Jinx is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Jinx is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
first for dota is better
Time for lewd.
xth for the cutest and kindest champion
Do you think Vlad entertains himself by giving random women clitoral erections and watching them try to walk awkwardly with it?
help me my page is flashing from normal to full dark grey (tomorrow theme)
Most girls don't have huge clits and can handle being aroused.
post best lamb
>mfw trying to get mastery tokens for level 6 and getting A+ every game
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
Xth for LUL nice changes riot LUL
Xth for Katarina
best girl
When will Darius get gutted into non existance ?
>reee how dare you waifupost in this thread of all threads
It's not about the size, it's the fact that walking with it is some awkward stimulation
Forgot pic
I'm the same way, even duo queue with a friend as adc I always end up with A to A+ while he has S ranks
>complaining about darius
Reminder that he lives on inside us all
aw missed chance for another kat thread
xth for best girl
>anal fucking with testes
ok now i've seen everything
As opposed to worst lamb?
Not everything. There's more.
is Veeky Forums flickering for anyone else?
i realize they're just doing it for porn, but either i fail to understand how that can be pleasurable or i'm not up on my anatomy.
yes but shes MINE.
ur way too much of a cuck for her
>not complaining about darius
Its like you dont even play this game
>implying you're not reee-ing on the inside
>Already got the Mastery 6 banner
>mastery 7 is the lamer blue one
Kill yourself, jesus christ what a garbage fucking post.
Go write some more fanfiction, there's clearly fans awaiting for it.
Reminder that vidya are bad for you.
>Kill yourself, jesus christ what a garbage fucking post.
who actually gets mad enough at Veeky Forums to post this, I have to wonder.
I am no cuck let the man who dare think he may interfere with my attentions know fear in his heart for such intentions.
remove Veeky Forums x
replace it with appchan
Cute mad user
I think it's one of the tylerfags? The guy who frames everyone for tumblr when facing even the slightest disagreement.
xth for Cute Vi
Jinx Edition
I just realized yesterday that "bugger" could be interpreted as hate speech (slang term for a cock smoker,) even if I'm using it as an exclamation (as in, replacing FUCK, or FUCK ME!)
I will no longer say it since I'm a fucking pussy, but what are the odds of getting bant for this in the future? I've said it every once in a while in matchmade games.
I want to RAPE and IMPREGNATE Soraka!
overwatch cannot come out fast enough so i can stop playing this game
These last few patches made me resub WoW.
>Cumming anywhere but inside
Jesus Christ WHY. Cumming inside is the best and most natural thing in the world.
>Bjergsen wrecking shit up with aurelion Sol in korea even after the nerfs
Who's hyped to see space dragon in lCS?
Said by someone who has clearly never done it.
you're being paranoid. don't say nigger or faggot and you will literally never get banned. conversely, report people when they use those words for guaranteed bans.
>make a shit option lose so a shittier option wins
I'd rather just play who i want and not give a fuck about the contest.
>actually picking losecian
you might as well pick urgot or bard adc, if you just want to lose so badly.
>b-but muh fun! eckbs deeb!!!
I want to GRAB Soraka's horn and FACEFUCK her!
>literally the best adc game in the game
>why would you pick this champion
>level E first on tally because /lolg/ said that was the secert op start.
>Do no fucking damage because everyone knows not stand on that shit
>Even when akali dashed over it it barely tickled her.
Ayyyyyy. This champ is ass, to be never played just like Illaoi and Yorick
>computer dies
>spend all day performing surgery and trying to resuscitate it
>manage to get it to boot up past shell
>...immediately into Win10 upgrade
And now kernel launcher/etc crashes the moment I try to boot it up.
Help, /lolg/.
xth for breast waifu
sorry i was baiting since i couldnt figure out if posts quoting mine would show up with (You)
I'll beat you up.
Like you'd know nerd.
>building IE on Darius
>losing lane to Riven as Darius
Why do I keep playing with people like this
>disable windows 10 upgrade
>Windows 10 bullshit has gotten to the point where it auto-schedules an "update" without your input and only gives you the option to cancel it or reschedule
I feel your pain man, I actually have to pay attention to that bullshit popup now just so it doesn't spring some new nonsense on me
I'll help
I played with an attack speed Darius the other day. They got ass raped by an Ekko. Fed so hard so fast that the jungler wouldn't gank for fear of giving Ekko two kills. We lost. None of our lanes got fed like that even if both mid and bot won they didn't win hard enough.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>climb easily to promos
>lose promo games
>repeat 4 times before actually winning
i thought i had you filtered you fat fuck
Just download GWX Control Panel Monitor. Gets rid of all W10 related stuff, and warns you if it tries to re-install
fair enough I guess
My heart and actions are utterly unclouded. They are all those of 「in」.
Are you a pedophile? Like seriously, there's of attractive qualities to lulu unless you like children and people who act like children.
you're one of the best posters in this thread, please keep going
t. someone who doesn't like lulu
How do i git gud at Kindred?
>Not posting the superior version
>Are you a pedophile? Like seriously, there's of attractive qualities to lulu unless you like children and people who act like children.
You can't reason with the delusional.
How can you not be? She's brain dead easy.
it is worth learning vayne or its just for masochistic people?
I lold.
Fan art from a Facebook page, that there is.
The two guys running it were pretty cool for a while but they got really popular and their fame got the best of them. Now instead of quality shitposting, they just post links to their stream and generally act like assholes.
...Yare yare dazr
When she's good she's a monster when she's mediocre or bad she just feeds uncontrollably. So it depends how good can you get?
Is this SDT?
its really advanced a lot since the last time i've used it
>amazing futa image
>herm with no balls
and I saved it anyway because of the lack of anywhere close to good futa art.
I just reported it.
Is it just me or has there been a sudden rise in the number of shitters playing this game? I've had to dodge more this week than I have in the last month
School is out in a lot of places, that could be it
enjoy swimming with a dirty whore
we play a game where all people ever do is announce reports familiar
on the bright side i don't think it would take much to get someone to make an edit adding balls
Anyone played a game with the sjw shmeckle bait where they didn't feed uncontrollably?
>tfw I make fake reports when I lose am I buttblasted
Hope Riot won't get me for that.
Is Tali still as bad as people were saying she was on release day?
if you look at it from far enough, it looks like she her funny looking knees up
>You will never choke LB on your cock
user...Im sorry.