/hg/ - Halo General

Hope for Hoplite edition

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>Spartan Companies:
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>Looking for custom games/campaign co-op players/matchmaking squad
Watch the threads for occasional party squads

>Xbox One clips and screenshots

The third /hg/tage is out!

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Play with me.

Guess the Release Date of Hog Wild!

Don't you mean "Never Ever" edition?


Where do you think we are, on Veeky Forums or something?

Req reveal tomorrow, livestream next Friday, update on the 7th
fingers crossed


>Req reveal only that soon after the previous update is released

Shift everything forward one week and that sounds right. Doubt we'll get anything of substance tomorrow, maybe more Windows 10 stuff.

>Forge coming to windows 10
B A S E D 3 4 3 i








custom powerups when 343
also falcons/hornets, flamethrowers/sentinel beam/sticky detonator, eod, playable elites, black undersuits w/ space diaper, and a handful of other things


Don't go praising 343 like that

They're still mostly garbage. Praise the forge team.

I think it's only like 4 dudes who made the whole mode, the updates, and are now bringing it to PC.

I can never get noble team to go on the same missions due to someone being injured or dead which isn't the easiest thing on legend difficulty

Forge on pc you say?

Yeah, they're putting forge mode onto the PC, so Halo 6 could be PC/xbone

sigmund do this

If we are only allowed to be in monitor mode i'm gonna be upset when people might end up making these amazing sets with PC and we can't even use em.

The maps are going to be cross-compatible.

Anyone wanna play customs

>3 more days Bias free
Does he really have to keep playing with us?

Tomorrow night, I'm doing one more match before calling it an early night, got shit to do tomorrow.

It'll be neat seeing how it controls with PC, especially in Spartan mode.

So what's xbox's main series now that 343 pooped on halo pop and it's going to pc?

They've said you'll be able to play the maps and test them.

To me, that means some form of multiplayer. Definitely no matchmaking. Maybe not many modes, but still Halo 5 MP on PC.

Gears of War.
Halo will become a PC flagship for Windows 10 gaming.

Viva Pinata, hopefully

Sunset Overdrive

>having sleep overs with my bff and playing viva pinata side by side and mailing each other gifts
>tfw huge crush but he was straight


I really wish they made a sequel to that game...

Exactly the kind of thing I'd expect from an /hg/ user!
Viva Pinata was dank as hell.

I liked it's visuals/graphics a lot and evening in your garden was very comfy. Never bothered to check out 2.

Halo is still Xbox's "flagship" franchise.

The multiplayer is great.

Now they just need to fix the ugly aesthetics and designs, add split-screen , and make a campaign that isn't fucking horrid.

I wasn't making comment on actual quality of game just that every new Halo it seems to increasingly lose its cachet. I suppose it still sells consoles and games though.
Just seems like 3->4->5 has been big step down in feel of big flagship franchise. Combined with it being not xbox exclusive I'm wondering what will be carrot to sell consoles.

Could be Gears or they could make a new IP, like PS4 and Bloodborne

I'd enjoy a new IP, better than countless sequels.

That requires creativity.

Bloodborne isn't exactly PS4's main game

Didn't it sell less than splatoon?

>keep shooting teammates to critical state
>they get killed by the enemy
>enemy shoots them to critical state
>I kill them while counting as an enemy kill

Best fun I've had in this game yet.

is anyone going to be hosting customs tomorrow?

>This limited free version of Halo 5 won't include the game's single-player campaign, nor will it include multiplayer matchmaking with random opponents.
>However, Microsoft representatives have confirmed to Ars that the free Windows 10 game will support unfettered online play with anyone on a player's friends list.
>That means players can create or download a Forge map and invite anyone else playing the Windows 10 version to join in and play to whatever "kill count," time limit, or other win condition they've set.
>Even better, Microsoft says that this friends-only multiplayer mode in Windows 10 will fully support mouse-and-keyboard game controls.



So are the marines in Halo a separate branch of the armed forces like the USMC or are they integrated into the navy?

We're about to get a lot more popular

No point in owning an Xbox anymore.

was Forward Unto Dawn good? I liked it before the ayys showed up.

