League of Legends General - /lolg/

Old: Eyosongive.us

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What do you guys think about Jinx now?

When do I pick Akali over Katarina?

>picking an immobile adc in the assassin meta

When you want to win mid

If an assassin is able to get in your face you are doing something wrong

Why is Akali so bad?

Will she be reworked in the assassin update?

I don't know what she's like with the new revolver.

>assassin meta
Lolg has been crying about a tank meta, now it's an assassin meta?

shut up faggot.

Tbf you can't always rely on your team to peel for you.

Assassins are in a good spot

IGN ToasteeToast

been playing this season after a long break from league to get gold again. Did okay in placements then went on a long winstreak right up to gold promos. Mage patch hit and I shit the bed and Im back to silver 2. Anyone want to duo with me so I have one less tardo on my team until I get back gold promos atleast? Thanks a ton.

>linking me to reddit
Nah I'm just going to report you for viral marketing of some shitty meme legion cause

Everything is in a fairly decent spot right now.

>Post removed
kys retard.

>OP got shit on by a pony fag

No thanks.

people make league of legends magic cards all the time, but does anyone remember cardfighters on the neogeo pocket? I would play the shit out of a league version

>mfw I'm unironically climbing with Jhin and Jinx
Why is /lolg/ always wrong?

What rank did you start in and are you now?


Dis gon b gud

I have played dota for many years and want to try league as my friends play. What attitude should I have coming into league? Any core differences in how you play so i wont get flustered?

Wow, those cucks deleted my post. It was on topic. Fucking nazi cucks

Playerbase-wise, exactly the same as every MOBA: Assholes and people incapable of unclenching their anuses. I mean there are normal human beings as well but you won't notice them because they aren't the ones spending entire matches having a stroke.

Otherwise, i'm pretty sure all the major MOBAs pretty much just steal from each other for ideas anyway. One thing that might be different is that there's a fairly rigid meta in terms of what character type goes where (1 Top (Tank of some kind usually), 1 Mid (Mage or Assassin), 1 Jungle, 2 Bot (One support, one ADC)) and I think i've heard that DotA is more flexible in that regard.

When is Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums server gonna open?



Are you a cute girl?


>Not taking ignite on support

Why is she stealing that baby moose from its mother?

>That face

She IS
Just look at her CUTE BROWS

>not taking exhaust ignite on bard
just use you portals :^)

looks like 'another team forgiven is going to leave at the end of 1 split' episode to me

She is a Jew, they are well known pedophiles.

if I had to guess she just saved it from that avalanche above the ice wall

Level 6 after 2 games on Lucian

The fuck was the old thread deleted for? I didn't wanna talk in this Zedfag's thread.

Back to the Tahm posters from deleted thread (really? Just because of a tripfag making it? lol)

I've gotten S ranks a lot with TK doing support and building him a top build (titty, Warmogs, Thornmail, etc) after going Relic eye straight up.

People underestimate the damage you do and it's pretty fun tanking for days.

/r/ing that image of Leona and Ezreal that's just an edit of an image from an /ss/ manga

please help

especially with soaz on the team
You know damn well those 2 aren't going to get along

post zed being the huge faggot he is

If I get boosted to Gold V, am I gonna get matched with golds in normals?

How does one play tricky fish of many escapes? This is coming from an immobile mage guy, so I think my main problem is just learning when to commit. Any suggestions?

Ok lets talk Taliyah:

Gameplay wise I like her. She fits the kind of playstyle I like, it gives potential for a lot of plays, her wall and w are good spells for someone who can use them. Definitely like A-sol, she's gonna be a slow start but I predict she'll become pretty top-tier.

Design wise however, Jesus fucking Christ. Where even to start? She is fucking hideous. I can look past her appearance ripped straight out of some tumblr artist if she at least had some sort of fun personality or backstory.

But her personality is nothing more than a whiny unsure teen that thinks she's 2 mature fo u and her backstory reads like badly written self-insert fanfiction about a 20 year old fat nerdy girl who's rubbed herself one too many time while thinking of hasaki.

I guess at the end of the day it really doesnt matter given that her gameplay's alright and that's all that matters in a game.

Also her laugh is pretty cute.

Is Tahm jungle still viable? It was so fun

Cute hairy BEAR :3

>Can't even tell what the original post was
>It was likely something completely retarded

I don't know if it was about him being a 'pedo' but if it was, why would he be dating Sjokz if he's into little girls when she's the polar opposite.

>Janny deletes the older thread with more posts and more people in it.
is it really so much to take 4 seconds and look nigga?

>learning when to commit
if you have lichbane and are alive there's no reason not to commit with fizz

Depending on your rank, but yes. Its not like anyone is gonna counterjungle and kill fucking tahm.

What roles do you play in DOTA?

What Heroes do you like?

There might be something similar to them in League.

Ashe is a good example. She's near identical to Drow Ranger.

>The fuck was the old thread deleted for?
probably either the thread maker was banned or because it was not made correctly?

Who here /rengartop/?

>reach 60% win rate
>immediately lose 5 in a row

Coincidence? What do I do.

Add me

I love Taliyah!

Your clears are slow as molasses but he's fun once he gets cinder/the ball rolling. You're just a giant, slow, maurading fatass so expect a lot of escapes.

Viable? Probably not. Fun? You fucking believe it.

No. They nerfed Tahm out of every role but support.


No. Ranked and normals are different MMR.

