Decided to be wow killer with subscription and box price instead of F2P as originally planned.
Ayden Carter
Because it was a subscription MMO with nothing unique to offer and a dead world.
Seriously leveling up you might run into 2 maybe 3 people in the 20 hours it takes to quest to the first city and they're either playing with their friend or just blasting through areas to level as quickly as possible.
Even in supposed historically low subs "dead" wow you're constantly running into other players, you can always get a group together even if you're not in a guild or don't know anyone else plays the game.
Hunter Brown
dead game
Jaxson Thomas
All the ded game meming seems to occur around the same time every day. Curious.
Tyler Stewart
Literally less players than battlefront on pc, and battlefronts a god damn failure if ever there was one. How long are mm times? Glad I dodged the bullet even if I enjoyed the beta
Dylan Rogers
2-3 times as long as something that takes MMR or levels or more than nothing into account when finding players while also not doing any of those things
Ryder Harris
They listened to the vocal minority who wanted vanilla world of warcraft tier grind to attune to raids. Once you hit max level there was only 1-2 daily zones, pvp was unbalanced and broken, and the attunement process took weeks, discouraging having alt characters. It's a lot better right now but it's way too late. A lot of people including myself abandoned ship ages ago. It's sad really. I did like the lore, combat system and other things like the housing system, but in the end it wasn't enough for me to keep being interested in the game.
Aaron Wilson
What a shame. Hopefully it goes f2p mp before it gets forgotten and gets a player base. I want to Shayne it up again... Just doesn't look likely now
Brody Thomas
>Third ever mission >Legendary drop
Cool beans. Poor M Pulse Controller looks like shit but I'll give it a try.
Christopher Jackson
most non-character specific legendaries you have to grind their lore challenges for are shit
Carter James
Like a min if your not in Australia.
Elijah Myers
Because it is deadest at that time, Sherlock, and you can feel it in the MM.
Daniel Bennett
>combat system For all they were hyping it up for ("True action combat guys! better than TERA!") it was a massive disappointment.
Luke Martinez
i had queue times of over 30 minutes yesterday around 5pm est
i love the game but that ain't a good sign bud
Landon Morales
idk it probably is a little better than tera
too bad we never got that way of the samurai mmo where a level 1 player could beat a level 100 player just by being better
Ayden Johnson
>idk it probably is a little better than tera This is a good joke for red circles on the ground combat. Spellslinger had something like a total of three animations.
Chase Bennett
>2207 current players
Thomas Kelly
I think Battleborn was clearly meant to survive on consoles. It may be dying on PC but I've had no problems playing on PS4 finding games.
I'll also never understand the comparison between Overwatch and BB. They're not remotely similar and yet they're being compared to all the time and practically in a fanboy qar. Do people just see two games with multiple playable characters in a first person game and think they're the same? Is that the level we're dealing with
Jace Turner
I played tera after wildstar and thought they were about equal in terms of combat being at all satisfying.
Most of them are playing PVE too
Samuel Watson
1. People are dumb and assume anything with unique characters is a moba
2. Battleborn completely failed to explain what it is, most of the advertising doesn't even hint at the gameplay.
David Myers
>satisfying That's subjective. TERA's combat feels a lot meatier to me, for example, but nobody can say it's true or not. What we can say for sure is TERA definitely has 1 unique animation per move, and Wildstar does not.
Grayson Wood
Servers were fucked yesterday m8.
Logan Watson
More people would play PVP but it's usually a steamroll one way or the other.
Carter Kelly
Or if it was fun and didn't have galilea + miko + ghalt every game
Logan Thompson
You guys are silly.
Wildstar died because it was a bad game.
Battleborn will also die because it's a bad game.
Bad games die.
Grayson James
>look at steamcharts >it started >game is dying Told you faggots it would happen. Glad i didn't give Jewk and Jewbox my shekels.
When will they learn that they have to make games that stupid people can play and have fun with?
This is why Rabbi Metzen and Rabbi Kaplan's Overwatch win.
Grayson King
$10 have been deposited into your account!
Jeremiah Turner
Do you have this saved as a macro every time someone posts something you don't like? It's pretty pathetic
Juan Walker
$10 for a measly post?
Where do I sign up?
Cooper Cruz
Here's what my last match looked like.
Dylan Foster
>needing crutches to win
this meme is also pretty pathetic, you fags _literally_ appear only when EU is starting to come back from work and NA is barely waking up
just fuck off to your beloved overshill, a game that'll end up swallowed by tf2
William Hughes
>JewK shill damage control Do you send pictures of every time you do that so you get paid every time you defend your Jew overlords at Gearbox and 2K?
Ride that circumcised Jew dick a little harder.
Matthew Young
Tera had the opposite problem of Wildstar, you have bad taste.
Tera had fantastic combat and a beautiful open world.
Problem was there's nothing to do. No content, horrible QoL, unstable instance servers, bad optimization, and the enchanting and crafting systems are literally cancer.