>buy xbox one and continue to pay xbox live subscription for MCC
>a broken clusterfuck that is never spoken of again
>buy Halo 5 with no content on release and micro-transactions
>continue paying xbox live subscription
>shilling botnet windows 10 so hard they release their console flagship as free to play os exclusive
also is this going to fuck general up?

I could see the general being hot for a week before people fuck off after seeing what the general is normally like.

MS are setting some high tier bait for W10, i am tempted

Wait a couple more months they will pay you to update.

Wait a bit longer. It ain't great.

How can the Halo story be salvaged? Time warp back to the Unto Dawn (I actually thought Chief was stranded on In Amber Clad)?

In amber clad was crashed into high charity.

What even happened to it, anyways. Cortana said she was going to explode it, destroying High Charity and the Ring.

Then she obviously didn't and we resue her in halo 3

Make everything after 3 noncanon. If you really have to keep 4 canon, make it Rookie hunting Chief as Chief goes around shooting up ONI preschools because flood infections are breaking out or something.

4 was fanfiction, but relatively unoffensive fanfiction. I was at least glad to see what the post-war universe looked like, with the humans being the dominate force in the galaxy and the like. I was hoping for 5 and other sequels to explore that some more (Jackal pirates!) but we just had to start another "the fate of the entire galaxy hangs in the balance" narratives.

4 would've been alright. I might've even accepted it as a worthy sequel to 3.

If it weren't for the god-awful ending.

Okay, so they HAD to bring chief back, I can understand that. It ruins "finish the fight" a lot, but whatever.

The first few missions are pretty great. Quicktime events were a little worrying, a lot of scripted action scenes, and some of the cutscene seemed very lazily done, but whatever, new studio, etc.

Landing on Requiem and exploring around was great. Awakening the didact and finding out you've been tricked was cool, even though his design was terrible.

Yada yada yada, infinity shows up and leaves, lots of action, lasky is cool, Del Rio is a dick, cortana is dying, board the didact's ship and arrive above earth.

Then comes the final scene, which ruins everything IMO. Didact is holding chief in the air, and doing his token Evil victory speech, when all of the sudden an bunch of cortana's rise out of the ground with dumb looks on their faces and fly towards him. What the fuck? Apparently, the didact was disgusted and shocked too, because he is too busy to notice Chief killing him in a quicktime event with a single grenade. And that's it. Wew. Felt like something out of a shitty anime or comic book.

>the Flood are literally the dust remains of butthurt precursors


Retcon everything after 3, let chief's story be finished floating in space asleep.
Re do reach as in the books
Do some spin offs such as Ghost of onyx, following alpha 9 ODSTs and some other spartan teams like black team,grey team, post Haah Waaw red team, first contact with harvest, you get the point.

Let chiefs story end and do a lot of potential spin offs there is to be had in the halo universe and not under 343s care.

You ever been so angry your desiccated remains could still inflict suffering on the living?

Don't forget: they're actually the ashes of Precursors that humans fed to their dogs. That's where the Flood came from.

You forgot post-war 4x game.

Alien dust doggies

Any word on the ODST armor mod?

>tfw James Rolfe escaped the cuckshed within your lifetime

I'll be honest there only people who deserve shit at 343 is the story team, and even then just some of them

And whoever designs armor. And whoever makes the gametypes/code. And whoever runs the playlists. And whoever enforces the REQ system. And whoever designs the maps. And whoever does the netcode.
Basically, everyone but Kaz.

Haha, art department I'd say.
The only ones who have done an outstanding job with anything have been the forge team.

The art/design departments are fucking terrible

No split-screen

Most of the maps are bad too

Gameplay is good. We've finally got a normal amount of modes. Yeah they should've been in earlier, but whatever.

The seires is currently on life support. halo 6 NEEDS to be amazing.

Should we ask Phil to fire 343 and hire id?

>And whoever designs armor.

There is a good enough amount of nice looking armors for me to not complain about that, plus they made literally all of noble team armors do they are cool.

>And whoever makes the gametypes/code.

Those guys gave us both infection and firefight, and left of all of the options to be turned off and on in infection, so again they are cool.

>And whoever runs the playlists.

