night since his yelling "dude!" woke up his dad last night.

Where would Cosmo be now if he had put all that effort for all those years into something productive instead of Smash and Zelda speedruns? I almost feel bad for him.

the same place most of us would be if we didn't waste our youth playing video games and shitposting

what an unoriginal post


someone money match me in melee at nasa

>money matching in party games

put your money where your mouth is bitch

>you will never be this insane

holy fuck I think he's entered the point of no return.

yo naegleria, can i run doom 4 at nasa? i hear you are letting people run games at the last minute. estimate is about 1 hour 45 mins or so.

more like naegayria lol

i like to speedrunning

yo naegleria, mod me.

who wants to be speedbutties? I mean speedbuddies

when i start speedrunning, i'll let you know.

do you guys remember the good old days where Clint did speedruns?

fuck off you dumb jewish cunt

Narci looking good tonight :)


Redpill me on NASA

clint was never a "speedrunner" by definition. He was a glorified grindmonkey. Always has been, always will be.

Besides the fact that I didn't say anything about him being a speedrunner, you're wrong and didn't invent the definition of a speedrunner.

naegleria is just using the term "NASA" as a codeword for big gay speedrunner orgy

>wah wah i've been exposed!
you've been exposed

Redpill me on Cosmo/Narcissa

Combination of SJW friends, effeminate nature and soy diet made him believe he's a woman.

Redpill me on the Matrix


who /FeelsLikeaLittleKid/ here?

who /LikesGirlCock/ here?

>GDQs were fun in '12-'13
>AGDQ2014 rolls around Mike Uyama decides to make it his career to organize speedrun marathons. attendance fees are astronomical ($70), he starts taking a cut of the donations (15%~) and makes 6 figures a year while still making the speedrunners pay.
>Mike's jewish side gets exposed and all the decisions made for the marathon are based on how many donations are made since Mike's paycheck is based on how much they raise.
>Mike then goes dark on all social media and forums due to people questioning him where the money is at. He blames it on being sick, but people find out he is lying and just is avoiding the public because of how much money he is scamming the community.
>people are getting sick of the corporation attitude of GDQs. more and more people are getting banned from the events for petty reasons while one of their own staff remains on the payroll despite death threats.
>people are too lazy (and poor) to go to the only other alternative to GDQs, ESA. so Naegleria (guy who is known for speaking out against the unjust ways of GDQs) organizes an american speedrun event called NASA, an attempt at an american version of ESA.
>there is so much animosity towards GDQs and the people that run it, that many people back NASA.
>NASA goal is to have fun, no donations are being accepted. no sponsorships, no ad revenue. all purely funded by the attendees. although a good idea since it's pretty much supposed to be the complete polar opposite of what a GDQ now is (speedruns + fun vs let's plays and donation bait gimmicks) the event is destined to be just a small time event that is used to satiate the speedrunners while GDQs continue to make more and more money for Mike Uyama and his jew crew.

who /BirdLaughs/ here?

>this dude playing narcissa's level

i'm getting flashbacks of that time trihex streamed himself playing a narcissa clusterfuck level. you could tell he was tired of the convoluted mess after a few minutes but had to keep playing out of kindness.


reminder youtu.be/GrQbWeNQpiAhttps://youtu.be/GrQbWeNQpiA

is it possible to be a bigger faggot than yaru?

reminder that naeg is letting this literalt cult member do a run
>I don't currently have desires to speedrun again


Naeg letting Cyghfer The Cult Member try and recruit people at NASA is embarrassing. First letting Cronikeys The Man judge what games get in, now this.

>le making speedrunning great again xD


Delete this disgusting leddit shit



back you go


One for true /srg/.

Fuck off to leddit

Why the fuck is Yaru so famous here? Like, literally everytime i take a peek at /srg/ i see someone talking about him.

(Chocobo Racing is goat tier game, tho)

>there's no hope for you my nigga

>cosmo has word him filtered so it doesnt show in the chat below his screen

Cosmo legitimately looks like a 55 year old emaciated AIDS infected woman.

who is him


>and boy aswell
Im dying

It does say something about the kind of person you are. It's a good indication of your sexual habits and level of promiscuity, for example, which is indeed a part of "who you are" as much as your taste in music or your career choices. She's correct that it's not a good overall metric, though, because human beings are complex enough that there are literally billions of factors that play into "who you are" and it cannot be refined so easily, no matter how much you simpletons think it can.

Why can't he just filter out his own whole existence instead?

>Complaining that someone censored words in his own twitch channel.
How anti-freedom are you people?

not at all, just point out the absurdity of it

>super glue elf ears to my head
>demand people call me Spock
>no one may speak of my former name or ye shall be cast out

He forces himself and tries to tweet at literally everyone.


In other news, Puncayshun holds no WRs

70 stars

>cheese choking this hard
oh lordy

xiah got 48:16

when will big biin just snipe this kid already

cultural marxism


>stubs toe
>blames cultural marxism

>Puncayshun gets a girlfriend
>Suddenly, no more world records

Every time. You can't explain it!

>deconstructs western norms and culture by undermining traditional family and encouraging promiscuity but not motherhood
>not cultural marxism

>posts anonymously on an anime image board general about playing games fast
>thinks they are helping their cause

Im wondering the same thing

>not at all, just point out the absurdity of it
What do you think "complaining" means?