League of Legends General - /lolg/

Tristana is the Best and Cutest Girl on League

Old: Eyosongive.us

BandleBro Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for Katarina
best girl

vlad picked mid in competitive

further proof vladfag haters dont know shit about the game

2 for 1 rune page sale when?

I don't understand how you guys are still playing this game I came back after 6 months played some ranked and literally every teammate I had could not press their abilities to win the game

so fuck this shit we uninstalled again

>Kalista endlessly kiting
>Ezreal damaging me from a mile away with slows, blinks if I go near him
>Fizz disappearing from the map every 4 seconds
>Ekko won't get the fuck off my face
>Janna just in case we get a decent engage
>4 man premade won't splitpush so I have to do it
>I'm also the only person who can kill Ekko so I have to be there for teamfights too

This is possibly the single most satisfying win I've ever dug out of my silver ass

Based ZZ'rot

I dont hate vlad

But Im not sure if he'll be as popular as Vel'koz once pros actually pick new mages.


Insert pasta about your waifu here


No, that one retard that used to pretend to be me made fun of me for theorizing new Vlad will be a midlaner.

Who's laughing now, dumbass.

>Come back after a while
>Cassio no longer needs boots

lol what?

what if i need CDR? or Merc treads?

who the fuck is behind all of this stupid shit?

edit: nevermind just saw malz lmfao


now THAT'S a slippery team


i want to do lewd things to tristana

All on Izumi Shinichi.



>tryndamere with ignite
all on blue

Try Swain now

its humbling that u can fucking play this game as a living and this shit still happens to you
really humbles my elo
right into the ground

>facing EZ/soraka
>poke poke poke poke
>tear half his health bar off when he goes to poke
>backs off, healed to full instantly
>Any time EZ gets in trouble he just teleports away
>Healed back to full health instantly

So what the fuck do I do?

go back to fucking tumblreddit you disgusting faggot

>what if i need CDR? or Merc treads?
right, get other items with CDR
and Moonflair Spellblade

xth for breast waifu

>Sion in the Revenge club

All on Blue

btw you dont use the Sand storm skin in promos ?

>i still can't buy super galaxy shyvana

do you not want my money riot????????????

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA right now!

Trynd for the win

Is it just me or does Vlad seem to be much worse late game than he was before the rework?

No more garuanteed hitting everyone with your e in late game teamfights means you do no damage.

How the fuck do you win lane against Trundle?

xth for Cute Vi

Cute Tristana Edition

vlad is much worse in general

Hope for ganks

If he took TP then why aren't you shitting all over him? Are you bad?

See that purple goat bitch healing Ez?
You need to grab her
And fucking *kill* her.

I just realised thereĀ“s pretty much no need to buy boots on ADC. Instead of them you can get another as/crit item and the bonus MS you get from it+other as/crit item bonus speed makes up for the lack of the boots

he says just as he shows up in challenger series and wrecks ass

...he says this when Vlad just went bot for a double kill

>clawed my way through elo hell silver
>finally into gold, blasting through and hit gold 3
>get the absolute worst trash you can imagine
>cant even farm properly
>12 game loss streak and I'm back in gold 5


>lcs icons
fucking trash like this should be shot

You don't.

Just get yumuus instead, high speed on demand + movespeed quints


>EU challenger scene

My lord now this is entertainment

>>tank ekko
you meme loving fuck tank ekko is cance

>not buying swifties

>Tfw you bite your tongue

RIP Zephyr


>wrecks ass


You'll be fine user.

That's why ranked isn't what it's cracked up to be.
You play hard, so that all your future games will be harder. The cycle never ends.

Holy crap

Its black mall blart

it was early game
he got a connection issue or just derped?

Fuck you Lizzardman

That feel when I got an S on Morgana but I already have the tokens for Mastery 6, just not the Jew Essence.

>MF in Challenger Series
My dick is hard now.

Do you really need to though with quints, pd and rfc? Just take a ghostblade instead for even moar damage

late xth for cute foxes

was 1/0/2 when I posted
then he stood still for a moment when he should have pooled away?

why would you sacrifice AS cause you dont want to buy swifties

they literally give you tenacity

I'm taking that ass

But you end up with more attack speed by not taking boots


can anyone stop this man?


Fuck it i'm going till I hit bronze

fuck this streak

fuck this game

lets do it

>mid laner on our team shittalking literally everyone
>check his stats
>gold 5 fizz main


yeah but you end up also not having the tenacity / other stats you get from boots

theres literally a reason why people who are actually good still use boots

Didn't Nidalee get nerfed this patch? Or is it next patch that that's going live?

Enjoy the lash of the spanking


Maybe its just a habit




Literally came on here because I saw the new trist spash art which is top fucking notch. I'm in love with a yordle!!!

Bronze 5?

>Enemy team as a brand
>Everyone on your team stacks up
Save me from this gold 5 hell

No user! You can do it! I believe in you!

It's so fucking deep

time to get back into this horrible game
what should i queue as to get the hang out of things again?

How's the updated Xerath? I've been playing him on and off trying to get good (I can't consistently hit ults) and I've actually found it to be a bit worse to hit people when I'm zoomed out a bit like it is now. I would think that with 5 ult charges it would be pretty easy to 100-0 a carry late game with just ult.

So I just bought Sion and I know there are some Sion players here.

I usually play Naut, Trundle and Rumble top. What do I build on him? Regular Funfire/Iceborne and tank? Any tips? Good matchups?

wait you can get mastery ranks in urf? That's retarded.

ImShit seems to like him and he's the only opinion that matters cause it's diamond desu


>no tits

So you're mouthing off to your imaginary friend?
Further proof you're delusional.
Take your fanfic and go back to

Is Vel'koz shit now?

He's better

>Pick Vlad

I don't have a tumblr

Why is she such a qt?

Your bronze theorycrafting here means nothing at any decent elo. You haven't discovered anything groundbreaking and you never will

It's 90% face to me that gathers my attraction

They nerfed his braindead farming but everything else is better.

god damn that VLAD crushed

i liked the part where he went 1/4, was unable to even remotely contest azir's farm and then got outscaled to shit by azir

definitely a top tier mid
i'll keep him in my sights, i think the koreans are going to abuse this one

>Tempted to buy Dragon Trainer Trist since it's on sale even though I already own Firefighter Trist and don't even play much Trist in the first place anymore.

Sounds like you need more training
Where are her tits?

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

What competitive is even going on right now?

what do i build on pony to walk all over people in URF?

>being this mad

nothing relevant tbqhwyf

How does it feel being 14?