Their engine is so bad that it can't even handle Battlegrounds or 10 man raids. They literally had to stop making raids because it made people's computers explode.
Now it's just an anime chatroom and no one actually plays the game.
I also don't see how it's really relavent to Battleborn, unless the topic is "games that died for dumb reasons."
Camden Adams
Yeah, that was pretty fun.
Jaxon Bell
>swallowed by tf2
Is it possible to be delusional enough to think TF2 is even active aside from the economy?
Tyler Evans
you forgot about the horrendous netcode and some classes being literally unplayable because of how crits work
you could've just hit E if the teams weren't up your alley, m8
Andrew Hughes
>Is it possible to be delusional enough to think TF2 is even active aside from the economy
Delusion: the post
Ryan Cox
I didn't manage to do it fast enough.
Jackson Powell
I'm not an Overwatch shill. I wrote the OPs and have, probably, contributed most of the non-cancer posts in these generals.
That doesn't mean I don't think it's a bad game that will die for perfectly understandable reasons, nor does it mean that I don't have some fun playing it.
Joshua Reyes
>overbabbies thinking their game is superior to literally everything else
as expected from a blizzdrone
Aaron Taylor
I honestly feel bad for you
Not really though, all post F2P TF2 players are scum of the earth and I laugh at their autism
Bentley Davis
Take your Battleborn vs Overwatch pissing contest to /v/. They love it and you'll have a great time there.
Zachary Stewart
>I wrote the OPs
No you didn't, faggot.
Bentley Rodriguez
>tf2 >swallowing anything but transgender MLP loving pillow fucking non-traditional-binary-otherkin mutilated dick semen
Please, famalam. Please... It's not like you can't look at the numbers. DESU i was gonna buy it if it actually kept consistent a consistent player count, but they didn't learn their lesson with Evolve.
Now Rabbi Metzen is gonna steamroll all over it and in 7 days its going to be dead as fuck. Sucks to be you nerds.
Sebastian Peterson
>koren cartoon girl
Asher Gutierrez
Is that a character from Overwatch? Fuck me she's uggo
Blake Bailey
not as ugly as any model in bb
John Reed
>ad hominem
yes thats Demonodivus in her Origins skin
Ethan Baker
Oh, I didn't forget, trust me. I just filed that under several of the other categories.
That being said, I did have some fun in TERA while it lasted.
I just don't know what it is with devs and systems design these days. Despite what people say, there have actually been a lot of great games released in the last 5 years.
Every single one of them has flopped exclusively because of bad systems design. Bad QoL, bad optimization, bad servers, bad monetization, or some combination of the four.
This shit was never a problem in ye olde days of gaming, I just don't get it. From the perspective of a player it all seems so simple. Most of the problems you pick up in the first 5 minutes of playing a game can be fixed in 10 minutes on someone's lunch break.
And yet they fester there from day one until the day the games die.
I would be truly astonished if Gearbox was actually able to fix most of the shit wrong with this game. Like, where the hell are they going to pull the code for a decent matchmaker from, or for a solid anti-cheat system? That's the sort of stuff you usually borrow from publishers that have actual experience in online games.
2K was voted the worst game publisher of all time. I don't see them being any help.
Isaac Morris
not as ugly as any model inyour mom
Lucas Bailey
>post is literally a string of bullshit cobbled together >expecting anything other than ad hominem
Charles Cooper
The funniest thing about this post is that you can't play
Andrew Morgan
>game is not doing well >people shit on it You guys are a disgrace to gamers. Find another hobby that you actually enjoy.
Isaac Miller
Maybe it's not doing well because it's not a good game
William Brown
pic related
>buttblasted enough to give me (You)'s
Even funnier that when i'm playing Overgoy you'll be waiting for an hour for a queue to pop.
Isaac Wilson
It's possible to enjoy both games, you know. BB is good once you're past all the rough edges. It's just bad matchmaking is one of those rough edges.
Robert Rivera
But user, I didn't bring up Overwatch - you did.
Sure did. I'm Reynaposter, Melkaposter, and Wrenchposter. I post all of the lovely visual bugs. I post half of the shitty match blogs and logs. I start most of the actual discussions about the game. I wrote both versions of the OP.
I still think the game is bad.
Jackson Hall
>But user, I didn't bring up Overwatch - you did. What. Has Veeky Forums become one person again? I've only been talking about BB this entire time.
Luke Lopez
Battleborn has no valid waifus
All the famle characters in Overwatch are valid eaifus
This is why BB has failed
James Young
Whenever people talk bad about this game, I just want to strangle them. If you don't like it stop talking about it, or else you get a ride out of people like me.
Saw a guy get beat up in an alley once. Turns out he was wearing a "Trump 2016" shirt. Opinions can have deadly consequences.
Lincoln White
I never ONCE said it was a shit game. It's actually pretty fun. All i said is that it's dying and will be dead when Overwatch releases that will be the final nail in it's coffin. Then proceeded to gloat about how happy i was i didn't buy it.
