Miss Fortune's huge, heaving, milk-filled AOE DAMAGE edition
League of Legends general - /lolg/
*cums on u*
Fucking finally
Relevant to discussion.
>tfw no soraka to sit on my face
> tfw someome else makes a thread first
What do we do about this smug cunt right here
how is he balanced in any way?
>You are ineligible to earn loot due to previous behavioral restrictions.
When does this meme end?
My fucking chatrestriction ended yesterday.
what imbalance?
in about 30~ games, i dont know if its based on a per game or your performance in the games(IE not flaming your team mates/getting honors at the end of the match)
>2 ranked and 9 normal losses
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Singed rework when? Literally unplayable trash.
It's still possible he cares about her more than he would care about a friend
I never could see Jinx x Vi as a good ship. There indeed would be dynamic, but I'm afraid there would be too much of it to form a relationship. They could date for a while at most, but I see them more as good friends and rivals than lovers.
Caitlyn works with Vi and knows her well. I'm pretty sure Cait often needs to hold Vi back, in order to avoid demolishing the town while hunting for the outlaws. Im pretty sure Vi often needs help holding back outside of work, and without anyone to help her with that she could still get into trouble. Cait on the other hand could use someone as lively as Vi to break out of her work's routine, and help her to get rid of stress caused by her work. They seem like a very good paring to me, but I can see your point.
t. silver shitter
It's Jhinposting time
Oh I'm not saying the relationship would LAST, user. It would just be like they live their lives. Quick, messy, chaos. It's still shippable, and the rival banter is hot sometimes good in a relationship.
Cait does work with Vi well, and it's because of their differences. What you said does absolutely make sense, but I also think of it more as hetero life-mates kind of thing. Best friend/sisters kind of stuff.
Not that user, but I kinda get where he is coming from. Not many other champs ahve an early game plan of "die a lot and lose tower, then win game because no one can stop your push"
> ranged bullshit in the top lane
When will this meme end?
who's terminal in urf besides garen?
he's only dumb in solo q where he will shit up your jungle with shrooms making it a pain in the ass to farm and get red/blue
in comp I guess teams just group and auto win against teemo or some shit?
Original pic?
I will fucking kill you
He isn't balanced, but he isn't good eather.
Probably Swain.
Ult all day.
Q and W to make sure no one runs away.
>die a lot and lose your tower
t. silver shitter
Singed is shit. So shit in fact he's unplayable past Gold just like Yorick and Mordekaiser.
Actually I can see several similarities
I ship characters, basing it upon possibility of establishing their relationship rather than what would be hot. I know few people do though, so I can understand why you ship Jinx x Vi.
>I want to go swimming in lulu
>xth for kata, best girl
>I want to kill riven
>sona's beach balls
>pasta goes here
Did I miss anyone?
Garen, Nasus, Trynd.. Every time I try and have top lane fun I wish I'd have just brought GP
idk where it is, apparently it had ezreal holding her face
Illaoi is cute.
you forgot the
>X champion is busted and Riot is filled with a bunch of lobotomized cockroaches
But it would establish relationship only by continuing the kind they already have. Relationships aren't lasting forever, but there'd be enough attraction (or is) to warrant at least a ship.
I'm not one of those random shippers. Gotta have a little substance on my boats.
Unlike one-sided Ekko/Jinx shippers or Vi/Jayce
xth for Cute Vi (____ Edition)
Best girl, Best ___, Best wife
You need an extra strength dose of git gud.
I want to fuck Riven in half, actually.
Illaoi is cool
I mean sure, you can pretend that that won't happen, but Singed eats shit to almost every matchup.
he still wins games, but winning a lane as him vs someone who isn't retarded is impossible.
xth for yordle butt
Did I hear Vladposting?
Serial killers are different snowflakes! I prefer eccentric tastes and a scientific pursuit to killing as an art!
>tfw you get dicked by a Kennen
>but Singed eats shit to almost every matchup.
Have you ever actually played Singed? I can win lane with him up until diamond, we have a literal diamond 3 singed main itt
her death was so satisfying
>implying x champion isn't busted and riot isn't full of lobotomized cockroaches
She is.
