/dsg/ FC banlist Dietrich edition:
greatshield, rapiers, red hilted halberd, BKG, carthus curved sword, dark sword, twin princes greatsword, washing pole, halberds, straight swords, curved swords, bkga, black knight sword, spears, hollowslayer gs, gotthards, drang hammers, curved greatswords (excluding old wolf curved sword) , greataxes, ugs, spiked mace, greatswords, witch's locks, katanas, twin swords excluding onikiri and ubadachi, axes, hammers, smough's hammer, offhand caestus, offhand crossbows, throwing knives, firebombs including rope, moss, resins
new addition to the ban list: ToD, miracle buffs, pyromancy, offhand fist weapons and claws, dark hand, BINOCULARS, chameleon/white branches, green blossom, demon's fists
perma banned: black knight glaive, greatshields, washing pole
>Must bow before fighting
>No gesturing after fight
>No hardswapping
>No changing to fast weapon if opponent gets on low health
>No changing weapons for riposte
>No hornet ring
>No leo ring
>No bloodring
>No HP regen ring
>No obscuring ring
>No Greatshields
>No Dark Sword
>No Estoc
>No Warden's blades
>No Gotthard
>No parry spam
>No dragon roar
>No spin combo
>No parrying with caestus
>No simple weapons
>No blessed weapons
>No more than 1 buff
>No bleed resin
>No prism stones
>No white branches
>No throwing knifes
>No dung pies
>No bombs of any type
>No using ashen estus
>No R1 spam
>No roll spam
>No running attacks
>No winning
>No fun