League of Legends General - /lolg/

Annie is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

Reesemoe Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


DJ Sona is cute

Hey everyone

I'm considering building a tool that would help people determine their letter grade, and what they would have to do for an S.

I think it'd be really useful to everyone, especially now that you need S's to get Mastery 6/7. The only issue is that the LoL API doesn't let me check what grades people get. It would require some
manual entry by people who wanted to use it.

Can you guys tell me:
1.) Would you use a tool that told you what you could improve to get an S grade?
2.) Would you use this tool if you had to enter the statistics from your game in order to use it?
3.) Would you be willing to enter statistics without getting feedback, if it meant the tool got built eventually?

Thanks lads. Lemme know if you have any other thoughts


xth for friends from /lolg/

zed changes are at best power neutral and at worst very slight nerfs

one shuriken -> 235 + 100% AD
two shurikens -> 352,5 + 150% AD
three shurikens -> 470 + 200% AD

one shuriken -> 210 + 90% AD
two shurikens -> 367 + 1657,5% AD
three shurikens -> 525 + 225% AD

tldr it's jack shit, losing half the ratio is kind of meaningful at level 6 but the increased damage on shuriken combos makes up for it (old triple shuriken at 6 -> 310 | new triple shuriken at 6 350), zed might have 100 AD at level 6, mark also deals more damage

still permaban

Does reese even play league anymore

Fresh thread so let's post winrates and guess other rank based on it

Best thread in a while, Annie a CUTE.

Hello how do i play Jax kthx


why don't you play tristana anymore


>star guardian lux
>steel legion garen
>snow day bard


Its a zed nerf for sure

because of the nerfed q and what not its is imperitive that you land your w e q combo because multi hit is 75 instead of 50 now and because of the q and r nerf


Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

>base damages buffed, AD ratio nerfed.

That means that tankier build path got buffed, damage-centric got nerfed.

If you don't understand why, then you must not even play the game.

its all shit

Still cute.

except thats not what happened you fucking retard

+200k points on Jax here

Answer: you dont. Not until Trinity or Rageblade changes.


why did u post sahaleanthropus


So how easy it is to learn kindred to the point of carrying games? She seems kinda complicated.

Xth for Vlad stripping for buffs

Vote for Simmer!
You'll really be helping us out.
Appreciate it.

What's your League OTP?

Learn how to kite jungle camps so that you have a decent amount of HP left after killing one side (3 camps)
Gank at level 2, recall, do a full clear, and then learn how to SAFELY take marks.

Congrats you can now carry pretty much any low-elo (below Gold II) in exactly 1 game of prior experience played

>Relentless Assault (Passive) stacks now fall off one at a time rather than all at once.

Why are artists so good at fucking up faces?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.



>catch a cassiopeia out solo as galio
>land my combo first and ult her
>bulwark her spells
>side step her ult
>combo her again
>she sits there, outheals my damage and kills me
>doesnt have to waste money on boots


>Ashe mid
>Getting Spirit of the Elder Lizard on Ezreal
>AP Sion
>Full HP Olaf
>Force of Nature
>AP Sona
>Manually calling "mia" and "re [lane]"

>Zed didn't exist

Old timers let me hear you holler.

xth for Cute VI

Cute Annie Edition




I wish Illaoi got some buff to her base AS and her tentacle AS P/LVL. I think that would be great. Not to mention the range on W is so damn misleading.

there were duos before dynamic queue

Yes to all three.

Those are two separate statements, Should've been more clear.

But seriously. People don't display a single drop of common sense these days.

done why

You guys have exactly 1 chance to convince me to not be a dumb nigger and buy 10 boxes and keys in an attempt to get hextech Annie.


you aren't going to get 10 gems out of 10 boxes. you will get far less gems.

>mages aren't allowed dfg or have ludens be viable
>ad assassins are allowed duskblade, maw and sterak's

How many gems do you have ?
It's a slippery slope but I did it under I believe 200.

you'll do it bro

try it out and post results here

you get 11 boxes from the 10-pack.

You get a free box/key, not a free Gemstone, despite what the wording says. You will not be guaranteed anything other than what you wouldve gotten had you earned 33 Key fragments and 11 boxes any other way.

Hextech annie has eluded people who spent $400 dollars trying

xth for cute shyvana

>shipping real life people

Here are my fictional ships though:
>Graves x Twisted Fate
>Garen x Katarina
>Vi x Caitlyn
>Teemo x Tristana x Rumble love triangle
>Shen x Zed x Jhin love triangle
>Tryndamere x Ashe
>Yasuo x Riven
>Riven x Zac
>Jinx x Ekko
>Jarvan x Shyvana
>Annie x Amumu as a cute childhood friendship crush thing
>Veigar x Lulu
>Azir x Xerath as only platonic bromance


>there is a single AP-scaling herino that doesnt build Luden's
This is wrong

>Maw and Sterak's
This is also wrong. Literally building Cinderhulk and Sunfire together

Why rumble? whats his backstory? Tris

So what happens when you get 7 mastery? ANything special other than what usually happens?

