/fog/ - Fallout General

Assaultron Ass Edition


>Fallout 4 General Information (Read Before Asking Questions)

>Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Links

>The Art of Fallout 4

>Fallout 4 Item IDs

>Fallout 4 Legendary Effects & IDs Guide
>Fallout 4 Settlement Mods & Information

>CBBE Links & Outfit Studio Guide

>Fallout 4 Mods By /fog/ And/Or Removed from Nexus


>Fallout 3/NV


>/aco/ Thread

>/y/ Thread

Pre-war thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


25caps is too cheap
i dont want no cheap ass fuck bot


Jesus Christ the mechanist's dungeon is a slog.

>Oh, you built stealth? Fuck You in particular.

>Those missiles were all legit, my man. I have like 1100 fusion cores now. No mods used, this was from selling water and buying all ammo from most vendors every time they had some.
Water farming is cheating. You aren't playing the game normally, like you are supposed to.

>tfw you're playing survival
>tfw you have 1 endurance
>tfw you have an explosive shotgun
>tfw when the boss fight starts

>ctd when I open the 'Defenses" tab in the settlement mode
>tfw no settlement mods
this shits getting old fast


>laser guns have recoil

>laser guns use ammo

I acknowledge the irritation you feel.

There's a bed shortly before the boss room in the area with all the holding cells/ghouls.

FH full map.

None of the beds work

lmao buff removed the "no buffscales allowed" again

All my mods are in the OP actually.


I add stuff to it every now and then. The stuff in the "Mods" folder have Esp support. I might begin putting some stuff on Nexus, but I can't put a lot of my stuff there for obvious reasons. Also here's my Gas mask that I just made.


Heh. You remind me of a guy I played against in TF2 once that tried telling me that Rocket jumping was a glitch and I was exploiting it, and he was going to report me to Valve.


With legend. Want me to add more markers?

One does.

Found that because I was looking for it hardcore, had something like 45% adrenaline at that point.

I have a suppressed .50cal hunting rifle and an explosive 10mm auto. I'm wearing x01 at least, but after the self-destruct eyebots and the speech right after...the swarm just sees me and kills me instantly.

Try looking harder, moron.

>just in time he returns
after being called out to have manipulated toe OP again


>he's in our threads
Quickly memes!

fuck yes

>Obsidian does the West Coast
>Bethesda does the East Coast
>Larian does the Gulf Coast


I didn't fuck with no OP. I'm busy making tutorials and rigging gasmasks and Godzillas.


So, a legendary raider dropped this.

Is that it?

Did I win the game?

>open an esp in CK
>CK starts up
>nothing actually opens or appears, just empty everything

Could they have possibly made a less user friendly tool?

>he didn't mount the master file

yes, you done it champ.

What skin mods do you guys like to use?

>skin mods
you mean textures?

yeah textures

Those for vault suits.

Oh kek I'm dumb. Thank you.

I think the most fun I've had playing this game was going solo into the glowing sea sans power armor, sans mysterious serum, in Survival, with War of the Commonwealth and True Storms with increased rads. Because of course you run out of ammunition and have to rely on scavenged equipment, desperately try to ration your radaway, pick your battles out of sheer necessity, and the little spots of shelter you might find along the way become truly precious.

It is some shit, and I highly recommend it.

I just want to make .45-70 compatible with New Calibers, pls. Any guidance in reverse engineering one of these patches would be appreciated.

>reverse engineering
Uhh I could explain it to you, but I rather link you to a tutorial I just digged up.

First you must accept that GECK is shit for simple spread sheet style editing.

Unless you want to create house mods or edit sliders forget about using GECK at all.


There you go.

>Motoko Hair (GITS)

dust off your catsuits ladies :^)

>they didn't make it purple for the screenshot

I don't know what's with all of the Turkish Vans, but I approve.
GOAT-tier cats.


what a thick head of hair, I'll probably put this on my future femboy character

I couldn't play Fallout 4 much without 12 or so fps due to old toaster computer. Is the settlement defense/bed/happiness bug fixed yet?

im gonna fuck nora

You ain't fucking nothin'!

Yeesh, I wouldn't fuck that if you held me at gunpoint.

Weight paintin' this is gonna be a chore.

post crotch please

fuck you cavewoman

>strong hate fertilizer!

