/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1084

Previous - ■ Current Update: 「新体験への出航」 Part2
■ AC Scratch: Winners Design 3 sideB (until 6/8), Toro Kuro Station (Until 5/25)

Next Update: 「新体験への出航」 Part3 (May 25)

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Live Broadcast #42 on May 22

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Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST
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General Information: bumped.org/psublog/
pastebin.com/CxBP1mEA (embed)
docs.google.com/document/d/1Ml9MGiN2Ich09mDtR82N1zn62oa1Mp6x6yzRjHrEf8c/ (Last Updated: 7/25/2015)
Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
Buy ARKS Cash using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa (embed)

■ DB/Wikis
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
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pso2.cirnopedia.info/ (EN - OUTDATED AS FUCK)

■ Simulators
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Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

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lets celebrate this fine day when Kayleth moved to Ship 2.

So why do people hate Kaleth?

Reminder that joshirosama is the biggest piece of shit in the general who craves drama and attention. Make sure to blacklist him and avoid all contact.


Fuck off with your drama I said Rappies.



every time i see this i can imagine the 13 year old edgelord behind the screen thinking he's piercing deep into people's skin with his words

>this game is the only decent thing out at the moment
>its a game that you can't fully invest to because of how easy it is and scheduled quests.
>nothing you can just sit and grind or pvp all day.
fuck the genre is dead.

Good morning /pso2/! How are you all faring this morning?

It would be better if there was any compelling reason to do ults, CMs outside of boost weeks, XQs or TAs for anything but money. Since everything cosmetic in this game is tied behind Gacha or limited events like bingos (which take maybe a day or two of a several weeks long event) almost nothing feels like it has staying power. You just grind for weapons to make your grind for the next weapon slightly less painful or your grind for money to affix that weapon or unit.

Sega actively remove any competitive aspects from the game, and the few things that remain offer what is essentially no reward for winning.

Why do I never get matched to EQs with these kinda guys?

anywhere I can see all the current hats and costumes to see if it's possible to create my favourite 2hu?

fuck off autist

Have a nice day, pso2g!

Kill yourself.

OH is not ded

I don't think it even needs to be competitive, there just needs to be a grind that is both readily available and compelling outside of the current EQ. I just don't get the impression anything like that is around that you or 3 other people could just hop into off the cuff.

it pretty much is


There is no 4 player content in the game that is endearing, basically everything is designed around 12 man bullshit.

So /pso2g/ since im restarting my char after fucking up my mag with 50 dex (being a noob and all),
Is there a way to make good looking females with rightmost Face Variant?
whatever i make looks ok on Character Creation screen but turns into pignosed abomination with EQ lighting

They can't even fill a boat mpa. OH is dead.

Man, what's the issue here?


Here it is fampai

Never thought I'd say I miss psu or want to consider playing pso again.

AQs were like that nut now its only worth doing if you're leveling. Back in then it would be for exp,money,drops and discs. Although it was 1 type of mission it was spanned across all the stages at the time and each stage whether it may be forest or ruins had unique drops and PAs to encourage running each and with the capsule system made it so it was a requirement so it hardly got scaled. Mobbing and bossing mattered due to PSEs and infected bosses. Now mobbing is irrelevant due to the weak LQ enemies which they really want you running because of the badges and boss-centric "raid" EQs.

I hate this

Not the first one they had less than 12 people online.
Also, was this released already?

not the first what?


Yup, feels bad. I still love the game design and what they're doing, but fuck if I didn't wish there was anything to do outside of the same scheduled shit every few months. Even took time off, but from what I'm being told based on what I have there's no real reason to try and farm the content I've missed since it's neither fun nor is the gear worth it compared to current offerings. I've been cutting my sadness with other games instead of idling.

Funny him and that guy are friends now

at least Overwatch will cure my boredom out of EQs.

You and me both senpai

The gear progression in the game basically died in the ass when suganuma fucked up and added UQ+13* weapons when there were only a handful of 12* in the game. At this point, there are actually more 13* weapons than 12*, and there's very little reason to use said 12*.

The fact they never actually updated old stuff to XH, and have been sitting on XH as a whole for almost 2 years now says a lot about the current state of the game.

You too!

What kind of girl are you going for? I have some character files for all races to help if you need a base, I believe their faces to be pretty. Mostly Caseals. Loli? Big and burly? Docile, or fiery? Somewhere in between?

Pic related of how I loli. Just don't pick red hair or you'll be mistaken for someone you don't want to.

/la barf

>Just don't pick red hair or you'll be mistaken for someone you don't want to.

seconding this

Fuck off with this trash.

>Just don't pick red hair or you'll be mistaken for someone you don't want to.

Can confirm this actually happens.

Post sliders

>this scared of getting confused for someone because you picked red hair

Why should you give a shit?

>/la barf

NIgga mix it up

>Red hair


There are three, maybe four, very notable red heads who are pure drama outside of their cliques. This happens more on ship 2 than 4 because the 4 en community is relatively tight knit.

sup ubershit

Wait, it really does?

Me, Uberchao. I didn't actually know people been getting pestered for looking like me, was sorta kidding.

