2nd best bird edition
2nd best bird edition
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I want to RAPE Demon Vi!
>That feel when you and your support fuck up enemy bot lane
xth for perfection
xth for subhumans banning the champion I want to pick for no reason other than "le ebin premade trolling XDDDD"
Fucking subhuman trash.
>Under tower
>Support autos the ranged creep before the tower hits it
Why can't most supports do this?
who here is a jhinposting degenerate?
xth for NO ZED NERFS
thank you riot
>play middlesticks
>enemy team tries to do dragon
>le laughing scarecrow man of aoe damage
>they do it again
I play support often and try to help my ADC farm. Sometimes I get yelled at for trying to help
>5 pieces of sushi
Because it is very hard since most ADCs are fucking retarded at last hitting anyways.
I actually play Zed and im surprised not even a hot-fix nerf or something. Not even a love tap.
Seriously Riot, if he's at an 80% ban rate, there's a reason the community does not want to fucking deal with him.
What is Taliyah even good at? Her forte is ganking I presume, but is that even enough?
I want to give riven a big hug and a kiss on the forehead
>The darkwind buff made middle sticks viable
>They'll nerf it soon
I don't think El Macho Mundo should be 1350 RP. Then again with how simple Mundo's kit is, I'd imagine it difficult to come up with flashy skins for him.
You already know.
xth for breast waifu
>almost in promos
>kid is awake AGAIN
i just wanna play league guys
>that Irelia on hashitshit's game
tfw you'll never watch someone else fugg her.
>Morde dies four times to Vlad
>tell him to stay under tower
>he says "I cant" and mutes me
Aside from being bad at video games, what did I do to deserve this hell?
Does anyone on lolg like Singed? Awesome champ.
initiating. she doesn't have to ride her wall to use it. you can do something as simple as ult diagonally across the lane to eliminate two directions to run for their escape route. in the jungle it can block entire pathways and even get people stuck depending on how its aimed, and it stays up for a long ass time. its a guaranteed flash force or kill if someone gets stranded on your team's side of the wall.
Singed is the reason I made Silver last season at the last second.
Why aren't you queueing with your boyfriend, /lolg/?
Draven best guy
Such an accomplishment.
Because a lot of supports are fucking stupid and cant calculate damage for shit.
I love when I get a support synched with me though. They're rare
Because I'm male and straight
I like him but it's my worst champ
Post morgana
best wife,as long as she doesn't cook
You should be thanking me for even letting you become one of my fans.
What do you think of the ghost buffs
I started in Bronze 4...I actually made the climb out.
I'm aware she doesn't have to ride her wall, although I haven't considered that much aside from shutting off someone's lane from behind.
Does she get assists from using her wall? Since it inflicts no damage or status I doubt it. It might be annoying for Taliyah to earn money from kill credit like that. Also, does the timer on her wall start when it's fully formed or as it moves along? That is, will it all disappear at once or disappear from the start to finish.
gonna be fuckin awesome is what. I hope Singed remains as he is forever as far as changes go aside from maybe passive. By remain forever, I hope they keep buffing him through items or other changes.
How do we finally end the hostage crisis?
Buff Zed by buffing assassin items and nerfing his counters instead of directly buffing him while keeping the champ himself in an average state so he can be the Ryu of League
>AD crit yi
>not the pussy ass on-hit build
mah nigga, Crit reset mother fuckers all day long
pro as heck
And Yi's Wuju Style (E) is getting a buff for its active...oh boy
do you go full attack speed runes? I run ad marks and attack speed blues and quints. still use flat armor for yellows
if Zed is to be the base-line "balance" champion. Then he needs more clear weaknesses besides just falling off late-game.
If anything Orianna, Sivir, and Sion should be the most "base-line" balance champions.
The guy playing Graves is so fucking stupid...
>nearly 3 1/2 years of league so far
I remember this video coming out and everyone built the dunkmaster build on every champion for about a week. nothing like this happens anymore
>go from Bronze 4 to Bronze 1 playing almost nothing but tank supports
>get tired of playing them, play other roles
>drop back down to bronze 3
I know everyone says you can't climb maining support, but should I go back to maining tank supports anyway?
