Other urls found in this thread:
>Is it impossible to pretend things don't exist?
Yes, because pretending they don't exist doesn't make them disappear, that's just you tricking yourself.
>I just ignore them
you are a greater man than I
it's only a game. why do you have to be mad
best guy
best hair
best chest
>Friends invite me to URF
>They dont ban Fizz
>Only scar on her body is her eye
Best d__k.
Reminder that there are literal SJWs lurking the same Veeky Forums that you and I (I'm talking to you, user) know and love. Reminder that you should shun them on sight.
>get a lux/morg combo
>literally, not figuratively or metaphorically, but literally perma-rooted until I die
this game mode is so fucking shit
>playing normals to try and get back into the game
>feed my ass off every game
Just adjust my mmr already senpai
>uninstall this game
>stop playing
>keep getting Lol youtube recommendations
>haven't watched LoL videos in months
I don't give a fuck what that faggot Voyboy is playing.
How do I make this shit stop
>Playing URF
>vayne can tumblr through talis wall
God this fucking wall is useless as shit. And it doesn't even fucking deal damage.
Who cares if you just trick yourself? Listening to them will only hamper your performance and in-game experience, so mute them, or ignore them regularly.
Contest Guy
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
vg vs vg
>vayne can tumblr
>through talis wall
Don't tell me this was an accident
i was trying to be witty
But for real, she can.
>no matter what cancerous URF champ I pick I always lose
Thread needs some Tali.
I'll try I guess, I'm pretty good at ignoring shit I don't like in general, but when it's a direct attack on me, and I feel like I don't deserve it, I can't cope. And then it's always the entire team against me, no matter how hard I'm carrying, and that always reminds me of the bullying i got until high school. Shit sucks.
Thats not even me lmao, holy shit kid get fucking real.
Welcome to J4s world.
>ultimate ability
>people can flash out of it
>almost everyone can dash or blink out of it
>ult is bugged so people can literally just walk out of it
We throw around unbalanced a lot but Riot has truly done a terrible job at keeping this game balanced over the years
Can you climb in Silver maining support? Or is every game a gamble since you're basically forced to trust your team and you aren't in a position where you can carry.
I want to get into jungling, since top is a fucking autist lane and I can't stand playing bot.
Any tips?
Here are the currently viable junglers that I own:
Malz, Graves, Mumu, Gragas, Fiddle
Which one do I start learning and gitting gud at?
When do I gank / farm, etc.?
Gotchu senpai
Xth for Protobelt Annie
Because finesse is for the weak.
solo queuing as support is impossible because your adc will be a moron 99% of the time
I dont understand why J4s ult and Talis wall aren't special made to be like protobelts blocking mechanics. You can dash, but you just faceplant the wall.
I'm not very miffed about flash, seeing as how burning flash for an ult is usually worth it anyway. But if i'm flanking an enemy and i'm having to do all this extra work to setup and great wall and cut them off, only to have 3-4 of them just herp a derp over it, I don't see the appeal of even using it. Honestly, I don't see why talis ult can't deal damage to people who try to scale it. Put some jagged rocks at the top or something. Goddamn.
PLEASE fucking kill yourself.
Tali's untilmate really is the only bad thing about her.
Feels terrible, does no damage and is clunky as fuck.
I need runes and masteries for tresh, also, grasp or strenght on Trundle?
You managed to lose on zyra?
It's more of a gamble yes, but it's definitely possible if you deserve to be higher.
Probably will take a little longer since some games are more out of your control than if you were top or adc or some other carry position.
>riven owner/player/sympathizer upset
Not him but, hes right? Lol
I don't really play junglers, I was just going off of the champion.gg junglers top 15.
Don't bully
u just need to git gud , cleaver buffs and tank nerfs are great for riven
Post champ pools. I rate yours if you rate mine~
You spam his pillar so they cant even run away from you. W gives you shittons of attack speed coupled with the URF double shit, and Q has like no cooldown so if they're AD they can't trade back.
The only other non-cherrypick gripe I have, is worked ground. Her Q is near fucking useless in team fights after about 2 casts, and he damage basically hits 0.
That's just the thing, most people trick themselves on a daily basis; it's one of the little things that help them stay sane. Like when people convince themselves that they are essentially good and likable and wonderful. There is of course a line between loving yourself well enough to care about your own survival and simply being delusional - like the whiny laner.
Alternatively you could just visualize the player giving you grief as someone so pathetic and/or adorable that you simply couldn't be angry at them no matter what they say. Because they just don't know any better and you're the bigger person in the end.
according to those stat websites, support's rank up easier than other roles.
You can definetly carry from support, you can either go full utility and fix your teams mistakes, or you can destroy people and not give them opportunities to make mistakes with annie or sona.