>Hairy bears


Post pics or I can't believe you desu.

ok gameplay

How does that work, especially if you draw a ranged faggot?

Man why didn't they make mastery 7 actually fairly difficult to get. Make it so you have to get within top 1000 or 500 or something with your champ in the world to get it.

play with your friends because that's how you have fun.

biggest difference:
in league, abilities are spammable and less impactful, while items are big stat sticks that let your abilities do more damage

(ignore people (like the other poster) that claim that characters can ONLY GO X. it really doesn't matter who goes where as long as you have all your bases covered (tanky/squishy character, magic/physical damage, melee/ranged), and as long as you don't do something retarded (trying to jungle with champs that can't clear camps or carry with champs that do no damage))


I don't read lore. Face features are unrecognizable from ingame model. I'm good.

I like her bushy eyebrows! They just need to give her a nosejob imo.

As long as you don't have the change averse attitude of
>this isn't the way dota does it so I'm gonna complain and keep trying to play like dota instead of adapt
you'll probably be fine.

Also even shitters in league have some mechanics because they spend hours masturbating to gosu montages. You have a lot less of those folk you get in DotA who can't even control their hero.

I pick zhonyas but Ill have to answer his next call

should i run full armor pen in place of attack damage for ARAM?

No where near that hard. And even if it was, its almost like mastery should show your skill with the champ rather than how many games you invested on them


I'm in my placements and OP.GG says I'll probably end up Gold4

It was made correctly and he hadn't posted anything banworthy.

Is he more viable than Leona jungle? Leona jungle was my shit last season but she really needed purple smite ):

>Sona is going to sneak another win in the contest thanks to Janna



her splash and portrait make me wanna puke

shut up you autist

If you take two tanks bot you're gonna have a bad time.

Although with the people he'll be playing with it doesn't matter they'll all be taking weird shit weird places.

She will make great Khaleesi skin.

anyone got those feet pics of tab? i need 2 jerk off

proper good guide right here
got me from bronze 1 to silver 5 in 2 months

Seeing as AD marks are taken to help with last hitting, yes.

Armor pen would suit you better when you're just attacking the enemy instead of farming.


>got me from bronze 1 to silver 5 in 2 months

i got s+ as tahm support in a normal doing fuck all. i don't even know what i did to deserve it. just ate the other support level 2 for fb, kept on licking them in lane for another kill, then randomly roamed around sitting in bushes, spamming wards, and occasionally contributing to kills building full tank (obv with eye item and locket).


I take exhaust and Bandit instead of Dangerous Game. If ranged they are most likely squishy (unless its gnar or something). Just take your dicking till 6/GB then you win.

What should I build as Rumble facing a Maokai

are carries the same in the sense that they get fat an muscle down the enemy team? It looks like "AD carry" means "dps machine" more than anything else

on a similar note, is afk farming/splitpush a thing? or is teamfighting the be-all and end-all?

>Be bully support
>Bully the enemy laners out of the lane
>Build your tank and support items
>Get an S
There is a problem getting an S doing what you're supposed to be doing?

meh, I'd suck your cock.

>he hadn't posted anything banworthy.
he could have been banned for shitposting over in /sp/ or /v/ or something.
All your stuff gets purged when banned I think

Nothing because he will push your shit in so hard

That's pretty much how I do it, boss. Stun/locking down someone with a couple support items then going full tank/bruiser is usually the way. But I build wrong usually. It works out.

I'd say it's easier though you can't reset your AA like with Leona. Sucks you can't eat Blue/Red/Dragon/Baron/Rift, though getting a lane kill with Gromp is IMMENSELY fucking satisfying.

smd but not duo with me baka desu fampai

New Taric
There. Figured out all the DoTA ones. Eat shit.

>on a similar note, is afk farming/splitpush a thing? or is teamfighting the be-all and end-all?

Depends on the team comp.

Something like Fiora doean't really teamfight as much as she split pushes.

She has nice wave clear with titty hydra and her AA resets are nice at taking towers quickly.

She's called the grand duelist for a reason, anyone coming to stop her will get their shit shoved in.

Same shit. Pen boots. Liandrys. Rylais. Then probably void staff 3rd. DFT. Actually have a friend who's crushing in D4 with Rumble jungle except he buys FQC every single game and it works.

Trim your beard.

Yeah, I want to start jungling bc it seems so much easier to carry your team from jungle than mid/bot.

literally only two of those champs build trinity force

>still building titty hydra on fiora
is this why you people think she's shit now?

it kind of depends on what 2 tanks. if it's someone with a range ability to get farm or engage it can work fine. otherwise you just get poked forever farming under your tower until people start grouping and you become useful.

but you can have something like a leona/j4 kill lane or mundo/tahm unkillable fatfuck lane. it can work but the rest of your team has to cover other bases with ranged champs.

>new champ literally builds a wall

Mexicans BTFO


I don't play ranked.

I prefer the bruiser build.

She's fine with it.

Why do so many people play Lee Sin?

His win rate has been bad for quite a long time. People usually abandon champions once their win rate is bad.

I had a guy on my friends list who, whenever he played against champs that stacked mr, he would immediatly rush a locket followed by a portal on rumble. and he was a one trick pony as well

whether thats still good or not idk, but ive never seen a guy win lane so hard keeping a champion top while he roams with "AUTISTIC BRAVERY SHIELD" and drops ults on people

Why don't people just roll up in the jungle and kill the jungle at level 1.

What was the 4800 IP champion that got reduced in price?