Now that was a great way to use his passive against him
I'm not the one who posted the screencap. I'm just reading through the 6.10 patch notes right now
I might....though I don't really play him right now.
This is truth.
>play with 3 other friends
>the 5th person feeds out the ass
it's not that 4 mans are "'"""toxic""""
It's that you suck fucking dick and feed the enemy zed 10 kills in 15 minutes
Nigga you can get to challenger playing nothing but support
hitting people with the wall knocks them to whatever side of it they're closest to (including allies) and it may count as a knockup, but we'll see. depending on her gameplay they may do something like give the wall an invisible buff that does nothing but tag enemies for the purpose of assists. like if not getting assists from it becomes a complained issue.
Duo with me. I can't stand not having a decent support, and am in the same elo hell boat.
Riot attempting to make Zed the "Ryu" of League aka Zed standard is what has given us ultracancer like Ekko
Zed literally makes the entire game based around having to react to what the one person playing Zed does, no matter how shit the player is.
forgot to answer, this was from a thresh who never bought sightstone, i asked him to and he told me he can play the game how he wants so he purposely stopped using trinket ward too
it was pretty ebin
These are the runes I go with him.
I'm not still dumb enough going full ranked with him, I still need to git gud with Yi before.
Wouldn't the wall just work identically to Anivia's wall? If you cast it within distance it counts as an assist?
>love kha and Vi
>Hate the jungle.
If only league had a dynamic meta instead of a strict one.
>Nerfing the only thing making him viable.
where should i put my pink ward as fiddle?
I really want to see Taliyah Jungle be a thing, deep in my heart
but in my mind I know it'd be shit
epic, I forgot my pic
In the river, somewhere it can serve a purpose, or at your other buff to ward off invades.
>i'm le tilted xD
Fucking kill yourself if you actually use this retarded meme term
I want to climb out of Bronze, but I can't. Someone help me....?
Supportgana in full swing.
Yes, that's exactly what riot will do.
It will be a thing, even if only as a memepick.
In the bush you want to check for wards
Evelynn bufs when
>that 1 fucker that refuses to accepts the queue
Top tier strategy, tilt people before the game even starts.
I main Bot Lane (both roles). When I see Yi, I pray he tries to come under tower.
As a Thresh main, I'm disappointed by this person. If you don't have a sightstone, you're doing it ALL WRONG!
>anything that doesnt have a dash is now below trash-tier
You think RYZE was cancer? Holy fuck, Taliyah just hits R and calls it a day
What champion will afflict you with autism after enough exposure to their gameplay and fans?
what is the current equivalent of dunkmaster? wiggles hasn't been a thing for years and doubleswords can't turn red anymore and the move speed passive is unique.
also this is the only video to ever successfully make use of the pro-as-heck brand name after the yi video.
>tfw your friends start saying it in skype because they miss a cs or do something equally retarded
I don't use Singed, but I love seeing one in game. Something about him is just so goofy and enjoyable.
Kindred Building armor, only Yomuus and Razor as offensive items.
Probably a new kid at FotM.
we've gone over this a thousand times
it's always singed
>Implying being "tilted" isn't a thing
It happens in "real" sports or competitive games too user.
It's just a loss in focus, and it is a very real thing.
Be careful or you'll end up like trinimmortal and start dancing in women's shorts with a raging erection
>What champion will afflict you with autism after enough exposure to their gameplay and fans?
how do you guys feel about pregnant champions?
Anybody wanna duo in LAN?
tfw my roommate says tilt all day everyday about anything that causes him distress
>charge on lucian when seeing him using his E at the mere second
>he has it back in 4 seconds after i reach him
>"why nerf lucian?"
Absolutely nothing. Once a girl is pregnant there's literally 0 reason to associate with them anymore.
join the lolg discord server and have fun with us!
or just post lewds
Just tried buffed Triforce on PBE. It feels so much better than before on bruisers maybe tanks. That shit is going make jax and irelia obnoxious, while making a load of other champs pretty good.
>queue up for mid primary, top secondary
>get top 3 games in a row
>change it to mid primary, bot secondary
>get bot 2 games in a row
I'm done, this new queue/character select is cancer
Get ratman or save for a 4800 champion?
I want to hold hands with Jinx.
>jax next patch
jesus CHRIST