2K knew this would happen and was just happy to get their money and isn't going to give a shit about anyone who still plays after OW releases.
This general is going to die and the diehards are gonna go back to the plebbit from where they came and will cry that the game is still alive with 300 people like evolve is doing right now. People will cry that if it went f2p they would get a playerbase back but JewK won't budge.
History repeats itself inevitably. Jews make their shekels and people are sad. In the end 0 fucks will be given.
Noah Morris
>I wrote both versions of the OP.
You just slightly modified the original versions, faggot. Two people are responsible for the OPs, and you're neither of them.
Nolan Ortiz
Why does everybody use that old as fuck cut scean model that never made it into the game as proof? Post her current in game model.
William Roberts
>BB has no valid waifus
Jeremiah Nelson
You post it
Juan Ortiz
> pheobe > waifu
Lincoln Price
Camden Smith
League is a good example of a bad game with fapbait waifus, gearbox take note next time you want to put an unfinished game out.
Jayden Cox
too bad shes a shit character to play and weak as fuck
Jayden Torres
Ahri is not a furry
Luis Allen
>having a chart which lists tiers of degenercy
Fuck off furfag
Jason Gutierrez
I certainly didn't make the steam group or discord, but I don't think I was imagining it when I rewrote the blurb and added the Should I buy it? section.
You're welcome to do some more rewrites if you feel left out user, I don't mind. I just did it because no one else had.
Grayson Rivera
borderline isn't really furry either it's monster girl the furry line should be in the middle of pretty furry
Nicholas Martinez
>shit character to play and weak as fuck
t. single digits shitter
Nathan Martinez
Nah. That chart is spot on, unless borderland is just wearing paw gloves.
Jaxon Perry
Why does everything I like get shredded to pieces by automatons?
Kevin Turner
Felicia proves you wrong
Christopher Flores
I PvPed enough to be amongst the highest rated people in NA at launch.
The PvP was a fucking mess.
Warrior Spellslinger Healer (medic usually, if I recall). Every fucking 3v3. Warriors charge each other, spam whatever the rapid slash was called, pop the reset with detonate, did it again. One of them died, one of them didn't (or maybe they both did). The team that lost the warrior kited backward using spellslinger CC and other bullshit until the warrior respawned, and then the ranged threw shit at eachother until the detonates were ready again.
We literally never lost to a comp that wasn't a mirror. Game was fucking ass.
Dominic Adams
> What is google
Jack Ortiz
Placing your automaton feeder far away from the things you love is quite helpful.
They may still eat your flowers, but will probably leave your dog alone.
Eli Jones
How are those Galileas treating ya? Also Rath literally does her job better.
Waifu autist shitter. She will never be real. Doesn't matter how many times you fuck your hand thinking about her.
Asher Lee
Its like you don't play the game.
Isaac Kelly
>even googling such a thing
Furfag pls
Lucas Campbell
It's like you're in complete denial. Whatever famalamadingdong. Enjoy your next week of playing.
Ian Scott
They can literally fix matchmaking by adding a single Solo Queue button. If they're making assfaggots they should look to assfaggots for advice.
Fucking Gearbox.
Matthew Clark
That'd just make queues longer
You'd still get paired with SEA players using a proxy server vs 5 level 100s
Leo Rogers
It'll make queues longer for premades. That's fine, that's the cost of playing a premade. It won't have any effect on solo players.
Xavier Price
>Go to BB thread >Expect discussion >Get shitposting
Well anyways is ISIC as absurdly OP in PvP as he is in Co-Op? The second he gets turret mode the game is pretty much over.
Chase Morales
>How are those Galileas treating ya? I can stomp them just fine, thanks.
>Waifu autist shitter. She will never be real. Doesn't matter how many times you fuck your hand thinking about her.
projecting there a little, are we bubba?
Nathaniel Stewart
He's really strong, but the lack of mobility actually matters in PvP. Just start throwing napalm grenades at him.
Xavier Johnson
Fuck, I wanted to be the one to start an actual discussion. You beat me to it, asshole.
Anyway, I was wondering why the fuck do minions gain overshield just when I'm about to kill them?
Adam Watson
>plays vs a shitty galilea >"i'm doing just f..fine...senpai..." lol
>projecting now you're just regurgitating meme counteraguments.
Whatever man, have the fun you can have for the next week. We won't miss you when you go back to your subreddit to bitch to the devs that they need to make battleborn f2p to get players back.
Joshua Richardson
also, you didn't even use Phoebe in that game kys retard
Brandon Morris
Pretty much. Every arena team video is always a warrior, medic and whatever, usually spellslinger. Medic heals were and are still damn ridiculous because of their ability to reboot people's shields instantly with the reboot talent. A single surge usually tops people's shields. A lot has changed since then tho so I am not sure how the balance is anymore. Last time I played they did a massive patch changing, adding and removing stats as well as remaking some of the specs entirely.
Alexander Campbell
Not him, but I theorize that the redditers buying this game make up for the lack of sales on 4ch's end. I should hang out with those guys instead.