>be wageslave >work hard >people try to bring you down
why is that exactly
why is this so similar to d2g "everyones shit but me" experience?
Christian Fisher
Don't forget that your boss is taking away your hard earned coin.
Ryan Nguyen
>Dependant fags Terrorblade, Enchantress's best friend.
Jack Morales
Currently we are being raided by Activision Blizzard-hired shills, who are endlessly shitposting and trying to throw shit on Dota 2 and Valve, on Dota 2 general.
As the pool of shills are the same of JIDF and similar Israel controlled "creative marketing" institutions, they are also trying to devalue and shit on /pol/ while mis-using terms such as goy and calling Valve Jews to diminish its true meaning.
They are focusing hard on trying to portray Valve as Jews and Dota 2 base as "goys" for whatever reason they can, on a true Free to Play game that makes its revenue only through pixel cosmetics.
They are provoking people into shitposting and chaos by blatantly deceitful and provoking posts. They are calling people who enjoy the game valve drones.
Please report and ignore these posts for a better gulag experience, thank you.
Nolan Morris
these ig vs cdec casters are so fucking clueless jesus christ
Matthew Richardson
Adrian Ross
>423 meepo games >65% winrate >new patch >stomp enemy at start >can't go highground at 20 because hero is shit atm >lose at 40 min
I want 6.81 back.
Gabriel Peterson
Reminder that Dotards will defend this
Ethan Phillips
>All Lycan and Terrorblade pickers are literal psychopaths
Sebastian Butler
>Let the body hit the rax: The patch Nope, we better this way.
Eli Smith
the forest is mine
Evan Cooper
>being this mad over what other choose to spend their money on
take your pills user
Jayden Price
>tfw you have a quarry to settle
Charles Stewart
I miss the jolly fat mexican
Dylan Ramirez
black waifu best waifu
Easton Brooks
>mfw i juke some poor shitstain because he didnt pay 60$ for new map
Tyler Nelson
I'd give my soul for a cute futa wife desu
Angel Young
Imagine there's millions of alien races in the universe. One day, one of them stumbles upon our planet.
They are not impressed. Everything we have here they've seen already in thousands of flavors. Except one thing, DOTA. They've never seen anything like it. Their calculations show it's the most amazing game possible.
They try to play it. They tell about it to other empires. Even these extremely intelligent, can't play it good. The best alien, grey looking ayy lmao motherfucker, who has been called THE SAVIOR OF PLEYADIANS. This fella calibrated at 1700 MMR.
By this time DOTA is played in the whole galaxy. Empires bet entire planets on BO3's.
Watching human TI's sets the mood for the whole Milky Way.
Alien overlords decide they will breed humans to play DOTA.
They contact us and tell us the whole deal. Entire Earth industry and economy means nothing. Our technology is shit, we are primitive. What matters is that we are genetically engineered to play the best game possible.
People don't have to work anymore, playing DOTA earns you millions if you are able to achieve at least 3k mmr. Anyone who can calibrate at 2000 can become local star system HERO for the aliens. These who play at 5k become instant billionaires. Aliens give them anything they want, 10 tonnes of gold, advanced electronics, everything just so they play for their teams.
Thou face when dota2 saved the humankind.
Owen Wright
are you Ok buddy? Do you need mental help for delusional thinking? Please call your local help-hotline to get this anger out in a safe way. good luck pal.
Henry Robinson
>@mrpdota + @mikelorus literally fucking who?
Ayden Green
He just took too much Benadryl.
Jaxson Cox
>not bottling in your anger casual
Cameron Gomez
At least they're somewhat ok and you can actually understand them.
Joseph Robinson
Joseph Ortiz
fuck off blizzshill
Henry Martinez
LC isnt black you shitlord.
If anything Drow is the negro, change her color and she has black facial features.
John Gomez
I'm lazy and bad at decision making, who is the best counter-initiator right now?
Noah Peterson
>jumped from 3.3k to 3.8k with goypendium >will probably plataeu at low 4k >tfw you will never leave the trench
Hunter Young
Kaldr, the Ancient Apparition
Logan Lewis
tide hunter
Nicholas Green
>tfw you're playing carry and your cute little support stacks for you
Joseph Perry
Brandon Mitchell
Guys i would like to learn to last hit properly, im playing with bots just to train that but i cant seem to do it well. Is there any tips you guys can give besides "git gud scrub"
Isaiah Torres
Stop thinking like account buying shitter and start improving.
