>You proved my point once you started with the moonspeak and honestly I really can't be bothered care what some autistic user thinks >he doesn't even know about the filters
Yeah, not even surprised. You're a redditor huh. Don't you have marvel movies to watch?
Matthew Murphy
feminine penis
Julian Stewart
Liam Gomez
I want to start a pyromancer. Do I roll with pyro is this another one of those newbie-traps? Stats look fine though. Especially the low vit and luck.
Also, what weapons shall I rock? I need to know the minimum stats in dex/str
Sebastian Rivera
Do you think Quelaag is an alcoholic like my other favourite spidersis?
Adam Mitchell
I fucking love Dragons.
Nathaniel White
abnormal fag pls go and stay go
Jose Campbell
No starter trap. Pyro and Knight are the best starting classes exactly because the lack of luck.
Anthony Bell
What other spidersis would be an alcoholic?
Sebastian Butler
So what build should I use for criengton's axe ? is 40/40 quality okay ?
Jace Walker
>I love fucking dragons.
FTFY you degenerate scum
Ethan Thomas
your trip dude.
Jaxson Robinson
Jordan Edwards
There's a googledoc in the OP that's super useful for planning your starting class; most likely Pyro will be the most efficient start for a 30/30 caster with 30 ATN
Carter Wright
You folks in the mood for a FFA instead of dueling?
Parker Green
No one fucking cares about an 8 year old's creation.
James Morgan
Their coffee is our alcohol, so...
Cooper Ramirez
I tried to do the family account trick but when I try to load a character after replacing the save it loads forever and I have to quit the game (and then it gives me an error when it boots up again).
Brody Scott
Base stats and raw.
The difference between raw and 40/40 refined is 22 physical ar. Basically fucking nothing.
Austin Robinson
Who's gonna host this event for PS4 ?
Brandon Nelson
Incorrect. Warrior's minimum attunement lets it edge out knight in most pure-phys builds.
Thomas Kelly
whats the lowest effective level i can invade with a +6? +9?
Owen Sanchez
Why do I need 4 rings to deal damage as a spellcaster while melee guys don't need any and can just stack defensive rings instead? I have no idea how I can make a SL80 pyro work if I want to wield my weapon of choice, have enough HP and stamina to fight, attunement slots and INT/FTH.
Any pointer or should I just keep leveling to 100 and above?
Lucas Mitchell
>Wrath of God is just a hilarious joke of a miracle now
t..thanks FROM..
Josiah Taylor
Jeremiah Myers
Jason Cruz
Jayden Cruz
You have to swap the save *after* you get to the main menu but *before* loading a character.
Dylan Watson
All miracles are shit.
Christopher Moore
guy with ugs do the roll then attack move, is it possible to stagger him during his roll ? it never seems to work for me and I end up trading 200 damages for 800
Jackson Miller
Is Miyazaki going through a crisis? >no such thing as miracles
Colton Hughes
Lincoln Cruz
Alright just for you, I Iet the worms have him instead of bully poking him to death /dsg/
Oops, I swapped them at the Load Character screen (before confirming). Thanks.
Juan Fisher
Only if they use small weapons and don't want any spells. For 1 level you get the spell slot as a knight. It opens up sacred flame, fireball, iron flesh and the sweats. also weapon arts also cost att
Still think knight is better even for pure melee. But I guess something like a farronggreatsword build without spells would be better with Warrior.
Jaxson Reyes
Hopefully no one since I don't have a character for it. Can maybe host it, if my character doesn't have to be in cosplay,
Connor Watson
kill yourself
Benjamin Rivera
>there's a second artorias related memespinning sword I didn't know of At least 2 just added the powerstanced megaflip not this level of shittery.
Austin Howard
maybe he just fucking hates clerics.
Grayson Watson
>all the gods are dead and/or dying >Faith loses its power
That's my coping mechanism anyway
Parker Nguyen
Sounds good. Already got a knight so Pyro it is.
Now, what weapons do I roll... I have no clue whats good with fire/chaos infusions.
Jeremiah Turner
Which games would you guys say have the best bosses? Ds3 is the first of this series I've played, and I'm dissapointed with a lot of the low intensity boss fights. Does it really ramp up after Aldrich? More in the same thread as the Pontiff?
Dylan Baker
>tfw never gonna have a big rack
Elijah Hughes
nou xDDD
Elijah Myers
Pontiff is the hardest boss in the game, ignoring his easy cheesability.
William Williams
I'm down it would be a nice change of pace.
Luis Torres
>artorias related >isn't actually related to him at all
its ok tho u trid
Logan Thompson
Xavier Edwards
>Oh hes preparing a spell >Better just roll nonstop for 10 seconds Honestly fuck Hackizaki
Dominic Gutierrez
from ds2, it also doesn't help that the people peddling miracles were murderers
or people like Patches who tend to kill clerics
Lincoln James
>tfw maxed out blade of the darkmoons on two characters without being summoned once
do I have to be SL 0 with a -2 weapon and have a new account or something?
Jackson Watson
>watching 2bestfucks because i hate myself >woolie spoiling yorshka but also getting it completely wrong at the exact same time
just shut the fuck up you retard, christ.
