League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lamb is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us


Worst patch in history incoming

>Riot guts the living fuck out of the only reliable sources of assassin counterplay (quicksilver and hourglass)
>Every assassin in the game has been getting hidden buffs every patch since Duskblade
>Zed has a 78.14% banrate and hasn't been properly nerfed in centuries
>Fizz is getting buffed so hard that his banrate is going to spike by AT LEAST 30% this patch
>Trundle is allowed to be the reigning king of cancer because the only source of counterplay to his TARGETED ULT is gone (quicksilver) so have fun when he shreds your tank and becomes beefier than Baron Nashor himself
>Mikael's Crucible is fucking worthless now because it's not enough to combat the cancer
>ADC mains are on suicide watch
>Support mains now have to work four times as hard to keep their team safe
>Middle is now somehow more cancerous than top lane has ever been in the history of league

Fuck this company, man. I guess I better learn how to play Lulu or something, because not even all the chemo in the world can save me from this cancer.

nah that was the previous one

this is the second worst

>mastery level 6 and 7 are a money grab by riot

I guess people like me just don't show enough "dedication" according to them

i can't wait to die

>not in the US where she's from

>still only three bans
it hurts, it really does.

Zed is the champion that is always balanced on a razor's edge between winning or losing by his wits alone.

Incredibly high risk, requires incredible skill to play. Has to out think opponents in lane (if he is) because he isn't strong there. Weaker mid.

He is like invoker put into a champion. No one will reach peak with him for years probably.

>tfw cant stop playing kennen

This guy posted this exact same thing in the previous thread. I'm pretty sure he's trolling.

have to agree

Vladfag here. Considering mailing my panties to Stashu. Good or bad idea?

I can no longer tell who is trolling, who is legit new, who is actually a zed main, and who is legit retarded anymore

The zed main is the most offensive of the bunch.

We need to fit "mindgames" into this.

Xth for TriForce

What champion has the best ass?


How fucking new are you?

arcade hecarim

What champion has the best sex life?

can riot just fire their balance team and actually hire some people that know what the fuck they're doing

>malz has literally another ultimate as a passive
>support zyra is 100-0'ing people with her seeds that require no interaction other than ulting them and running away
>veigar getting 150+ ap by mid game from his passive

Honestly I think children are in charge of these changes


It used to be Shen but they nerfed his butt

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

I call you or whoever posted that post out on an invalid point so I'm new? You're only asserting the falsehood of the original post.

Ahri obviously

That was 6.9, this one being 2nd worse for not fixing the massive amount of problems introduced


>Combine Mastery tokens for a specific champ with that champ’s crafting shard

How the FUCK are you supposed to get mastery level 6 and 7 IF YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE CHAMP SHARD? Thats literally next to impossible to do.

Maybe these faggots shouldnt taken a few mental steps forward when thinking this shit up

>malz has literally another ultimate as a passive



>IF YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE CHAMP SHARD? Thats literally next to impossible to do.
I think they mentioned something about being able to buy it on later patchs


disgusting pedo. back to /hebe/ with you

>just buy it and be a good goy

They've out jewed themselves this time



They link Veeky Forums over at reddit today?

Didn't they say you could Blue Essence instead of a champ?

Riot can literally never outjew Visual Update Udyr

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

This. The "best" part is that we probably won't be seing a real VU for him in years because of that skin.

>best feet
How is that possible, when Trsistana canonically has better feet?

I already did

>Tahm Kench higher than Azir
>Azir canonically had a large harem

I feel like he'd be higher up on "sexual skill", unless I'm missing something.

are ADCs still gimped?


>its basically regular udyr but with better graphics

Also weren't we supposed to get at least 1 ultimate skin every year? We have 2 so far, and pulsefire came out in like 2012

Agreed, there's a lot wrong with the rankings but I still find it humorous to speculate about

Like wondering what logic the guy who made it used to put Kassadin right in the middle

B̴̫̣̝̫͈̣̬͍̝̩̘̮̞̣̤̕A̡̨̱͇̹͔̞̻͍͓͎̬̬͎̤̪͘ͅC̫̫̹̙͙̤͇͕̬̫̮̗̀͜͠͞K̸̵̡̭̳̝̳͉͍͖̰̻ ̣̞̰̬̫͕̯͡͡͞T̴̵͝͝͏̬͈̞̬̝͚͕̜̫͙͕̹̠̣̭̣͇ͅH̛̱͖̖̻̺̣È̢̡̮͙̮̻̣̰̮̣͚̬͜͢ͅ ̶̛͉̗̹̠͖͉̺̟́͘F̶̶̤̹͔̬̮͈̞͔͎̞̟͔̥̮̣̙̤̙͔͟͞͞Ų̷҉͎̦̼̘̳͕̼͈̖͈͉̯̞̰͞͞C̶̸͔͙̣̖̜̦̼̭̜͙̰̰̞K͘҉̷̥̱̬̣͕̩̼̫͉̮̪͘ ̸̯͈̖̲̀͘͠Ó̡̲͈̝̣͕̪F̸̛҉̲͚̜͇̻F̨̢̱̳̺̼̲͢͞?҉͖̼̣̱̝̭̲͔̟͙͎̗̯̬̀́͜͠!̧͓̺͖͍͓͢͟͠͠?̨̨̕͏͉̞̪̤͓̠̥̦̼̤̱̳̗̙!҉̢́͏̶̬̦̜̥̥̫̦͔̠͎͇͉̜̟̤̫ͅ