Is irelia worth learning to play?
Also its still rush trifroce then tanky build?

You can't stack Maw/Steraks anymore and Duskblade is garbage.

Mages are more than fine and especially now that the number 1 Mage counter in zed is seeing significant nerfs

>Log in
>Rito explains how the boxes work
>Open up my freebie
>Hextech Annie
>Scrap it into essence

triforce is maybe getting attack speed buff so she'll be insane soon

I believe you mean kys unless if there's some new meme acronym that's going around that I haven't heard of yet.

been playing on/off since late s2, whaddup

>building Wriggle's Lantern on Kog
>stacking GP5 items on supports
>building 5 Archangels + Dcap for UNLIMITED POWER

Yare yare daze.

Why rumble? whats his backstory? Tris canonically wants Teemo's Omega Penis though

Trinity Force is about to get a 300g price reduction AND 20% CDR tacked onto it
Irelia is still a tank.

Follow this guy's channel. I went from Mastery2 cannotwinagame to carries like a god Mastery 5 Irelia main-soon to be Mastery 7 hopefully - from his advice. And he actually explains why and what hes doing

The name of Rumble's mech is "Tristy," for starters.

Old Journal of Justice entries also hinted he had a crush on Tristana.

Poor Tristana though, stuck between two "nice" guys vying for her affection.

What a fucking shit taste holy fuck

Too late already purchased the rp. It all goes downhill from here bois.

Will post results.

Z-Drive Resonance (Passive) [ 30/40/50/60% slow for 2-3s removed.]


>want to nerf Zed
>buff him instead


I like waifus with girlpussy.

>AP Ekko gets fucking trashed in the collateral

n I c e

>literally the most boring ship in the game

Would only be worthwhile if Lux finally started cracking up while they were dating in some lore update.

Tristana doesn't reciprocate though, that's not even head cannon, it's official lore. Rumble just a nice guy *tips fedora* getting friendzone'd

I assume you're talking about me. I do play her, she's just a risky pick in ranked.

Vayne is for rough sex, torture, rape, imprisonment, where her body is progressively altered through various dark arts, until her circulation and hence her sexual arousal can be manipulated at will, so that she experiences orgasms so powerful she faints on the spot.


>Unironically liking pussy

What are you gay

Does that mean he's still viable at least? Just no longer was a tank?

>Literally halve his Ult AD ratio
>tune his shurikens to unless he can consistently hit all 3 he suffers a dramatic drop in damage
>Not a nerf

I wish they hit his waveclear more but it's probably the first significant nerf he's gotten all year

dead geam ? ?????

>Zed buffs

>Implying any iteration of Ekko isn't cancer

if you guys wanna have a good chuckle


Do you get anything for mastery 7? Anything specific or is it the same as always?

She doesn't reciprocate to Teemo either. Hence that's why it's called a love triangle.


Well for what its worth, it's canon.
"Ezreal is Taric's Best friend's sister's boyfriend"

Imagine what the sex is like though.
>Lux is disturbingly text-book, referring to her body parts as "labia", "areola", "rectum", etc., but still a dirty freak in bed
>Ezreal makes really corny jokes like looking at a blank sheet of paper and saying "I dont need a map to find your heart, baby girl" and touching her chest (unsubtly touching boob)

nah I was talking to raynian

>dramatic drop in damage

1 shuriken is 8% less damage
2 shurikens is 5% more damage
3 shurikens is 12,5% more damage

dramatic my ass kek
this also makes his waveclear better btw

ad teemo is the biggest pubstomper in this game
just farm until you have brown booties, guinsoo and runaas

Have you ever bought/mained a character for a dumb reason other than its gameplay?

I started maining Nasus a while ago because of his original voice. When they changed him to his new voice I had to drop him out of respect for the voice actor who passed away. I still play him on and off and his new voice has grown on me.
Did the same with Jhin, no regrets. His gameplay is awesome and his quotes are a delight to listen to.

>not zac x twitch
it makes more sense

So /lolg/ i've hit a wall.
I play well, i get good scores, and i win lane
but i cant translate it into wins.
The only thing i have trouble with is csing, and i've been working on it, but it just seems like i havent gotten better at all this season.
I can't translate my massive amount of gold into wins no matter what i do, any advice?

>this game didn't exist

explain this pic

Why the FUCK do they keep buffing Zed?

Yes, I know Riot's gotta placate that esports/faker audience, but this is too damn much.

What's going on? Should we take this as a hint that Zed is getting some kind of ultimate skin, lore-event update or what?

I wanted to main kha because i'm really into chimera ants but i'm just shitty with him since 2012

yes, all of them

I pretty much play league just for the characters

Oh, my apologies!