The only reason you could possibly complain is the fact that they change the social Playlist ever so often, but otherwise they are cool as well because of gems like warzone turbo, and Fiesta.

>And whoever enforces the REQ system.

>complaining about the REQ system

>at this stage

>when you don't nred to buy it and it pays for all the free new stuff

Die in a fire faggot

>And whoever designs the maps.
You would be the first complaint I've heard about maps

>And whoever does the netcode.
Basically, everyone but Kaz.

What's wrong with the netcode?

>still complaining about split screen

It was a trade off and a worthy one

>There is a good enough amount of nice looking armors for me to not complain about that, plus they made literally all of noble team armors do they are cool.
And almost every armor, even some of Noble team, look like shit.
>Those guys gave us both infection and firefight, and left of all of the options to be turned off and on in infection, so again they are cool.
Yeah, 8 months after launch. That's not something to be "cool" with.
>The only reason you could possibly complain is the fact that they change the social Playlist ever so often, but otherwise they are cool as well because of gems like warzone turbo, and Fiesta.
You're saying they're okay because of Invasion Lite and a temporary playlist? Fiesta should be permanent. Grifball's shit enough that it's being taken out. We haven't had shotty snipers in months! In some games, that was so populated >Die in a fire faggot
Edgy. Your point stands so strong.
>You would be the first complaint I've heard about maps
Then today must be your first day, because nobody ever talks about which 5 map is best. They always debate about which is worst.
>What's wrong with the netcode?
Do you even play? It's been kicking people out of matches constantly the past few days. It even eats their boosts doing this. How the fuck can an online-only game be good if it doesn't have functioning online?

>And almost every armor, even some of Noble team, look like shit.

You know what, we are arguing personal tastes here, and you won't convince me to change mines nor will I yours so lets call it a day here, however if you don't like sexy ass centurion you literally have shit taste.

>Yeah, 8 months after launch. That's not something to be "cool" with.

They started working on firefight literally based off what the community wanted after the game had launched, infection was probably barely prior and I imagine it had something to do with having limited resources and making sure both arena and warzone were top notch and 343 thinking that more people liked Griffball more (which they were right) and they are reworking Griffball so lets see what it becomes before passing any judgment on it, anyways we seem to be veering off to another conversation about tastes.

>Edgy. Your point stands so strong.

No I'm just simply bothered by people that think that games just get pulled out of thin air, this stuff costs money to make both in resources and to pay someone to make something out of those resources, so obviously 343 must find a way to recoup the investment, which basically leave us with this or season passes which divide communities

>Then today must be your first day, because nobody ever talks about which 5 map is best. They always debate about which is worst.

Nope you are the first, but I'll ask you to make an objective case for it before it is dismissed.

>Do you even play? It's been kicking people out of matches constantly the past few days. It even eats their boosts doing this. How the fuck can an online-only game be good if it doesn't have functioning online?

I haven't been booted of a game... ever tho I did see a few complains lately on reddit so maybe something acted up in the code? I imagine that it should be fixed by the next update at the very latest

>we are arguing personal tastes here, and you won't convince me to change mines nor will I yours so lets call it a day here, however if you don't like sexy ass centurion you literally have shit taste.
Oh wow. You can name ONE armor that's decent. Call me when they start covering the nanosuit. Maybe you'll have a point then.
>anyways we seem to be veering off to another conversation about tastes.
No, not at all. And it's painfully obvious that Infection was ready to go at launch, but as other people have said, they held it back because everyone would be playing custom games of infection instead of shelling out money for REQzone. And anything coming out after launch AT BEST shows incompetence, because the previous games had these things at launch.
>this stuff costs money to make both in resources and to pay someone to make something out of those resources, so obviously 343 must find a way to recoup the investment
They're Halo. They have a blank check. If 343 didn't fuck up every single game launch they've handled, the game would have sold decently enough to not need micros-transactions to break even.
>Nope you are the first, but I'll ask you to make an objective case for it before it is dismissed.
Once again: edgy. Try coming here more often. Nobody likes the maps.
>I haven't been booted of a game... ever
Jesus fuck, you mash the enter key AND use ellipsis? And it never happened to you, so it never happens? We already established you don't play the game, so you don't get to have an opinion here. We've had people posting videos in this very thread showing them getting booted from the game for no reason. And on top of that, the frequency of these disconnections have been greatly multiplied since the infection update. They fucked something in the update that causes entire lobbies to be simultaneously booted. But I should expect nothing less from the failures that created the Master Chief Collection.