>malzahar jungle
Please fucking kill yourself
Objectively horrible champ
>tfw lewd thread
max out your W first, get Q at lvl 4 after your second buff and gank mid/top
hit level 6 and wreck people's shit in with a surprise ulti from the bushes
Hello silver
Here's a question. Why does Azirs wall block dashes while J4s cant?
Oh I guess its because J4 wore out his "big plays" title
Is there a website/app for these splash arts on black background?
I see way too many people doing this consistently for it to be photoshop.
Also 7/10, too much for one position jungle and Graves himself takes a point off. Gragy and Vi are good tho, and respect the skin choices
Azir is a new champ, need to keep people buying champs/playing for IP.
>The fanarts completely ignores the nose
It's in the OP, the link will take you to the right place but you might have to dig around for the utility.
how do i git gud at this tanky cunt?
>have to beg support to be a tank because everybody every game wants to be sick deeps
These people are like the old warriors and paladins in wow saying "im dps"
It's infuriating
play Zyra and maybe yeah
support maining is pretty ass until like high plat
You play him in the jungle and you gank non-stop, then you realize Vi is the same but she does damage, and start playing Vi instead
That bothers me more than it should. She's a cute (?) Middle-Eastern (or equivalent) teen, of course she's got a big nose.
chat servers are back on EUW!
Since the 6.9 nerf for relic shield, I have started building Spellthielf on Thresh supp.
it grants me bonus damage to flay and gold reward whenever I hook/flat/attack on enemy.
but still the guides advocate to go for relic or coin?
why? cooldown time got nerfed so you can't push the second lane. heal got weaker so spending all stacks are woth merely 1 autoattack from adc.
good thread
go with whatever the fuck ya want, you're playing the game at the end of the day
>Its a fun mode!
>Everyone is mad and salty as always
Never change community
Xth for Katarina
best girl
I did this last season (end of it)
I palyed blitzcrank and got 3 accounts to gold like this. It is not impossible but idk how it is with other supports or in the meta atm. but there is always a way
>play LoL for the first time in 6 years
Riot quit changing everything
Azir's is a bunch of "living" soldiers actively pushing against an oncoming force while J4's is just a wall of rock
>been reporting people in URF all day for playing cancer
>received several notifications
Behave yourselves summoners
I just got on for the first time in like 2 months and holy shit Taliyah is a literal Jew she's just an actual Jew
She is completely shit tho so its fine
Post em!
tfw Quinn 7 and Azir 6 tokens but no good goy dust
except a jew is actually good at what they do
>want to try my comfy champ in urf
>get anally devastated by fucking faggots that can blink every 2 secs
>say fuck it and play cancer tier champs
>everything is so much easier to handle
>its a fun mode!
>games flaws and poor design are dialed up to 11
URF is like when someone compares something to Hitler to win an argument.
Its the worst aspects of the game shoved into a map that wasn't designed for it. I literally solo'd RH as Wukong by using my clone.
Are these skins good? Which ones to upgrade?
I would honestly say she is the worst champion in the game at the moment
Even bard had people who could do well on her
I've never seen a good taliyah
I just got buttfucked by Brand, I was playing tahm. Hes not that bad man.
Why have they still not given every player a ban yet? there are over twice as many champs as when they started with 3 bans.
She also appears to have no nipples, if you're into that.
Is there anything worse than the sight of a fucking duo bot lane feeding out their ass and spouting memes all game? What a shitty night.
maybe it's because tahm is even worse in urf
>ruining balance for the sake of lore
Fuck off Azir
Just need one more for Rank 7 Sol and one more for Rank 6 ekko
you should be playing assassins like everyone else, then you can run circles around me like the fizz/ahri/talon/ekko/diana/kat/yi in my games
Something is wrong with this picture. It hurts my eyes.
>not dodging a bard and vayne
You asked for it lad
because if you gave more bans people would just ban stuff that isn't good but they are salty about like idk tahm kench still every game
6 bans is enough to remove the extreme broken stuff
just git gud and stop blaming muh op picks for why you suck
I'll be very happy when I get higher level with Sona.
cant have fun when everyone pick cancer
People just resist change in general - also, the ADCs whine if you can't sustain them. As for actual reasons... Most players don't build Ice Queen on Thresh, so they're probably saving gold for the Talisman or Mountain's Heart (Spellthief's tribute should make up for the item's cost itself at the absolute least, though, so I'm not sure).
The problem with the fun mode argument is that it is not fun.
That Ezreal must have been fucking furious
Jungle Naut hasn't been a thing for like two or three years.
Are these skins good? Which ones to upgrade?
OK. Face of the Mountain, not Heart. Basically the same thing.
>6 bans is enough
Literally everyone disagrees with you
Nothing to do with cancer picks. Its a matter of the roster size growing