This just implies Azir was greedy and selfish, not that he was some expert at giving women multiple orgasms.

there's 3 ultimate skins

good. time for a comeback then. haven't played in years heh

>pulsefire, spirit guard

Who else? Am I retarded?

I'm the author. Kassadin was married with a kid, he is properly as good as any guy with a wife.

>play a normal
>get 2 epic memers
>they have a reddit meme level that could only be straight out of /lolg/
which of you turbofaggots just duoqueued kha+lb in a normal?



>He plays League of Legends in 2016
>He doesn't just play assassins, bruisers, and tanks exclusively
>HE has no style
>HE has no grace
>HE has a funny face

Yes, actually.

Djew sona

>He plays League of Legends in 2016

post name for confirmation


Exodus was right when he said EU hours are the fucking worst jesus

at least try and hide your /v/ degenerate

Sure, but it also means he definitely had more experience than most.
What's the logic used to put some of the other guys above him? (Other than Taric, who is obviously just a piece of hot ass)

I see. I feel like having proper explanation for some of their placements wouldn't be bad. But then, I guess that would mean a lot of researching for something that's more or less just a joke.

sorry was just memeing

Ah, right. But that leaves us with 1 ultimate missing. I wonder if Azir is gonna get one.

SKT T1 Bjergsen

Maybe I should read the lore sometime
Lol just kidding

What exactly is Lucky Seven though?

hey guys

I'm late

good morning :3

Syndra is my wife.

sure would be nice if the server came up

I think they said no ultimate this year

>giving value to Exodus' opinion

he's a reddit-tier faggot and that tells me that you probably started posting here in the last 6 months

Experience does not imply skill though.

Proper interest in pleasing your partner, in depth knowledge of their body and so on does.

good enough point desu

i quit for csgo where individual skill is rewarded and not shamed

15 months ago actually

He's an emperor. He has no need and probably no desire to pleasure those who pleasured him. He just had women riding his dick all day, no need to return the favor.

dust off your Irelia skins because she's going to be OP as fuck next patch

>can't report people after you left the lobby
>can't report people in champ select
small indian company

To quote a fellow user

>you will never push Lamb over and pound away

Why live

Pretty much. He was even lower in the old version because someone like him would be extremely spoiled and selfish.

>that Fizz buff

I really dont understand, a fish hit is a complete fucking death sentence that was cleansable and therefore to make up for that Fizz could still gib an AD carry simply with a lichbane QW and an E hit

and now it's NOT fucking cleansable so if that fish even clips you you're dead 100% of the time with NO FUCKING WAY to stop it

>always find lamb nice
>save up IP to buy her
>those patch notes
I will main her anyway, Rito, go fuck yourself

>Jhin not in asexual

she is still strong as fugg

the best jungler for soloq for sure.
also, hips

>server still isnt up


You are a liar

>that ricegnat doujin with his OC

jesus christ
i'd do anything to get this man to draw an Eve doujin

This just confirms the "what the fuck even"

When you say relationship value you mean how loyal/nice a partner they'd be?

>mah husbando ranking so high in that case

Will Zed ever be balanced?
As in is it possible for him to be between being 100% ban/pick and being completely ignored?

dont worry user. you can still just rn away from the TF and spare your fellow champion from being sucked in with you.

you were outplayed

>that one time the EUW servers were up and another region wasn't
well well well

>we feel that being able to cleanse a champions ult completely made that champion feel useless and unable to fight
>so we're making x champions ultimate completely impossible to remove so that they themselves can apply this very feeling to every other champion in the game

we talking about feet here?

best girl coming through

Yeah but his penis would probably not be involved.
He probably cut it off.

yes and maybe the qss change will help in that

now that he has a guaranteed instagib on the enemy AD carry he can be nerfed and have a lanephase on par with champions like Talon (aka not the strongest lanephase out of all midlaners) and be much weaker in early fights and shit since he scales like a fucking monster

obviously this would imply riot actually caring to balance their babies (Azir and Zed) which wont ever happen

>gender identity
and people use Taliyah to flame riot

>gender identity
>gender identity
>gender identity

That's not even relevant as long as he can have a sexual experience.
Also your headcanon.