League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

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Pool skins when

xth for Quinn

Best Waifu





owl champion when?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 8 slots left

password is vidya

>Frozen heart will be meta again with AS bruisers fucking everywhere

Thank god, fuck IBG


I have typed this post to inform you that I find Taliyah unappealing and her face repulsive while I do admire her clothing and hair.

xth for uninstalling this shitty game

I want to go swimming in Lulu

okay, the muslim tumblr demisexual girl plays almost like anivia, but without freeze and shit.

More bird champs. Secretarybirds are so fucking cool.


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya

I just want swain buffed and then every bird related champion is viable in some way.

I'd be a happy man.

Reminder that buffed Triforce WILL make Jax, Irelia and other users of this item will become really strong.



I want to go swimming in Poppy

Just bought Nidaree what am I in for besides nerfs

>Febiven duoing with "No God But Allah"

alayhi as-salām

But does the music play?

good, fuck maokai/ekko/poopy

Do you like my Op ? , i made it thinking in you !!

So how does everyone feel about Toph? About to play my first game and any tips would be nice

How much is the super galaxy skin bundle going to cost?

I already own all the champions and the rumble skin already

need to know if I can waste some extra cash on BOXES


Nasus incoming to be the cancer that kills the other cancers

cant wait to see one of my old champs back on top!

I absolutely love her outfit and her kit looks fun as fuck, but Riot went full tumblr on her face and lore

>hard rigid body physics
i'm not asking for gainaxing, but take a look at how real people look when they're moving up and down. i'd rather have static image desu

Big Dog of Infinite Stacks will save us.

To elaborate. No I don't care about "Mechanics" or "potential". I have no love of needlessly elaborate things. I am very much a "Hulk Smash" type of person.

Tweening looks awful and DJ Sona only looks good with Concussive. She should have had a full face helmet for all modes, not just that one.

Your mindset of "ban everything that might be good is retarded. You had might as well just play single player games.

>but Riot went full tumblr
stop this meme
I legitimately don't understand why I need to be forcibly reminded of this place whenever I'm on a board that starts with v

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya

get rod > rylai's and make kids cry as you kite them for ages


>Reminder that buffed Triforce WILL make Jax, Irelia and other users of this item will become really strong.

Yes fucks yes, now the pricks can start reverting the Jax nerfs during all the Rageblade shenanigans.

so now that rageblade is lukewarm, what do i build on kogmaw? the typical champion.gg shit doesn't convince me, there's got to be some crazier shit out there

bork runaans guinsoo wits end mallet

Not him but, because its fucking true.

She straight up looks fucking repulsive, like she unironically looks like the smashing guy. And her fucking lore is trumblr's favorite cutesy girl is innocent yet still powerful and mature. I mean her fucking lore is straight up Self-insert girl x yasuo fanfiction.

but kogmaw is one of the few champs for which rageblade is still good. he LITERALLY shits out on-hit damage.

I hope you're all having a good time farming votes! I wanted to remind you that unsubmitted votes from the previous patch are no longer valid.

Let me know if you guys have any questions, thanks!

I really like her desu. Her kit feels really nice to me. I've had a lot of fun playing her. Rylai's is very necessary though.

Did riot even try with this update? The new q has no animation! the bird just flops on the ground and sits there looking atrocious.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya

>be brazillian
>offline streamers so I go watch voyboy to see how pro players differ from brazillian pros
>first game he plays like a retard on akali his main champion
>second game he feeds again on yasuo, apparently his main too
and people say BRs are bad holy shit




>tfw you get random invite to join a 3v3 Ranked team
That Zed made the enemy team surrender by himself

sure as a third item

She seemed pretty insecure and immature from what I read.

That's not a pro player tho, just a youtube personality.

They DID go full tumblr. I don't care hire much you want to avoid politics on the internet. A fact is a fact.

he's always been a shitter who only goes for #LCSBIGPLAYS

good thing that, unlike Ekko, Irelia and Jax actually have counters

>Need more bans

You know theres needing more bans and then there is "Git gud"

Needing 10 bans is probable

Wanting to ban every champion that gets a chance to finally be decent now is fucking atrocious.

how do you feel about pregnant champions /lolg/?

She's fun, but a little shit.
>Let's give a laning mage 2 easy to dodge spells and a spell that she can only cast 3 times in lane before doing no damage and being useless

Mature in that kind of Teenager kind of way, kinda like Holden Caulfield, someone who's not actually mature at all but acts like they're the tragic protagonist of the greatest story ever made. Maybe Im a little overreacting on her, but I really dont like the personality she has.

such as?

breast waifu

sona should be kept constantly pregnant

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya

you counter ekko with fiora

As soon as we get a moth champion.

join the lolg discord server and have fun with us! or just post lol lewds

Insecure maturity and an irresponsible desire to enforce their worldview on others is tumblr's favorite form of "maturity"

are there any requirements for this or can anyone join such as a bronze shitter like myself??

Because "Us or Them" horseshit is a problem that has plagued gaming since the 90s.

