/wfg/ - Warframe General

Never Ever Prime v2 edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
General: pastebin.com/kTX8Qyzb
FAQ: pastebin.com/RBjxzmTE
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/tZ4b2FPb

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)

CURRENT UPDATE: 18.12 Vauban Prime
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/649037-update-18120-vauban-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


th for these are the people that will protect DE

Again, to the dude telling me to use the old op pastebin
Why should I ? It has an outdated droptables link and update number, the one I made is literally a clone of the old one by TK1 except for those 2 updated things and I plan on keeping it updated

>there is NO end game meta outside of grinding and trading manually with players in a trade chat
>so you can play the same repetitive fucking missions you have been playing since MR1

nth for great DEals

doesnt look half bad

you can still clearly see the mods on there

Just like real life, user.

Work yourself to the bone just to wake up and go to bed. Isn't it great?

It's probably TK1.

Why is it so hard to make a good looking Nyx Prime?

Not counting Excal Prime, all I need is regular Ash to have one of every frame. Fucking manics are a pain in my cock.

fucking stupid ivara fuck these dumb annoying spy missions

well tough shit, he should have updated it then

Probably busy with the reddit boys and his little shill blogo. We just need a person who is unbiased/neutral to the shit that happens here.

>person who is unbiased/neutral

I'm not entirely certain people like that even exist on /wfg/.

That's why we let the reddit boy maintain the op.

Check 'em out, niggas.

Congrats. Gl with the rest of the grindin.

Is Primed Ravage worth getting?

Currently running with a Hek, but I do plan on getting a Sancti Tigres when I hit mr12.

Post edge


I fucking hate this planet.

Holy shit.

After I told them to not ERP Mr. AshFag15 said something along the lines of 'ERPing is a magical thing and shouls be cherished'

I didn't even think to screenshot it I just closed my laptop, lay down, and stared at the ceiling for a bit.

Some of the other pastebins in the OP could use a few updates here and there nothing too big, but I'll just leave them as is for now since I'm assuming they're being updated every now and then by the people that made them

Just run NM LoR, cheeky cunts spawn a shitload on stage 2

>R5 cores in T4 C reward pool

They can't be fucking serious.

>host migration inside the orbiter

Reward tables are fucked, user.

We're almost free from this nightmare.

>this guy slaps your waifu's butt, what do you do?


Yeah I can't wait for DE to finally shutdown so I can go outside again.


slow nth for trade rework never, and unlimited jewery

I don't even know why I'm here when I could be playing Doom. Maybe Booben is just so fun that I have to be here farming him.


Komm, süsser Tod.

Sortie resets in like 7 more hours. Just like every sortie. Since the first sortie.

i hate this type of faggots

>T4 survival for 40 minutes
>Both C rewards are cores

Epic, simply epic.

>T1 and T4 share some of the same rewards

newfag here, are survival/extraction/the missions where you capture towers endless?

Interception is where you capture 4 towers labeled A, B, C, and D. Survival is where you kill enemies for life support. Excavation is where you have to activate excavators and feed it power cells.

Can someone explain the black Excal in the OP? Sorry, I poke in every so often to see if I should start playing again because this game used to be pretty damned fun.

Then they upped the grind beyond any meme joke could cover.

Excalibur Umbra. It doesn't exist. Yet.

Great.They add in a way to buy the Dark Sector skin for Excal? That was what pissed me off the worst, I wanted it so bad.

>They add in a way to buy the Dark Sector skin for Excal?
Only for 150:platinum: :^)

primed satisfaction?

Well that's some unsurprising merchantness.

Umbra excal aka China's version equivalent of excal prime. After the trash pick design counsel color map rework (These shitters were more worried about what the back of a warframe looked like [implying anyone doesn't use a syandana or cape at this point] rather than the fucking uncolorable mankini lines on the front.)



>Umbra excal

>nitain alert a little bit ago
>go to arsenal to change gear
>alt tab for a bit
>come back its gone

Well, looks fucking stupid. It's like Excal Edge Edition.

I'll stick with Prime when I want to play the most generic warframe.


Shadow Excalibur
Excalibur shadow

Which one sounds better

THREADLY REMINDER that archwing will be pushed down our throats in the upcoming updates so you better start lovin' it



Man Excalibur
Excalibur Man

Fuck those shitters.

My Warframe is strong
Strong is my warframe

T h i c k bursa
Bursa T h i c k

Frog butt
butt frog

thank you for the description, but in all those missions you have an option to either keep going or extract. I'm curious if you can keep going forever or if there is an final end.

My Warframe is strong
My strong is Warframe

I need 3000 cryotic. What's the best/fastest excavation mission I can go on?

You can keep going forever.
You can forever keep going.

>trying to do spy missions for ivara
>trigger alarm by mistake trying to rush through
>abort and restart
>happens again
same shit for the past hour im already sick of spy missions and I dont have a single part yet


>abort and restart
Why the fuck?

Not him, but that fucking perfectionist OCD fucks with your common sense sometimes.

I dont know the spy rooms and panic when the purge starts

How the fuck can you not learn spy rooms inside out after running them for an hour? There's a limited amount of them.

Good luck trying to pull your Skill number down after your consecutive aborts.

I havent actually finished a single run.

dont even know what that means.

Triggering the alarm does not change the reward. I got the helmet blueprint with all three alarms triggered because i accidentally left public matchmaking on.

Run Corpus ones, they're very straightforward.
Make love to vents.

If the skill number in your profile is over 30, you will NEVER EVER get a rare drop again.

>aborting affecting skill
Seriously? Failure should be the only tally. There are a million reasons to drop a mission before you finish it. At least tell me that's just a punishment for dropping out on teammates and not while soloing?

>could've made over $20 in gabendollars if I had bought a phased booben before booben prime came out
>completely forgot phased booben existed
Goddammit, it was so obvious.

I can't find anything about it. What does it mean?

>>I havent actually finished a single run.
nigger how the motherfuck

It's an objective rating given to you when you create your account calculated by state-of-the-art skill scanning systems.
It looks like yours is quite accurate.

Ded Bread is Ded

Well. Now it's 30.

Nice photoshop.

Why don't you post yours then, m8.

the dedest of ded

I'm just taking the piss, m8. Mine usually hovers around 30 but I just booted up to check and it dropped to 28? I don't even know what I did. Haven't abandoned or failed anything recently.

To tell you the truth not even DE knows how this stat works.

When's this thing getting updated ?

What is that?

its a small app for void loot, lets you see what drops per mission or where you can find X set

It's just a stupid little C# app by the looks of it, anyone can take the reddit-based excel sheet and make a new one OR you can use the excel sheet itself and learn how to use filters to make it work.

How do I play Frost without being shitter? I already know about not placing globes on defence missions with infested.

How much do Loki BPs and helmets go for now he's been vaulted?

Are they creating false scarcity now to boost plat sales?

Don't place globes on interception either.

But what if everyone is defending their own point? For example I'm defending point A and place a globe and stay in it?

Old player here, I used to play Saryn for the deeps on her ult. She was very underrated, and using her poison beads with a shotgun in crowded infested caused absolute chaos damage.

I know nova was preferred when she came out, but she couldn't health tank like Saryn can. What's changed?

The goyim know too much...

dont get kills just stall for time to avoid nulls

Keep a good stacked globe.
Make sure you have the chilling augment
Freeze the ground for cc
Understand snowballs can take down globes instantly if needed
Always have an eye on your globe durability

Thanks for your advice.

It's too early for your baitshit