Justin Parker
I care.
Jack Taylor
>You can get sun medals for invading as a sunlight warrior Who fucking thought that through
Austin Jenkins
Neat. Let's see if others are willing to play that way too.
Samuel Ramirez
Warrior also saves 4 levels on Vitality, which I consider to be a dead stat.
Gavin Howard
Would you say overall in effectiveness and fun, do Sorceries or Pyromancies win? It seems like pyromancies have more varied spells however landing them without free aiming is almost impossible, and the damage is lower for equivalent stat investment. Sorceries on the other hand seem the usual boring stuff but due to different timings/latency it is actually possible to hit people with lock on, and a pure sorcerer seems to hit like a truck. This is my experience after 4 characters, one of which a pyro. Any thoughts?
Bentley Anderson
Still doesn't work. I swapped them at the main menu, then went into the Load Character screen, and it's again stuck forever loading. Do I need to go into offline mode maybe?
Luke Anderson
Is there an FC on at the moment?
Aaron Jackson
I'm up for it, just make sure everyone in the FC knows about it before it starts.
Sebastian Ortiz
wasn't that one sunbro in ds1 evil
Zachary King
>You can't get Ears, Swordgrass, etc as any other covenant while invading Fuck this bullshit, why do Sunfucks get all the pandering
Liam Adams
Demon Bridge
Cameron Kelly
MLGS is still pretty shit. you have to wear a -15% defense ring with the abominable wingy hat just to get close to the levels of damage non-split greatswords provide, while having no thrust attacks
the weaponart is still completely worthless and the R2's beamy shots are pretty much guaranteed to never actually hit anyone
your only attacks are R1 hit-trades and rollcatch. it might be okay with a shield turtle setup, but everything about the weapon is just mega feelbads still
Carson Bennett
>actually wanting to be a ganker
Aiden Young
I did it at SL15 on my main account. Also get summoned sometimes at high SL, but it's pretty rare.
John Nguyen
DaS is still the king as far as I'm concerned. 2's bosses are too gimmicky and padded by tedious runs from the bonfire. 3's are too easy.
Haven't played DeS enough to comment and I haven't played BB at all.
Christian Cruz
How do you deal with the Swamp Amelias?
Charles Sanchez
Not if you use a big weapon. Also absorption isn't actually useless even if poise is.
Austin Kelly
sunfags were always the ganking trash covenant, what's the surprise? solaire would be proud
Blake Ward
FFA at the Stray Demon fight club starts when the host sharpens its Butcher's Knife.
William Jackson
>Who fucking thought that through You can get medals without handholding retard host. That's good enough.
Angel Campbell
A genius.
Jackson Martin
Dagger dodge.
Elijah Lopez
haha wew you got me
William Perez
Invading as a Sunbro is more likely to toss you to a world with an invader already in it It's still jolly co-operation, just for malicious intent
Isaac Reyes
Burn them. And use quickstep weapons to kite them to solid land
Justin Turner
That's what it feels like, the R2 beams are so worthless it's painful. You were doing good damage (about 400 I think) to me in the FC but that I believe is more because I had Prisoner's Chain on with no elemental resistance rings.
Adrian Walker
He got possessed by a parasite if you didn't save him like the horrible person you are, yeah.
Xavier Smith
>saving an innocent invader from a bunch of unfair bullies >malicious intent
Gavin Roberts
>varied spells Why run varied spells now that mana is back? You only need the most damaging spell.
Austin Wilson
Variety can sometimes catch people off guard, whereas you generally know what a sorc is about to cast (some variation of soul arrow or spear).
James Gray
For bleed weapons would I benefit more from Blood infusion of Hollow infusion?
Connor Davis
No, the guy in the jail. Lautrec. I never found his summon sign but he gives you a sun medal, than murders the firekeeper later on.
Xavier Allen
He's not a sunbro. If you summon him, he's a white phantom.
Nicholas Baker
I was talking about PvE, my mistake.
Connor Lewis
Can someone help me with Nameless King, PC? Im using only caestus for my cosplay build and I absolutely need his hair to complete it. Its fucking annhilating me.
Dominic Gonzalez
Hollow + Rouge Bleed infusion is trash
Liam Jenkins
>people like this lazy design
Nathaniel Lopez
>Can't keep covenant unique phantom colors outside the specific areas (i.e.- Red/Blue mixture colors as an Aldritch's Faithful. Maybe in a future patch they'll fix these.
Dylan Gutierrez
Solaire helped him, theres a reason you can summon both of them at the same time. It's possible he got it from him but doesnt give a shit so he just gives it to you.
Hudson Flores
Does bleed even work on bosses?
Jack Phillips
He just wanted a stronger estus flask. The player is the evil one who ruins his jolly co-op in Anor Londo.
Brandon Jackson
Hollow or just sharp
Ian Morris
then w-where did he get the sun medal from
I guess that would make sense. I need to replay ds1 and follow an npc quest guide, I missed everyones but Solaires so I could save him.
Chase Young
I'm glad MLGS not OP. Can use it without being shitter. >always like Saif >never use it because it was number 1 shitter weapon