Fighting Games General /fgg/
Europe > America
If you come to Stunfest, you can enjoy traditional crepes.
just sniff my shit up
A what
When I go to an archived thread on Veeky Forums with the ad blocker off I get a bunch of modal dialogs
What the fuck hiromoot
And why the fuck are there still pop up dialogs in browsers that don't let you close the tab without answering? Chrome and Firefox devs should be fucking bitch slapped
Pieces of shit
daily sf5 is good reminder
JDCR is playing TTT2 in an EU tournament
yatagarasu is ok lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Is SF5 a better game than SF4?
search for ranked matches and see me in sniffhime
offline yes.
Absolutely not.
How is the netcode, senpai?
I really do think Alex wins it as well. When I try to think of things Bison has over Alex that are relevant to the match I can't come up with too much, not to mention I don't have trouble coming up with reliable ways to deal with bison stuff with Alex's tools.
very good for delay based netcode
What are the top five best run fighting game tournaments?
Anyone who else having a lot of issues with sf5 right now? None of my matches are sending to server and it's taking a lot more time to find matches than usual
If you like fundamentals, yes
If you like le FADC memes then no
How do you feel about Jack-O?
She and Johnny will be a pain in the ass to fight online
What is her worst matchup anyway?
Her playstyle doesn't interest me, and she'll probably be annoying as fuck to fight against.
Official /fgg/ pairings
Karin x Birdie
Rashid x Cammy
Ingrid x Boxer
Makoto x Dee Jay
Sakura x Sean
Chun Li x Mike
Ibuki x Dudley
Vanessa x Seth
Mai x Banderas
Athena x Heavy D
Kula x Lucky Glauber
Blue Mary x Duck King
Whip x K'
King x Mukai
Hinako x Nelson
Leona x Krizalid
Mature x Zero (Clone)
Vice x Zero (Original)
Moe x Richard
Miu x Silber
Hotaru x Butt
Tsubaki x Arakune
The Axl matchup for her is really really bad, probably the worst matchup in Xrd.
Axl and Sin just destroy all of her houses easily
The RashidxCammy meme ends starting now.
>sonicfox plays C-Kohaku and F-VAkiha in melty blood
who would have guessed
>16:9 melty
Koihime Enbu sucks
Do not believe the lies that it's good
I wonder how thick she'll look in SFV
is there a word for those middle aged men who make weird 3d shit like that, it can't be a fluke
>getting tricked into buying that shit by diapers ITT
Uh, what about Ky? I was thinking of picking up Sin as a secondary just to fuck over Johnny, but if he fucks over Jack-o that's great
I bet even LK could beat that cuck in Melty lmaoo
I've already played a hundred games and it's great, must have if you love ST.
It's been over for a while, Rashit poster fucked off
Probably found some other website that actually accepted his autism though
Aren't you a smart guy user
Isn't LK one of the best american melty players though? And sonicfox doesn't really play the game.
you cracked the code
>Veeky Forums
>mostly autistic posters
>not accepting of autism
It's Street Fighter with cute girls.
If you hate that you hate the game.
I've been searching ranked for a while and you're not showing up.
Why is it a bad game?
found the furry faggot
>no rooms found
LK is a washed up BB player lol
I was afk for the last 5 minutes, also what region are you? I'm EU
LK is alright at the game but he got bullied out of the community so he doesn't play it anymore.
>Koihime Enbu
>anything like SF at all
The game has shit walkspeeds and full screen normals
It's shit
She's hot as fuck. Doujins when
>Beat a super gold Mika's ass because they keep jumping and mashing f+mp
>Failed to send match results to server
Of course
Super slow
Half screen safe normals
Shitty 30 second counter hit combos
Top tier is retarded gorillas that dominate everyone else
I think the servers are busted right now
yesterday I literally couldn't get a single match in ranked/casual
I watched chrisg's stream and he wasn't getting any matches either
someone join my koihime enbu room pls
>install SFV
>hit PLAY
>Tries to run first time set up stage 1 of 1 (DirectX shit)
>Nothing happens, game doesn't launch, no icon, no report of a crash
>Add Steam folder and SFV folder to AV exceptions
>Still nothing
disable av and see what happens
try doing steam://flushconfig
i had a weird problem like that for other games and that helped me
buy me the game and i'll body you in it
fuck when does pools fucking start for stunfest
i hate these euro torunaments
Another Ibuki team set from coop cup
EU, I think I just played you.
Why are Jams jams round and not pointy?
I-is that Vape smoke?
Ah, I've been playing it for the past day or so, but I like the speed of the game. Everything else you said aren't necessarily bad.
Also, does someone know how to change the graphic settings? I haven't seen an option to do so in the game.
why is holding down back inconsistent for orochi :(
Reminder to go and vote for our boy Chris T
>here comes daredevil
add to windows defender
what do i have to tweet? copypaste it here
yeah that connection was really good, I'm going afk now but I'll be back in a couple hours
Remember all those shitters we had here when SFV dropped that said Karin was shit because "her specials are unsafe". I can't help but laugh remembering it whenever I see a Karin body someone.
3rd time, this will definitely happen in the finals as well
Waifufags have bird brains
fucking unreal
You can't be serious... This is approaching Hypespotting levels...
is this what happens when redbull is not involved?
>went to sleep for like 4 hours and missed stunfest
>yuro tournaments
guess I'll watch toryuken
Yeah just tried this and disabled real-time protection, no dice.
this got the game to launch, looks good, thanks user
this thread is not PC enough
I think karin is pretty much just average. She's absolutely crippled by how garbage her anti airs are.
I agree user, Ricky Ortiz is a BOY LMAO
Anyone EU up for sniffhime footsies?
also this track is fucking godlike
I, for one, welcome our Google Fiber overlords.
Make sure to follow @BudLightEsports and then tweet out #ChrisTatarian #BudLightEvote
Is this stream trying to emulate the full SFV experience or what?
rofl who allowed these dickbrains to run a tournament
karins antiairs are only bad in some matchups
I think we can get a lobby going then.
I've only played this game against one other guy so far so playing against the other characters than the ibuki clone is fun.
Chris T looks like a rapist desu ne