Trade off for what?

They can downgrade graphics to achieve split-screen as well as 60fps

He can't ever answer that without dodging the question. There's no reason we can't just get a prompt that says something like "You can enable splitscreen by halving the framerate. Is that acceptable?"

>Oh wow. You can name ONE armor that's decent. Call me when they start covering the nanosuit. Maybe you'll have a point then.

So you literally want to engage on pointless discussion? So you are a faggot

>No, not at all. And it's painfully obvious that Infection was ready to go at launch, but as other people have said, they held it back because everyone would be playing custom games of infection instead of shelling out money for REQzone. And anything coming out after launch AT BEST shows incompetence, because the previous games had these things at launch.

Because I'm sure /v/irgin here knows about exactly what happens backdoor at 343 right? You want to tell us how Bill Gates is your daddy too? I mean not only do you display ignorance in basic management skills, but you also display great amounts of ignorance in basic programming if you think that reworking a game's engine after moving to a whole new architecture (does he even know what that means, I might be giving user here too much credit) is some simple process and no something that requires you to rewrite millions of lines of code just so that it runs without crashing

>They're Halo. They have a blank check. If 343 didn't fuck up every single game launch they've handled, the game would have sold decently enough to not need micros-transactions to break even.

Either they have a blank check, or they need micro transaction (and therefore don't have a blank check) to break even pick one or the other user because you are not making sense.

Never mind that actually believing that something, especially a new product launch, has a blank check is laughable, you delude yourself user and your ignorance shows itself again.

>Once again: edgy. Try coming here more often. Nobody likes the maps.

>Ask him to make a case for it

>fails completely at it and tries to deflect it instead

You truly are faggot user.

>Jesus fuck, you mash the enter key AND use ellipsis? And it never happened to you, so it never happens? We already established you don't play the game, so you don't get to have an opinion here. We've had people posting videos in this very thread showing them getting booted from the game for no reason. And on top of that, the frequency of these disconnections have been greatly multiplied since the infection update. They fucked something in the update that causes entire lobbies to be simultaneously booted. But I should expect nothing less from the failures that created the Master Chief Collection.

>complains about me assuming that it never happens because it has never happened to me (despite admitting that I've seen some complains about it on Le reddit)

>proceeds to assume I don't own the game because it has never happened to me.

user I think your problem goes far deeper than being a faggot, you just can't into logic, I recommend you to go intern yourself in a mental institution.

Except 1080p 60 FPS is the modern standard, which is what they were going for.

>Confirmed for never having programmed one day on his life

>So you are a faggot
Stop writing your biography.
>no something that requires you to rewrite millions of lines of code just so that it runs without crashing
Do you know how simple infection is? It's a slightly modified Team Slayer, where one side doesn't have forced colors and the other forces a teamswitch upon killing.
>to break even pick one or the other user because you are not making sense.
Or you're just stupid. They have all the money in the world and they blow it on a game that only has half the features of the previous one. Then they piss off all of their old fans so that only a small fraction buy their game. The old Halo games didn't need microtransactions to be profitable, but this one did BECAUSE they said it would have microtransactions.
>You truly are faggot user.
The case has been made for months. Just because you're new doesn't mean it hasn't been made. You can SEE people spawning.
>user I think your problem goes far deeper than being a faggot, you just can't into logic
And yet you're the retard that thinks "never played" means "doesn't own."
>Confirmed for never having programmed one day on his life
Actually I have. Quite a considerable number of days of my life. 343 has said they can't lower the framerate because they tied physics to the framerate, which is something that every other company doesn't do because they're not retarded.

>It's a /hg/ devolves into arguing and shitposts episode

This shit happens every time someone tries to defend 343's terrible business practices.

this shit happens every time someone brings up halo tbqh

Because the community is shit, I mean 343 has done some retarded things, but the community is shit.

