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Dark Souls 3 is shit.



scott best waifu

>can only invade 10% down

Gr8 game

you stop that

Miyahacki was a mistake

Jesus why does this game have to make me feel like a piece of shit?

>tfw no dragonsis to do workouts with


>invasions prioritize ganks
really gr8 game

>she hogs the leg press

Did you kill Horace or something?

I helped her/him kill that Aldrich thing


>tfw people haven't caught onto the 40 str 40 dex 30 luck hollow build yet


>ok team we've nerfed the FUGS and now the BKGA, in a few weeks a new str might be considered good, so i want everybody to be ready to nerf it at a moments notice


>it's another "heysel attacks me while i'm watchdogging" episode

He fell off a high ledge it was self defense.

feminine penis

Does the invader get anything if I just jump of a cliff or get myself killed before he finds me? I just wanna continue playing the game.

It's definitely the one with the worst decisions put into it, that's for sure

>I pirated Dark Souls 1 and just got to Blight Town. Game is really cool. I intend to buy it for PC when I get my next paycheck. How much does multiplayer change things up? I haven't been min-maxing or anything, just kind of fucking around. I have no idea if I'm over or underleveled or if I need really specific gear to accomplish anything when there are other people around.


Why live

Get good and you won't even have to worry about that shit.

How do I beat other big-dick weapon users with the AGS?

Fucking yhorm's machete and dragonslayer GA users FUCK OFF

>20 ears in less than 1.5 hours
thank you based japanese gankers

Anri is a piece of shit. He/she should have been eaten by Aldrich. But since he escaped, he must still be sacrificed for my dark sigils.

>darkmoon and blue sentinel changes in 1.07 did, once again, nothing at all to improve their matchmaking

nice meme miyashitty

What does Yuria's panties smell like?

Is the Carthus CS a quality or luck/bleed build weapon?

just make a sl 65 character with a +6 weapon and protect Aldrich all day. Invasions are almost instant and you have a better range.



Hollow shitstained.

>Heysel believes invaders should cooperate
>attacks everyone


Where did this meme come from? I've only seen 2 female dragonfags and both have been lanky little bitches.

Probably laundry.


>/dsg/ dragon worship
>having anything to do with what dragondorks look like in the actual game

you must be new

Can someone drop me an untrue white ring please

I bet after MLGS buff you thing it's OP weapon, but no. GS class is bad in DS3. Not so bad tho

>they don't know
I pitty you.


no boss has infinite poise, all of them can be staggered

That looks disgusting.

Just like Gwyndolin.

behead those who insult gwyndolin

In your subjective opinion?

Not all of us feel as you do, however.

>he doesn't want a fit dragonsis to pin him down and force him to eat out her spicy hot pussy.

>take a break from ds3
>rent uncharted 4 to play through campaign
>get shot at by enemies
>instinctively start rolling

I don't think its OP at all, I just think it looks neat and wanted to make a swordsman character who used Int instead of 40/40, and was hoping I could crank out something reasonably viable/that could fight other builds on equal-ish footing

should I just not bother and go build a dragonslayer axe twink or Sandwich Sam instead?

>fight someone in full havel
>barely do any damage
>armor doesnt matter they said

utter garbage
no hp, no fp, only one magic booster
abandon this shit level and go to 120 if you want to play a mage


But that's not thicc

that looks like a man

>copy sliders
>skin tone is all fucked up

Such PvP, much wow.

nice way to rile up the prison gays in this thread, kudos user

he just never stops attacking though

>you will never be a good blade of the darkmoon
>you will never seek out sinners and those who insult gwyndolin and take their ears
>gwyndolin will never reward you

why even live?

you asked where the Veeky Forums dragonsis meme came from.

and honestly it's a nice bit of variety to have some muscle girl art

he probably just has a shitton of vitality he needed to wear it

I can never stop using Fugs.

Best pve pyromancy against bosses in terms of damage/ fp ratio?

Dont have much fp atm

>sorcerer waifu
>physical dmg shitter

here we go

Refined glaive or black knight glaive?

that wasn't me asking but sure

Also I don't mind muscle grills. it's a fetish of mine. I just wish there was more of her ;__;

Why do I get the feeling you just are trying to summon a mod? You dump all your pics faster with each thread.

