cute Meg edition Previous Thread Official World: 42 Official FC: "grindanfc" Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)
>gets phished I got hacked >gets keylogged I got hacked
Alexander Parker
Threadly reminder that there is nothing wrong with being a furry
Carson Collins
>gets socially engineered >i got hacked
I hate dumb people so much.
>shit up the boorus and the panda >don't know the difference between good and bad art >entry level fetish >bad autism
Noah Price
What's your ign? I want to put you on my ignore list.
Wyatt Ortiz
Levi Young
Muh XP
Mason Harris
>fell for the meme
Brody Wright
what, is it not good or summat?
Ryan Thomas
It took 1-2 hours to create them, will be used up in 2-3 hours max, and I'd be lucky to get enough decent components to make it worth even 15 minutes of my time. There's also no way to make more without spending half an hour disassembling low tier stuff per one bank stander.
Not the bankstandvention I dreamed of.
Cameron Edwards
but think of the perks
Jeremiah Wood
I could have gotten this shit disassembling real items in under a minute rather than spending 5 refining junk. And real items are unlimited.
Angel Cooper
Why cant I play on google chrome? Fire fox is shit
does it amaze anyone else that nightmarerh still makes content on youtube?
Ian Thomas
Angel Lee
It amazes me how autistic Alkan still is
Thomas Long
You mean Scythe, right?
Nolan Diaz
>need 33500 elder energy for those charges KILL ME PLEASE
Owen Williams
Why would someone prefer ripper demons?
Christian Mitchell
>using chrome >ever
David Jackson
this isn't 2012 firefox is garbage
Xavier Ramirez
and so is chrome.
Christian Martinez
what do you use? opera kek
Nathaniel Jenkins
Liam Diaz
>great xp >good charms If you're a poorfag/shitter I guess you could block them
Isaiah Perry
haha well memed
Lincoln Smith
Nolan Brown
Is this a manip
Lincoln Myers
>is it the jews? probably
Jack Gonzalez
why has scythe gone up over 10m today
fucking jews
Nicholas Murphy
>It's a wake up episode
Jaxson Lee
Buy an orb of oculus and post houses.
Charles Harris
>Trying to manipulate the prices of the oculus through the general Fucking jew
Ryan Lewis
>thinking his ploy was that simple He was also hoping that his very decorated house would make others in this thread envious and have us attempt to refurnish, embellish, and enlarge our poh. Meanwhile, he has various selling offers in the GE with construction supplies.
Owen Green
/pol/ was right yet again
Xavier Smith
>There's also no way to make more without spending half an hour disassembling low tier stuff per one bank stander.
how the fuck do you not have a near limitless supply of junk or crafted parts at this point?
and if you're talking about refined components, you just fucking make them while you use the bankstander.
bankstanders are awesome, you are shit.
David Bennett
Cool. Make 100 bankstanders with your "limitless" amount of junk. Now what? Pro tip they cost literally over 1000 junk each, and last 3 minutes each.
Way to miss the whole fucking point, retard.
Gabriel Anderson
does making the junk thing use anything other than junk? do you get eggsbee?
why the fuck does it matter how long they take to use up? you're getting free components for just sitting at the bank, which you're already doing for a bunch of different skills.
you get free components for doing nothing and you think its shit.
Carson Kelly
>Finish Salt in the Wound I remember people saying this would end in sadness.
Carter Thomas
it ends in being the worst finale to a questline ever conceived so bad that the guy who made it quit
Hunter Howard
>tfw accidentally turning Local Chat on reminds you of just how many filthy furries/tumblrites/weebs play rs >tfw there are no more non-beta, laid back normal white kids that play rs anymore >tfw surrounded by overweight, pale, degenerate shitskins >tfw even the fc is representative of this
This game needs a Donald fucking Trump.
Parker Murphy
Makes sense. Was wondering the entire way through what happens, but it felt so anti-climatic I was confused. Did they ever give an explanation?
Kevin Sullivan
rate my dinner and guess who I am in the fc
Connor Evans
>and you think its shit.
You are the only one using the word "shit" famiibo. Read again and stop embarrassing yourself.
But they actually are shit due to the fact they're NOT free unless all that time you spent refining junk is worthless. The actual amount of valuable components (powerful, enhancing and precious) you get is tiny. The amount of rare components you get is so small you'd be better off farming QBD for 2-3 hours, buying a high level item and disassembling it.
Brayden Moore
definitely not the guy with the $10,000 luxury car.
Dominic Diaz
Never had this issue on my world, try playing on a less populated world
Grayson Reyes
you're the faggot that won't shut the fuck up about QBD and your loot from her
Yes, we get it, you're happy about your 4 minute kills. Stop shitspamming about it.
Ethan Diaz
>you will never take your $10000 luxury car to Montreal why live
Oliver Scott
>calling bankstander a meme >b-but i didnt call it shit
shut the fuck up moron.
again, who cares if you can get more components elsewhere? if you're making potions, might as well have a bankstander. if you're sitting at the bank touching your cock, you might as well have a bankstander. if you're at a bank and not using a bankstander, you're being wasteful.
refining junk for enough an hour's worth of bankstanders is like 10 minutes.
Jayden Sanchez
great meme guys!!!
totally hasn't been beaten to death already or anything
Justin Hill
Easy. You're Altona. You need a high protein diet to repress hunger so you can play on your 30 accounts for 16 hours a day.
Brody Campbell
>not having game messages filtered
You've already killed yourself senpai.
Lucas Peterson
Thanks lad, I do try
Matthew Lee
i hate them unfiltered for invention common parts
Brandon Reyes
Which aura should I go for first? I have both holy overloads and SS.
Michael Gonzalez
>>calling bankstander a meme
>he's still saying words and making implications that aren't there
Figures a bankstander fan would be this stupid.
Jose Long
clockwork suits are going to be the end of my wrists
Chase Lopez
whats the best way to get subtle components?
Matthew Carter
Benjamin Moore
Angel Anderson
real subtle looser
Michael Hill
Kayden Walker
not subtle enough
Christopher Young
>tfw dismantled 100 whips and did not get a single one
rip 8m, fuck this shit
Ryan Stewart
i did not know turoths could talk or wear boots or socks or were as dumb as redditors
Tyler Sullivan
>This chest promotion
Welp time to do quick quests
Jayden Taylor
no you must learn to read faster
Jaxson Morgan
>not having quest cape
Jacob Scott
Joseph Mitchell
nice one daddy, wanna cum in my mouth
Brayden Rivera
anyone have more pics of this interface? I miss it so much