Also a more "average" looking one, pic related, I guess. Proportions of a young adult just about.

Honestly, when you ignore the thread the drama is nonexistent. I'm not really sure how it works.

Or abomination like me

Funnily enough, I'm and I was thinking of four different redheads. You're more of a meme/thinskinned than someone who causes problems.

Can you only get the Hucaseal outfit through the memory shop?

Excuse me miss, but you seem to have shit on your face.

I'm curious, which four

All the PSO1 costumes and accessories are memory shop only at this point I believe.

wheres my apology sega

make your character have a low cut in the salon THEN do the face



>play on PC and get lag and 630s constantly
>play on PS4 and get hardly any lag and no disconnects at all

what is this madness?

I gotta say, I see what you're trying to do and I'm impressed, but it just looks so off.

I can see with the right hair and clothes, the weird proportions can be looked past, but it looks like your hips are too big and torso too small. Otherwise, albeit unnervingly so, you're kinda cute. If there's any way to just raise up your face more, it'll help a lot too.

Oh, didn't realize there were the others. I think I've gotten more used to things since Christmas though, paying too much attention to thread makes it look like everyone's out to get you.

Low cut?

Damn. Well is there an alternative for Hucaseal replica if i wanted to created a taimanin/Raita/fei looking character?

>paying too much attention to thread makes it look like everyone's out to get you.

you should give skeletan and skengs lessons on attentionwhore deficit management

>Low cut?

Dont nbe stupid just pick a short male hairstyle that leaves the face fully exposed so you can edit properly instead of making a char that looks like this

>cat ears short haired ugly faced lolis in bunny suits

I made her in the middle of 3 am for absolute no reason lol. Thanks anyhow

Show us a prettier character than that one. I'm sure you have one.

sony magic

>any shitposter ever backs up their claims of having superior taste

he just had to jack off to his own opinions and blow his load reading his own post. I doubt you'll get a reply since he got what he 'came' for.

>being so uncreative/brain-dead you use animal accessories.

>Being Skengs



Bitch you play SU. That tells us all about how brain-dead and degenerate you are.

>being so uncreative/brain-dead you use animals to fight

>Be into big tits
>all those shitty flat chest lolis everywhere
true suffering

>being so uncreative/brain-dead you use clown accessories.

>tfw went from dfc loli to oppai loli and enjoying it far more than originally thought would
>might put meat on thighs next

>accuses people of being braindead
>character is dressed like a ditz

Good job user
You are making this game great again

Decent Katanas to aim for around level 50 or so?

NPC themes rappy suits shoule be the next thing they do. Like Luther Rappy, Io Rappy, Patty Rappy, etc.


Okay, for you user #

>be into cute lolis and big musclegirls and nice-looking, proportional girls in general
>all those bushbabies missing their ribcages everywhere
>all those otherwise nice characters with unproportionally giant hips
>no nice musclegirls
We are all suffering. Seems like bimbos are more of a trend than the lolis also.

>people watch this autistic shit.

more mature would be better also human would be cheaper for costumes right?

Is this good for a Taimanin/raita looking character?

Who are some examples of bimbo characters in the thread

>Thinking its bad to watch it

>Liking fully mature, but petite
>Literally no middle ground to be had

it's a living hell.

>Is this good for a Taimanin/raita looking character?

That's Maidoll you shit.

Haven't watched that shit for years user, I just knew what they were talking about.
I actually hear the same voice for Skengs, except with a bit more of a creepy tranny tone that says "IDIOT" all the time.

>human would be cheaper for costumes
Not really, CASTs can wear most costumes and their variants are sometimes cheaper than human ones. Female CAST parts are also relatively inexpensive, male ones are insane though.

Pic related, nothing here was very expensive, less than 1mil for all three of those parts, with the bonus of being able to mix and match.

Describe a little more though, give animu reference if need be. Body type, expression, etc.

Not him but how would would one make a taimanin character in this game?

well its cheap because you look like fucking SHIT.


I meant in general, but bimbos are definitely some of the most-liked in the thread when they get posted. Basically, porn hairstyles+heavy makeup+giant fake-looking boobs+big hips usually going into unproportional levels, stuff like that.

I mean, you look pretty and proportional enough, I don't mean it offensively unless I'm talking about the ones that just max their thighs because that's supposed to be the epitome of sexy.

You forgot to post your pic user.

Hey sophia it looks like you are yet again throwing barrels. Let me remind you that no one ever believes you when you call anyone else dramawhores. I can't even begin to tell you how dramafree we have all been ever since you joined luminary and stopped coming to b31. Its almost uncanny. Thankfully you created your own discord so we don't have to see you bitch and slime your way into everyones business in the real discord. Its really appreciated so keep up the good work. Hope youre enjoying yourself as much as we all are enjoying ourself away from you. Just remember that yelling louder doesn't make anything you say more believable! I suggest trying a different community to make friends, maybe then you can get someone to blow a big hot stinky load all over your virtual waifu.

Stop cast discrimination

apos dorios

>I'm the queen
>you're all just jealous!