Big puffy velvety clefts!

when strong fucks nora she gives birth to a old handsome ass strongface mufuckin smushhead looking ass bitch like that GOD DAMN

fug me dats a benis :DDDD

So Fah Hahbahh
Did anyone check if Kasumi actually is a synth? I tried to btfo her but of course shes essential
Also no ending slides? The fuck Fuck Howard



Thanks familia!


Throughout the whole thing the dialogue options kept suggesting she was a synth and she wasn't a synth. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

No end slides for the main game, no end slides for the DLC. I'm happy with this since Ron Pearlman wouldn't be there to narrate them.

acceptingdraco never fails to crack me up


>start new game with 9 CHA
>realise I have to go through le sp00ky majick ayylium man's raider asylum and his entire family's fetchquests if I want Intimidation (which I do)

Just fucking kill me now.

So in the end was she or was she not?
Also what happened to Mr Pearlman. I havent been following that.

she's a transsynth, if you don't accept her as a synth you're a fucking bigot

use the special book instead?



>not starting with 10 charisma
>not raising it to 11 with You're Special!
>not raising it to 12 with the bobblehead

shaking my head fampai lmao

Just level it up when you become lvl 2

Pearlman twitted about this excitement but wasn't in the game.

In the end the dialogue goes as if Kasumi is a synth and I hid it from her family but you can also convince them to accept her as a synth right after her father tells her to gtfo.

Great writing, Bethesda.

What is this shit?

I wanna cum on a robot's optics

what is the point of that much charisma though

Can anyone check in the CK whether or not she is? Or does it change dynamically depending on what dialogues you chose?
That would be too hard for jewthesda to do though.

Also fuck Todd for not having Ron.

>12 base charisma
>+1 charisma from wedding ring
>+1 charisma from hat
>+1 charisma from glasses
>+ 5 charisma from legendary armor


My game is torrented so I'm not risking it downloading CK while it's still in beta. I'd love it if someone else checked it though.

In the meantime that someone could give us the base IDs of all the people in the DLC so I can go there with my BoS character and kill all the synths.

>wedding ring

so user, I'm using ballistic rifle. What kind of rifle, mod and legendary effect should I use for med rifle and sniper rifle?

She's Schrödinger's synth.
If you do peace she isnt if you wipe em out with the BoS she is.

It begins

Ok lads, any way to enable crash logs?

>new game
>everything peachy
>starts ctd'ing randomly at 3-4 hours, no error message, nothing
>eventually find if I load a save and don't reload the cells (fast travel, enter interior area, etc) it will crash if I wander roughly the same spot everytime
>think it must be spawns, War of the Commonwealth is probably conflicting with the 24hours cell respawn esp, disable the latter
>Still crashes
>Disable every mod
>Still crashing
>load fully fucking vanilla game again, sleep 2 weeks to reset cells
>Crashes at the same spot again

Reinstalled fo4 again, installed every mod but the 2 I mentioned, and added a different 24hour respawner that worked for me before, now the saves wouldn't even load, instant ctd as soon as I selected them. Was 11pm and couldn't bother to start a new game, will try today when I get back from work.
I still would like to have a log if it crashes again though

this was posted before, did it not begin then too? it's a few days old too. I don't even know what the thread is about for fuck's sake but you're a faget for posting this over and over again

Thats what I said too but I think youre just memeing.

not clicking that shit

just post a screencap of what it is on imgur


probably that hyperinflationvore thing

You posted it already, just stop. Come on, it's the exact link/image/"it begins" combo everytime

>he thinks disabling mods does jack shit

if you have mods in folders like custom animations, huds, etc those can crash as well

hell a malformed texture could

Don't be retarded

Okay, it turns out something entirely different is required. A way to "pool" the New Calibers 45-70 with the DLC 45-70, using the DLC as the base.


All these console fags thinking I'll ever be bothered to put up my mod on bethesda.net

>blocking console fags from mods

Doing gods work user.

Sonnygers are what I'm the most eager to see demand their rightful mod clay on ps. Gonna be glorious.

>making a difference between the two consoles
and I thought you were based

Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less for either of those but sonnygers usually get way more heated up when you deny them from something.

literally nobody is going to put their mods on bethesda
mods will forever be in the hands of PC and it's communities

eh whatever, both platforms suck