She just comes off as a spineless little shit that is trying to not be a spineless little shit.


xth for breast waifu

Darius, Olaf etc

Anyone can play. Ranked or unranked. Just be aware that you will probably be shit on and have a bad time.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 7 slots left

password is vidya

Absolutely Yes

Reminder that Daniel"SJW"Klein also made Tahm Kench, Azir, and Lucian.
Waiting for Taliyah to become utter cancer and continue the tradition of the cycle of only being shit or being cancer.

anyone can generally join
except leavers they get spanked at the host's discretion
>moth champ literally drove out an attention whore
erry tim

you still build it on him since he has on hit, and it's actually now a better buy for him

Taliyah recap:

>all spells have cast time, so no kiting potential if the enemy is already close
>VERY slow and EXTREMELY telegraphed ulti so its coolest applications go straight out the window, like surfing a wall and ramming it into oponents as a way to make an opening for combo
>in fact using it for ANYTHING but preplanned and prepositioned blocking will most likely fail
>it's so useless mostly you'll use it just to get somewhere quicker and notice no difference in your potential
>laning is weak, only reliable damage comes from q which won't shoot over minions and which will leave a huge circle inside which you can't use it to its full potential anymore
>one circle will last THREE MINUTES
>meaning ONE SINGLE USE of Q in an unexpected situation in a bad position will hinder your laning potential for a long long time
>useless passive for how much managing it takes
>W cast time is one second during which you CANNOT cast any other spell
>you're effectively silencing yourself every time you use W
>even IF you DOUBLECAST the W in 0,1 seconds, you still must wait for the whole 1 second duration before you can cast anything else
>so, for full damage you MUST use your E before W to push enemies into E, which will only make your combo EVEN MORE telegraphed, giving anyone with half a neuron for brain enough time to gtfo before you even get the time to second cast your W

So to recap despite all the seeming potential this fat jew cunt had, you're reduced to using all your spells in extremely predictable way in which you cannot even determine the order of spells you're going to use.

She will only be used for the potential of walling enemies away from an objective, besides that her gameplay is going to be garbage.

I feel like Riot missed an awesome opportunity with this earth bending stuff. We could've had a rhythm based spammer caster mage with many combos and different effects depending in what rhythm/order you used the spells, but instead we got this onetrick.

I wonder if this is a good way to git gud.

why are people saying tristana is shit now?
>huge burst once you get that ie, static and rapidfire
>can 1v1 assassin junglers once you get that bloodthirster

i don't get the bad winrate. Granted there are plenty shitters in gold IV where i am but i've never had to do effort with trist to carry.

Fuck off IRC cancer.

>>all spells have cast time, so no kiting potential if the enemy is already close
>huge area slow that prevents dashes
>can shoot q while moving

>Pro gamer


All of them were absolute trash on release. Just like Taliyah. They had to be buffed repeatedly before they became cancer. Just like Taliyah.

i feel like this is the poppy ult fiasco where people don't realize the power of displacement.

Bloodrazor kogmaw botlane. Anyone else tried it since the buffs? It's really fun and strong late game, 6% max health damage on hit, on 3 people at a time combined with sated Devourer passive is truly absurd. The only problem is early game you're a useless sack of shit without heal. Unless you have a Braum support you're absolutely getting face fucked 24/7.

So what do you guys think, is the meme worth it or not?

t. bronze V player

Her E doesn't prevent dashes, her knock back is easy to avoid and it silences her for an entire second, and her q makes her stop for a short duration, meaning most likely that Garen/Nasus is going to catch up and fuck your shit up.

Yup, that's what I mean.
They'll buff Taliyah till she's pick/ban in LCS then after 6 patches they'll dumpster her for a while until she comes back 6 months later.
the cycle will continue, ty based Daniel , for continuing to ruin the game

> garen
> nasus

Did someone build a time machine?

Where's CatBro !?

that's just the way the cookie crumbles don't count your chickens before they hatch expect nothing & live frugally on surprise if you don't control your mind someone else will time is a great teacher unfortunately it kills all its pupils two things certain the infiniteness of the universe and human stupidity and i'm not sure about the universe the important thing is to not stop questioning the only thing we have to fear is fear itself talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish that's the pot calling the kettle black our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising up every time we fall mind over matter if you don't mind it doesn't matter everything comes to those who wait cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth hitch your wagon to a star

But that's exactly the problem, her ult seems to be the ONLY redeeming quality about her.

Like I said she's still going to see some play once pros figure out how to use her ult well in regards to taking objectives, but beyond that she won't be much. Poppy at least offers so much more besides just her ult.

It can also be any other melee champion. I only used them as examples because they're the most easily kideable ones.

nice opinion, now post your s5 rank so we can see if this post actually has any credibility to it

I love these..

is always the same. Same shit. Same shit with Gnar, Azir, Tahm and so on...

Not even a day since she came out and there's already the final veredict. Yeah, sure.

t. austist

The cycle of buffs and nerfs continues. We will pick, they will ban.

why don't they just make skins for champs with the less skins, lolg? it's sad

>she's still going to see some play once pros figure out how to use her ult well in regards to taking objectives
Taking objectives is extremely key in LCS. Taliyah wont be going away for a long time.


It's just the impression so far.

You can't deny her W is going to fuck her up.

She could've been a mage, but instead now has to be reduced to supporting or jungling because she can't do shit in a lane by herself.