>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
>Convert source mouse sensitivity
>Dragons Animated Short
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>Official Stuff
>Official Comics
>The Oversheet
>Convert source mouse sensitivity
>Dragons Animated Short
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first for pharah best girl
>/owg/ says it's 5 more sleeps until Overwatch
>today is my day off
>I've literally slept 5 times today
>Overwatch isn't closer
Why is /owg/ filled to the brim with fibbing cunts?
I'm going to post this in every thread I'm in so you know I'm in that thread
Roadhog is best character.
just fill the time;
read a book;
go to work,
learn a language
Anybody planning on watching this meme celebrity tournament? I really wish they threw those players up against something like team creation/c9 so that we could watch them get fucked up, especially yogcast.
Reminder that overwatch is the DSP approved game
You get to choose a game developer to make an Overwatch spinoff.
Who do you choose and what genre is the game?
what does the image say?
Consoles are NOT for gaming.
They are Netflix boxes at best.
I can't draw all the butts on my own, requesting more butt drawings
He looks like Loadout character.
>happy halloween winston
What did she mean by this?
>listening to frogposters
I don't know what that is but it sounds awful
"Happy Halloween Winston !!"
Reminder that Bastion is the DSP approved hero
Who /offtuesday/ here?
They're some partying mother fuckers
Also I hope we get themed skins like halloween and christmas skins.
It says "Happy Halloween, Winston!!"
Consoles are literally budget PCs.
>linking some sort of piewdeepiiie on Veeky Forums
>mfw console players will NEVER get to play overwatch with dsp
TellTale Games;
like Tales from the Borderlands:
choose some guys with zero combat experience trying to make some big, quick buck and getting thrown into chaos between Omnics, Mercenaries, Talon and crminals
Me but I'm neet so /offlife/
>tfw off work every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
>yfw Mercy and Torbjorn were bullying Winston because they didn't invite him to the Halloween party
I sure hope you guys averaged more kills than dsp on your offense heroes
Did that guy get paid for that?
or was that his payment?
>play random vidya
>already bored 10 seconds later
>ow isn't here yet
My part time nigger
>>mfw console players will NEVER get to play overwatch with dsp
other way around user
>mercyfags cucked by old manlet
Is the timeline fucked or is it lack of info?
I want a drawing of Soldier lying in bed, trying to sleep while Reaper is staring at him from the window.
I hate you cucks! I m-meant the OP image
I won the Taco Bell contest: Site says code released after campaign ends, and that ends today.
Early release for winners? Or do we have to wait until release?
ive been playing stellaris to pass the time
hopefully I can finish my game before overwatch is released
>hey 76
>i'm a fairy
>you believe in fairies don't you
But mercyfags self-insert as hairy fat manlets
Never being Hanzo is suffering
You'd literally have to be in potato mmr. He was near the bottom.
yeah I started x-com the other day to pass the time
it's not fair
>climbing up walls a couple of steps then falling off
>holding an arrow and running with it so you can bounce it off walls to scatter
Anybody else tired of all the skynet propaganda in this game?
>Africa is totally gonna have an amazing recovery in the future
mercyfags self insert as the mercy getting spit roasted by winston and zenyatta
>yfw you realize that winston will forever remain a virgin because the are no more sentient gorillas on earth and fucking regular ones is bestiality
Save us
This is the closest thing I have
More arab skins when?
You could get your copy right now but it wouldn't matter because the servers aren't live
I'm a Taco Bell winner too, have you gotten your headset yet?
>the final area of king's row is an underground omnic city where all the omnics are forced to live and you're dropping an EMP right on top of it
oh my fuck I never realized, I just thought it was some weird apartment housing or something. Now it makes sense why it's so out of the way to all the other houses.
Hue and poo land actually will though
Reminder that Winston likely wont get day 1 nerfs.
Atleast he has Mercy
That's fucking adorable.
>the final area of king's row is an underground omnic city where all the omnics are forced to live and you're dropping an EMP right on top of it
Good, omnics deserve to die.
It's more like fucking the mentally handicapped
But his entire species is retarded
What a cute white girl
transporting The Doomfist in Numbani as well.
So I've been trying to figure out if I should spend money on this game. So far, I've come up with this:
Pros of Buying Overwatch
>about 5-6 good characters that are interesting and have depth
>guaranteed updates for awhile.
>runs great
Pros of sticking with tf2:
>all the characters have depth
>doesn't support activision.
Cons of Overwatch
>most of the cast is casual shit
>supports activision
>the average overwatch player
>no spies
Cons of Sticking with TF2
>kind of samey after all this time
>probably never going to get an update again.
Am I missing anything boys? I've got a week to make my decision, I want to make sure it's informed.
I want you to look closely at this man. His perfect, rugged features. His sharp, hawklike eyes. His rough, stubbled cheeks. Jesse McCree; he's an outlaw stealing your heart and using your best pick up lines to get your girl wet. Do you ever think about what McCree likes to eat? What are his favorite foods? Never fear. Here are five facts about Jesse McCree!
1. McCree is a cowboy and cowboys love steak!
4. Cowboys also love eating barbeque!
3. Cowboys who love eating steak and barbeque are cute!
1. I want to lick barbeque sauce off his ass!
He is too old for her, she is clearly not in a relationship with him, they are just friends. Pharah is Mercy's true and only love.
Does not look that great on console
not me
but i have a week on/week off schedule
and my week off starts wednesday
so basically nonstop overwatch until blood and wine comes out, then back to overwatch
I love McCree facts!
Fucking Omnic robo scum
babby replaced with tracer edit when
Dr. Ziegler, I'm Blackwatch
"Don't believe his lies"
>all the characters have depth and aren't casual shit
Please stop trying to keep white adults playing tf2 user. Valve stopped giving a shit about casualization day one when they released the game as dumbed down tfc.
>Not Widow
>this will never be a Mercy skin
Tell me about Reaper! Why does he wear the mask?
She wasn't alone.
This wait is really getting to people
TF2 babies go back to your general if you even have one.
>He's probably wondering why you would shoot a man
>Before telling him it's high noon
doesn't really fit the snotnosed crying like a baby aesthetic
does fit the players though
Okay, I'm going to have to add "toxic community" to the overwatch cons list.
>Blizz won't do:
>Bikini skins
>Seasonal skins
>Meme skins
>Cross-gender skins
>implying Blizzard won't release Halloween skins
Overwatch players can't handle depth. I haven't seen ONE good Winston player and it took me one evening to get good at him and the class is easy as fuck, yet all Winstons who weren't me just ate anus and didn't know what to do. The game is maybe even too hard for current shooter playerbase.