League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu and freljord edition
All other freljords and Elise a shit

first for niggers

second for chinks

someone please post that Lissandra pic while she is nude and has a 11/10 butt

she's looking back and her hand is covering her pussy from the front

Third for liss a shit

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

First for making friends in solo queue!

If i collected a chest on a specific champion, such as eve, am i just never able to collect another hextech chest on eve again? or will i get another chest ONLY if i get a S+?

i ask because i dont have enough fucking essences for mastery 6 and the only way i can get essences is by opening those retarded chests. do i seriously have to rank other shit champs to lvl 5 just to get a mastery lvl 6 and 7 on my main? what bull shit retardation is this?

xth for rock lee being trash until they overbuff her

the only way to carry a yasuo is to play two roles at once. (I was the tank-top Ahri, but I was forced to do something drastic to carry this shitter) Do all the fucking stupid ass garbage shit for him so he can sit back and be carried like the retard shitwagon that he is. I literally just got out of this game, and im so tilted because yasuo picked into an akali and built 0 MR until we were pushing their nexus. Not even that, his deaths, he just can't fucking play safe. No yasuo can. even on probuild.net or whatever that dumbshit site is, everyone eats shit with yasuo. He's a carry in a meta where people can do it better than him in every way, and his only escape mechanic is to literally be agressive. Yasuo, when played even competently, can't help but play like a shitter, because of two things: his passive attracted retarded people, and because he has no real escapes in a game where tanks deal more damage than him at any point in the game, and because he has an agressive kit that can't kill anyone in a reliable amount of time, until he has 100% crit. Riot plays him off as a lategame champ then spent all of season 6 and msot of season 5 wanting to shorten games. This makes Yasuo literally a retarded pick, and all you can do is hope he gets fed as fuck from retarded enemies.

You can't even guess what ELO this is at. This shit is retarded.

>someone plays broken flavor-of-the-week champ
>"lol owned XD" and more typical 12 year old talk

why did the community end up like this

>play first ranked game in a few weeks
>never play yasuo because i always feed
>pick yasuo
>get dumpstered by nunu mid
>he starts trolling and goes afk
>they ff20

god bless plat

I love Lissandra!
Go away trent

Karma best wife faggots

you can only get one chest per champ per season.


>game is free
>game is simple

Xth for bar slut Taliyah

irelia is already strong as fuck and next patch she is going to be hilariously overpowered

who ready for le doge :DDDD to be op next patch

who NEGAVOTES here?

tfw hoarding twitch victories and I don't even have a specific target in mind, probably gonna wait until the finals

i guess but fuck me does it ever tilt me when i rage at some reddit kid for acting like he's "all that" and i hate it

funnily enough, even though irelia is super great, i've never been able to be any good as her. i've fed pretty much every time i've played her, so i've just resorted to sticking with melee tanks.

are all of the futa suggestions dead yet?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Blue booties

what's that thing that let's you see the rank of your team in the lobby?

But user, dont you mean [spoilers] yare yare daze [/spoilers]

Lets play guess that rank!
Rules are simple post your most played champions and other anons guess your rank!

Resident Vladfag now plat.

I could not navigate the Vlad freelo train at such high speeds so I played shieldsluts through promos.

>tfw all of my promos had dia players in them

I'm not giving up on love

does this count?

>le im the le vladfag
>le i dont play vlad though lol

I want to play Leona top, but I'll be god-damned if I can figure out a build that works for it. Any suggestions? I can't seem to come up with a combo of runes/masteries/items that I actually feel good with, though most i (obviously because she's a support) eat shit with. I can't help but think there's some kind of half decent combo of items and runes and masteries out tthere that work for her top lane.

It's going to be Bard all over again.

I got to promos spamming Vlad only :/


I'll allow it

hint: fresh account

What is the icon on the Nidalee skin shard?

Nidalee and Sivir are still alive, but they are decent so I don't feel the need to target them

Lolg needs to stop dividing suggestions between futa and nonfuta and start going by good and bad suggestions. The remaining futa suggestions are ok.

What is changing?

tfw Bard gets you to diamond

its a legacy skin

Is it ever worth it to buy summoner Icons for a OTP account? I plan on maining Wu Kong and I want to buy one of the lunar revel icons for him. its 250RP, after all. Literally nothing to me


Legacy/Holiday based skin. It comes every halloween to buy but only in that holiday season (unless ya know, the hextech shit). I think..

Metagolem with ravenous hydra.


No, I meant in the champion select screen.

There is no way I can do this.
There is no way I can do this.
There is no way I can do this.
There is no way I can do this.

mpen quints, ad marks, armor or flat hp seals depending how magic-heavy lane is, mr or mpen glyphs depending again on how much magic is flying around.

build should gravitate heavily towards titanic hydra, then durability and cdr. Abyssal is pretty much the only magic-oriented item that's acceptable on leona simply for the massive MR, 10% cdr and mr shred aura helping your procs and base damage.

Masteries run stormraider surge with dual pen mastery along the way, then the 50%/200% hp regen on right tree. Surge may not deal damage of thunderlord but it gives very valuable MS within a fight; very easy to proc as well generally.