>tfw no Sona to facefuck
>tfw only toplaner you know is Teemo
>mfw someone picks Garen or Darius
>Implying i disagree
>Implying i was implying that implication
I think Vlad is fab af and he's almost as perfect as Jhin and that's why he was my husbando until Jhin's release
post more Vlad
Riot IS full of lobotomized turkroaches, just look at the champion releases since 2014
was also missing, thanks tripfriend
>No cute adc to distract by grinding him lewdly while he tries to cs
>Until he loses control and fucks me like a wild animal
Yeah I did a lot he got me out of Silver in fact.
Also we have Yorick mains in Diamond as far as I recall and Yorick is still fucking Yorick.
I hold physical beauty very high in my husbando requirements.
Especially if it's something as rare and flawed as extreme albinism.
Also battlemage masterrace.
>tfw no Vlad VU to make him look less dated and generic
hot noxian goth when
Oh gawd I need dis.
Slutty Goatpussy here. Stick a ward in me.
>he's not only into beast
>he imagines he's the shebeast
>We have Yorick mains in diamond
We don't
>Literal gold trying to tell me Singed is bad
this is the last reply you're getting
Yes it was, well acted too. Aoi Yuki is cool.
Play Quinn
Great taste in waifus, my friend.
I said he is bad in lane and wins games so eat shit.
You ahve three different people telling you you are full of shit and you didn't show any proof otherwise. So yeah, last reply I'm getting ineed.
Bandle delivers once again.
>Z-Drive Resonance (Passive) 30/40/50/60% slow for 2-3s removed.
Inb4 even more bullshit passive.
so is it worth getting back into league? has the game gotten better within the last 4 or 5 months?
>Pic related is portraying Vlad as a vampire
Ew no
It still gives MS so he is still unpeelable. But at least you can try and escape now.
Who is the best support for Miss Fortune?
Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.
My dick
Some confusion in champ select or Ezreal just wanted middle more either way Viktor confirmed for new botlane meta champ :^)
sorry, I was looking through my folders for something I hadn't posted before.
That's a nice Vlad you got here
It actually fits him alot
Nami, land a bubble and ult away
Kill them all. Die to hard engage.
Well snares/roots are more punishing against Ekko now, for example, since you can actually run away. It's at least a step in the right direction.
MF main here. Glowy doot-doot man and cuckold soulstealer are my preferred choices.
The game is getting a dota patch every three weeks or so, the balance team is on drugs
Oh and the champ design has gone to absolute shit
So in short, NO
Orianna has infinite mana sustain she literally can't run out of mana farming with her abilities
Tbh I think his lore had a lot of hidden depth and is largely unexplored/unfinished.
I love him so much because I've sat down and written an extended lore for him (which fits the picture even more) so he's as much my character as he is riot's at this point.
Would you be interested? I'm was tryharding to make a convincing psychilogical portrait of our hemomancer: archiveofourown.org
I know you like mental guys so surely you'll give me a review :3
>tyler 1 in my game
might aswell dodge
So back before dynamic queue everyone used to share the support burden. What drives a man to "main" support in ranked?
>Riot squats and poops out Season 7 in the middle of Season 6
>its still shit
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
shut up bitch u literally started licking his balls once he linked his proof that it was him kys
I want to shitpick lulu mid
this coming from the faggot sucking his cock soon as your saw his name
raffes has a black nigger pusy that stanks
>tfw toplaner picks Yasuo into Renekton
Right, bets?
>either bad at or doesnt like csing
>enjoys peeling/kill denying
>not good enough at other roles to win
>likes a nice relaxing game
any of the above
Supporting is comfy
you just set up the plays with your CC, keep vision control and poke people. i only stopped supporting because i got tired of my own ADC being a dick
All on top for a shitstomp
Are you sure?
>watch a friend and his girlfriend play an Aram game.
>Whole team of tanks.
>Enemy team is mixed, with high damage and a tank
>friend and gf intentionally feed most of the game
>still win.
God, I laughed myself half to death.
Akali for the carry, or you're done for
pretty sure both of us making fun of your cringey ass commentary is no where near the same thing LOL
remember if he feeds you can report and literally get the account auto banned :^)
Morning dudes!
Yesterday was a rough day for for my betting pool as one of the options that I thought for sure was going to top 3 got eliminated. No, it's not the one you're thinking of. Behind the spoilers you can see the two unlucky contestants. Full standings are below, and I'll see you all tonight!
>yasou top without grasp
Jhin or Taric.
Who is more fabulous?
I can get my 「negative」 back to 「in」!