>343 goes out of their way to do everything wrong
>but it's the community's fault

But he's not wrong to be fair

343 fuck everything up and it's made 1000x worse by the advanced-tier sperging out that people do

Exactly, this community died after halo 3

>343 fuck everything up and it's made 1000x worse by the advanced-tier sperging out that people do
Then the trick is don't fuck everything up.

The thing is when they do fix what's broken the community still complains.

Because they always break something else, like the Reach update fucking the netcode. Sure, infection is back, but some people don't get to play it because they keep getting booted. Is that the community's fault? No. And the community shouldn't be considered "worse" for wanting what is usually the bare standard for other games and especially Halo games.

343's Halo Community are the same type of people who attempted to suck Bungee's dick back during the Halo3/Recon Armor days. The sad thing is that now there really is nothing to obtain and it's just merely to defend them.

343i as a company is retarded, and Microsoft is just as much to blame for their creation as the stupid Shit 343 does with Halo.

>M$ wanted to make sure another "Bungee Divorce" would never happen again, so they make a company that strictly works on Halo games and related media.
>M$ just put a noose around each 343i Employee and is ready to pull the lever when Halo finally dies, Lionhead 2.0.
>343i actively sabotaging their own franchise with stupid changes that tear the community apart and for their own agenda.
>343i are listening to their Inner friend groups(Workplace) and "Pro players" rather than the people who have been playing Halo since CE.
>343i actively harmed Halo 5's presentation, image, and neglected their players with Warzone and the new REQ System, which held back Infection for months(Custom games community staple) just so it wouldn't take away from the profits earned from Warzone/Req Packs.
>The "Free DLC" are just skimpy versions of what Halo DLC used to be, most of which are just items that you have to buy via the REQ system, a "Arena Map" once in a Blue Moon, and a Mode locked Map for Warzone.

So 343 literally cannot win and the community has aspergers and would rather play destiny?

Because 343 either screws itself up, or the community rips them for it?

You act like 343 never put themselves into that position from constant intentional failures.
They're not a victim of circumstance. They didn't walk in to a bad community. They walked in to a community ready to hand over every dollar they had, and they fucked it up.

343 does bad things, like I get if you frustrated with the latest turn of the story, because it was crap, I get if there are things that you don't like about multiplayer because let's be honest it sucks if you get booted out infection but, this community likes to dwell on that, like for example infection is finally back, instead of saying finally 343 people just assume they had it ready at launch and were just holding it back, and considering the meltdown that happened mid January through march because there was no infection it would had made sense to release it then if they had it so the logical answer assuming 343 are thinking humans and not out to screw people would be to assume they simply didn't have it ready yet, but instead we chose to believe the opposite and take as fact.

>and considering the meltdown that happened mid January through march because there was no infection it would had made sense to release it then if they had it so the logical answer assuming 343 are thinking humans and not out to screw people would be to assume they simply didn't have it ready yet
You mean all that time to make money off of REQ packs instead of the no-money they get from custom games? Don't forget they DELAYED infection one month.

They delayed every update because of Meridian. It pushed everything back.

My point right there, if there are two options to assume which way went down, the community takes the worse one as fact

And why was Meridian delayed?

Who knows?

No, Vanilla Destiny is shit too and the Bungee we knew died after Activision bought them.
If 343i actively tried to do their best, but just couldn't because of budget reason, low staff or inexperienced reasons,I would be more on the sympathetic side.

The fucking problem is that they have the fucking budget because Microsoft directly owns them and they hold one of M$'s "Largest" IP's in their hands, they have large staff, and they actively fuck themselves over and blame us for it.
Any time 343i does something "for the fans", it's either after they've fucked up badly or they have been called out on their bullshit and the Mob has formed.

>They can't fucking write a simple and compelling story, instead they write a convoluted story that mostly never comes back up, or was Retcon-Lite.
>They can make fun and related characters that aren't boring or Staff Inserts
>343's Halo is the Star Wars Prequels level of similarity and bullshit.
>They can fixed a random glitch, and somehow fuck up Forge/MP/or the Netcode.
>They cant design armor.

In short 343i is NOT a professional company.