>we will never enjoy prenerf FUGS in the west

How do we fix DaS3?

make dragons thick again

>130 damage nerf before you even held it in your arms

I cry everytime ;_7

>get invaded in the catacombs
>guy in full havel with havel shield and BKGA
>he's mid/fast rolling
>he swings his BKGA 2h 8 times without stopping
>chugs 15 total estus as a phantom before he died
>has at least 2.5k health
Really? Was he trying to be subtle with his hacks? He still lost because I kicker him into the skeleton ball which knocked him off the bridge/stairs.

Anyone else run into one of these "subtle" hackers?

>Can't use parrying dagger L1 to parry and L2 to mainhand weapon art
Why is the L1 a block? The worst fucking thing about this game is the contrast between weapons that were copy pasted from Dark Souls 1, basically with no change whatsoever to fit with new mechanics, and weapons that were added from the ground up.
Make gwydolin romancable with R18 scenes.

get Fromsoft to actually work on their game.

>no HP
b-but I'm at the Vigor softcap arent I?
and I have the only 2 magic boosters that buff the MLGS - dusk crown and clutch ring?

So I finally beat Soul of Cinder

Why do I feel so empty now?

Why do I always feel so fucking empty after beating any game at all?

Is this what it feels like to be a Hollow?

No one implies that it has zero effect. It's just that they difference between a piece of light armor in a slot and nothing in a slot is much larger than going from light armor to heavy armor.

If you use the highest defense armors in the game, put on a steel Protection ring+2, and vit gouge then yeah, you will take much less damage. It's just not worth it generally.

Less roll iframes
Punishable estus
Nerf SS and thrust sword damage or make then use almost twice as much stamina


>implying singular

let me just remind you that /dsg/ has a bunch of degenerates.

>for posting game relevant fanart that doesn't even physically have nipples or naughty bits

as if

>Do no damage
>Still kill everyone in invasions because 90% of people are chuggers who will chase me into a mob of clusterfuckery

Also fightclub when

>be in Crucifixion Woods
>Heysel and a watch dog invade at the same time
>watch dog shows up
>we're both using the Lucerne, fucking sweet
>Heysel decides to show up while we're fighting
>the watch dog actually stops fighting me and starts killing Heysel
>this guy actually wants a fair honorable fight
>look out the window next to my desk
>a pig with wings is literally flying through the air
>hear a news report on my TV that Hell has frozen over
>we Kill Heysel and heal back up to full and start the fight over

I won the fight, but thats not really important. I don't remember the watch dogs name, but if you're here Lucerne bro, you're alright.

because the only logical thing to do when you hold a tiny dagger in your left hand is to try and block with it. I don't understand froms hate for the left hand.

Fuck you too android.

How you would know you didn't even beat the game yet.

Thank you for speaking the 100% objective truth. I don't understand how anyone can find either of those disgusting creatures attractive.


Not sure if you're new or genuinely deluded that mods (when present) don't ban people for said pictures either way.
And yeah Veeky Forums is filled with degenerates, but most of these degenerates get triggered at non human faces.

>b-but I'm at the Vigor softcap arent I?
time to stop listening to dsg retards user
1000 is a shitter mark, it's like a single gotthard combo or four dark sword swings
39 minimum, 45 if you can afford it together with rofap+2 and all magic boosters if you're actually going to cast something as mlgs alone is still not good enough

it does do something, but putting the points literally anywhere else does significantly more

Sinner system
Blue Eye Orb for Darkmoon that lets them invade sinners
Re-enable invasions in areas where you killed the boss when using dried finger
Frost resin
Make poison worth using, let people inflict toxic through poison status weapons, buff poison/bleed infusions
Nerf straight swords' phantom range and damage
Limit how often you can summon phantoms in for help while being invaded
Make Scythes usable
Give us the chain axe from the big guys in archdragon peak
As proven by a map, profaned capital is almost right near the swamp, connect them somehow to make alternate routes possible
Make Wolnir harder
Change Watchdogs of Farron into Watchdogs of Wolnir and let them defend the catacombs

import most of the shit from DaS2, outside SM and ADP, it is the most varied and fun of the souls games.

weapon memory accomplished what they set out to fix with SM after all.

>there are at least 14 dragonsis faggots in this thread
Oh god why?

Its Lucifer, he's been a shitter since before /wfg/
Much easier to just filter his trip, thread quality increases 100%

Heysel will go after Watchdogs rather than the host.

Because contrary to what you apparently believe, you can actually use armor in NG.