Today's topic: When are times when Mercy should be shooting instead of healing?
David Lewis
loli hero when
Kayden Perez
Christopher Lee
>tfw three more days until I can get thanked for being a good healslut again
Jace Cox
When all allies are topped up When there's not a dedicated DD around to dmg boost When the dedicated DD is shit at aiming or distracted
Leo Fisher
If she has a teammate around then never. You have the ability to augment your teammates damage, there is almost NEVER any need for you to get your gun out unless you are literally alone.
Blake Jones
How much is it and can I buy it for you through
Jack Taylor
When you're healing/boosting Reinhardt and he's not engaging the enemy. Shoot at enemies through his shield to soften them up, then let Reinhardt finish them off.
Luke Lewis
>keys on G2A cost €60 now FUCK is kinguin trustworthy?
Camden Brooks
It still hurts It hurts inside deep down I can't cope with this anymore help me
Logan King
nth for repressed sexual desires
Matthew Cooper
I'm still thinking if should install OW on my SSD instead of HDD
Zachary Wood
Caption this, /owg/.
Benjamin Moore
oh shit im sorry
Wyatt Torres
Please don't main Mercy.
Shitty supports make the game 6v5. Just play Lucio or something.
Juan Thompson
You can sell CSGO keys for a little under $2.30 each, so 40 keys is over $80
Jose Murphy
This ain't made by the japs so never
Connor Hall
What's the point?
I always loaded well in time before the match started anyway.
Jason Nguyen
>Mercy healing Reinhardt. McFucking kill yourself, Reinhardt is literally the one tank you should never be babysitting and if you are then you are bad and so is he. >t.Reinhardt main.
Xavier Turner
It's bretty small, I think I will
Aaron Clark
Levi Jenkins
How do we go from this
Ayden Myers
sorry for what? our '76 taught us not to be ashamed of our counter picks especially because they're so valuable to the team and all
Aaron Roberts
only $52 on Cdkeys
Isaac Lopez
brainwashing and magic
Isaiah Anderson
>All this G2A rage >implying they didn't run out of their stolen credit cards
epin maymay.
Luke Peterson
2 problems:
1. when you trade outside of steam keys are not worth $2.30 2. I must have deleted my rep thread because I sold all my stuff and didn't think I would need it anymore
Daniel Reed
But Battleborn is already launching a new hero so Blizzard should be able to as well.
Gabriel Foster
Buy it on Amazon, user. Just get a free trial of Prime and buy the game for the same as the old G2A price. It's a small game. Unless you're nearly out of room, put it on the SSD. LUCIO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE NOBODY WANTS YOUR ALBUM, YOU MANLET
Christopher Cruz
blueposters not welcome
Luke Butler
best feel
Colton Moore
>load up is very slow >you have to wait for teammates to load
putting it on a SSD is a literal waste of space
Luke Murphy
>Battle Medic Neck yourself m8, this isn't TF2.
Logan Thomas
Battleborn is also asking for money or a 20 hour investment for that character
Jacob Richardson
daddy gave you good advice
Kayden Richardson
Josiah Martin
>the most commended hero was Mei
Xavier Adams
I'm not the guy offering to trade, user. I'm just telling you the price of keys.
Dominic Stewart
to this
Ryder Perry
Logan Carter
To this?
Isaiah Hughes
Don't play Mercy if you never use a pistol, retard. Knowing when to use it and when not to use it is what separates a healslut from a Mercy main
Gavin Cook
>Tracer panicked and overshot, rewinding Reinhardt with her.
>My teammates NEVER shot Symmetra turrets when they're being zapped by them >I have to take it upon myself to do it because they're too busy shooting at fucking nothing
Liam Parker
bastion bastion bastion
Mason Lee
>not posting the complete version That's why I said "if" If your team isn't trash, then you should be off doing something else and rarely pulling out your pistol.
Justin Rodriguez
torbjorn, mcree and zaraya
Brandon Collins
nice tumblr general you got here
bunch of fags and shipperfags
Logan Brooks
Jace Morgan
>Why can't I free myself from this shithole
Nathaniel Jones
drink bleach
Thomas Walker
Fuuck you.
Blake Stewart
It feels good man.
I love having all 6 of them out and vaporizing something.
I think 2 symmetra would be too much though
James Watson
If she's landing dank headshots then that's fine
Thomas Wright
Conan's gonna pick Mcree and Winston. Peter will probably joke about Torbjorn, but end up picking 76.
Lena will play the designated female character role and be Mercy and Pharah.
Easton Jenkins
>Dank headshots >on people that are standing still
Jace Myers
This meme is so disgusting. Like honestly, the Drake ones are at least funny. Thoos nigga is just ugly man.
Ayden Lewis
Ya'll niggers realize they're going to be on console right?
of course, how else would they get advertiser money?
Leo Diaz
what the fuck is that picture of?
what movie is it from?
Brody Rivera
Spot the TF2 fag.
Noah Gray
Robocop. Robocop.
Owen Harris
Less than that considering his face is all fucked up
Jose Hernandez
way to improve this general
James Hernandez
There's a lengthy pregame timer and you have 11 other players. Just think for a few seconds.
Dylan Young
the only parts that matter
David Powell
>Is Overwatch a good game to start learning how to play? ye >Do you have any general FPS tips? When you die, don't go back to the fight if all your team is dead too. Wait until you can all go together.
Luke Kelly
Those ones aren't dank then are they you fucking gweilo
Nathaniel Moore
I haven't even seen the new one.
Evan Myers
I'd usually agree, since he can mitigate his own damage, but there are times where Reinhardt will actually need minor babysitting if you're aggressively pushing certain objectives (like Nepal for example) that are flanked very easily and allow you to be focused from multiple directions or if they have something like Bastion holding a point like Temple of Anubis point A that Reinhardt will need to briefly facetank inbetween shield breaking to allow passage into the side rooms to flank or to take pot shots
Eli Hughes
Does that trigger you user?
Kevin Wilson
ban the meiposters
Easton Foster
Wait for the Soldier cinematic, I'm sure you will be able to cut the sexual tension with a knife.
Jordan Sullivan
Is there a site to download all Viper covers? I have more than 200 here, but I always end up seeing new ones
Liam Brown
Shit meme.
Noah King
Is there any place to get the standard edition for cheaper than $40? I don't give a shit about any of the things in the origins edition.
Andrew Evans
have a classic
probably but I just grab them when the surface so no idea