Triforce changes may be tempting due to 20% cdr but quite honestly the item is dogshit with minimum durability return. Iceborne Gauntlet is far superior due to the armor and AoE slow and should give the same amount (20%) of cdr.

With abyssal, Gauntlet and Warmogs you have a whopping 40% cdr on top of a ton of hp. With Titanic (and sunfire?) in tow, you're durable as hell and deal tons of damage.

>tfw try tali in a norm and end up against zed
>get wrecked as expected
>tfw my adc starts raging relentlessly and tries to rally people to report me as a response despite doing just as poorly as me with their bot roaming mid every 5 mintues

Why do people take norms so seriously?

I'm really starting to like Taliayah.

No not play as her.

She's a fun opponent.

>Be Cho'Gath
>Wounded from a fight
>Tali comes zooming in on her wall, cutting off escape
>Bitch you think I'm locked in here with you
>When really you're locked in here with me
>Proceed to rip her apart
>laugh manically

Filename time!


>that Bane reference


>Bane reference
jfc whats wrong with you


ive got a few of these. All this chick


I love the original of this gif, its such a great display of humanity's bond with canines

They overbuffed Swain.

Jesus titty fucking christ what is this bullshit.

I just realized something.

Yasuo will be able to build Trinity force ON TOP of Edge/Shiv without wasting any stats next patch.

Would you guys like to kill me now, please? I'd offer good money for the pleasure of your service.

actually I never considered something
with titanic cleave, black cleaver is actually very sensible on Leona since I assume cleaver will shred armor with black cleaver passive, and you would still have the on-hit MS associated with triforce without having to sink gold into that garbage.

>Plat 5
>People are proud of this
>Implying it's not as bad as silver

It really is as bad as silver, fucking awful games in that elo.

true that

>tfw I actually did a lot of bard from day 1 because his ult alone was worth getting gud unlike eyebrow's entire kit

I estimate it'll be about two weeks before I see a Taliyah ult that wasn't either pointless or ended up saving an enemy champ.

>without wasting any stats next patch.
he was already wasting stats dumbass.


>tfw no shyvana wife to bake you pie

They overbuffed literally every mage
I love Vlad right now but I know nerfs are coming in 2-3 patches
and if not he'll just be permabanned and I'll actually have to learn another top besides him and Gnar


>6/0 as fizz
>Enemy team surrenders

Fuck. the worst thing about farming S and S+ for mastery 7 is that if the enemy team surrenders too early you can't pad your stats for 15+ kills

>tfw when no shyvana wife you slowly and brutally kill you

Last one

What .... the ...

>No money
>Already got my 9 frags

gold 4?


this is so hilariously sad

Cat dicks are ugly as fuck and it's an NTR idea at that. Nidalee needs to go.

what the fuck do you build on malz now


>I estimate it'll be about two weeks before I see a Taliyah ult that wasn't either pointless or ended up saving an enemy champ.

The ones I've been playing against seem to use it pretty well, although I can't say I've ever actually been impeded by for very long, though. There have been times the wall has helped me more than it hurt me.


Well plat is like what ~12% of the player base?

12% of the playerbase that plays ranked. people just love to shitpost about it being shit or "not as good as last season" because they don't have a sense of what the ladder is actually like

Can i have more Yasuo mains gifs? Thanks.

Can confirm low plat players are shit
There's small things we do different from silvers but in the grand scheme of things were still shit.

Somebody needs to make a version of this for Jihn.

Of all champs, it works with him the most.

thanks, ill give it a shot

You can have this gem that was posted in a previous thread



Solo q is the worst when you have your duo bot lane fighting with each other to the point where the support goes to hang out mid and the two summoners never stay together, effectively splitting up the team for the rest of the game

I went 5-1 talon mid but as soon as they starting salting over each other and morgana went mid, it was 3-4 man mid for the rest of the game and I got stuffed out hard because top was always split pushing and the adc had to because he didnt want to be next to his support. I hate how people throw their early game leads because of salt like that

If you can have one replica of a champ's entire armor/clothes/etc that fits your size, has the right weight (for armors and such) for you to manage to wear, and etc, what champ do you pick?

Mines Morde. Bastard has a sweet set of armor.

Maybe its because I'm drunk but I'm absolutely loving these gifs


Desu I know, I've seen things.

Still there's worse though.

I'm torn between Azir and (Aether Wing) Kayle.

also max Q dead last

Zenith is just plain better to have up sooner, helps waveclear too.

I'm been having a lot of intense "down to the wire" games lately.

Games where you just barely manage to protect your own nexus and then go wreck their nexus.

Stealing victory from a team that had every reason to think they were going to win just feels so good.

Especially after multiple aborted surrender votes from your own teammates.

>Riot adds a new champion
>Over 24 hours later when you ask their API to provide a list of all champions it still doesn't list it
>They say it's a known issue because it has to be manually updated

What is the new champ's title and resource?

Can I have the Meripuu one where the Yasuo flashes his mastery icon?

>clicks to level up skill