Zachary Russell
>tfw on a 15 loss streak I don't even know what to do anymore Whether I play mid, safe or support whether I actually play well or just feed it's always the same result because the clinkz mid has to lose the lane and tower to qop at 8 min and the like
Michael Hughes
Do it in an empty lobby without bots until you can hit every last one.
Nathaniel Collins
>ranked >allies keep picking the dumbest shit >riki puck duo offlane, jungle lycan and ancient medusa, etc.
How am I supposed to win like this?
Nicholas Ortiz
jungle lycan is good
Oliver James
>LC >not black >being this triggered
James Russell
>jungle lycan is good
Yeah, having 4 cores and 1 support is great. Especially when said jungler can't rotate to gank and is vulnerable to ganks.
Christopher Perez
Sometimes I wish I was a cute girl...
Brayden Collins
what patch are you from?
Mason Martin
>have a language test >get the exam paper >it says reply to an email send by your friend Anne >"I'm really excited to hear how you surprised your girlfriend with her birthday gift" >tfw never had a gf and am kissless virgin >get stunned for 10 mins by writers block Fuck normies. Seriously what the fuck? This is like going against a fed PL with no wave clear.
do with your least played carry/sf and without buying any items+no skills
Eli Harris
>Yeah, having 4 cores and 1 support is great. This is how EG plays every game.
Colton Parker
thanks bud
Gavin Richardson
will give it a go now.
Luis Lee
You mean they used to. Aui was the 4th core.
Henry Morgan
virus do not click
Liam Russell
>Not doing it with a dominated satyr trickster
it is like you don't want him to actually get good at last hitting
Oliver Morgan
No, they still do. Fear plays shit like Doom and Axe and greedy Enigma.
Daniel Price
>le ebin hotd meme
Jacob Scott
Jose Carter
>missing the point entirely
Landon Fisher
Bloodthorne is good lategame when you start to run out of slots as an upgrade to your orchid, if you built it.
Colton Ross
>relying on supports when jungle creeps can do their job
Brayden Powell
unless he's going to actually use him then there's no point in it and sf is good enough, he can do it after he learns how to lh adequately
Kevin James
>orchid Yeah but you've lost before you get to go lategame with this build.
Nolan Cooper
>tfw people repost my webms :3
Cameron Reyes
>Yeah but you've lost before you get to go lategame with this build.
I wouldn't really know, I have terrible winrate with Clinkz trying out all manner of builds and ways to play him.
Aaron Murphy
>Hit E >It Ain't Me starts playing
Andrew Cook
>tfw no aussies till esports
William Anderson
>tfw no drow qt trap IRL to give the reach around to from behind
it just hurts more every fucking day
Asher Myers
teach me the winter map
Adam Kelly
Andrew Thompson
EG fell for the honeypot Ti
Robert Young
I like the compendium because I like supporting Dota
Lucas Bailey
why do people hate panda.tv again?
Luis Martin
Cute boy, dude!
Anthony Flores
It's coded by what I suspect are retarded chinese teenagers
Kevin Collins
Lucas Miller
It's fucking Bloodthorn Not Bloodthorne
Evan Wood
what mmr?
Caleb Thompson
You find a way to summon one hero in the real world and make him/her do whatever you want.
Who do you summon and what do you ask him to do?
Sebastian Morales
Alchemist. Farm an aghs and use it on me.
Asher Bell
Drow Ranger.
Be my wife for eternity.
Jason Miller
What's the best way to calibrate highly nowadays? I guess they fixed zeus and oracle.
Cooper Butler
Since the beginning of this compendium i had some of my worst games ever every fucking game there is some tbd dipshit that thinks he's 5kmmr, when he's actually like 2k, then feeds, destroys my game and then blames others or acts like he did well
Cooper Watson
The baby will be black
Lucas Wright
>and use it on me. why not just buy a dildo online?
Tyler Sanders
Asher Campbell
What if you bought armlet on Abaddon?
Tyler Perry
It's my sign by the way. I wrote that at ESL One 2014 Frankfurt, I'll never forget it
Elijah Bell
I'm not talking sexually. It will disappear and I will get an aghs upgrade.
Leo Price
That's okay I'm not a RACIST.
Alexander Wood
post old memes
Benjamin Morgan
What if bloodseeker ran so fast that he ran out of the game and into the past?
Chase Martin
Humans don't have aghs upgrades user.
Nathan Lewis
You get fucked in the ass unless you manually cast your ultimate. Since it doesn't trigger unless you take damage, meaning you die without ever getting your ult off.