I finally hit that point where my conscience started to bother me.
I was going around fleet on harbinger sexually harassing men on my flamboyant alt and laughing as they would rage (tell me to kill myself, get AIDS and die, fuck off faggot, etc).
I started with this one guy and he said "I am gay and have no friends. I wish I could be more like you out in the open but I can't."
uh oh.
So I start thinking "perhaps this guy knows I am trolling and is a big reverse troll"
no. He then says "will you be my friend? I really need a friend right now."
shit. this is no longer funny.
So I said to him "sure" thinking "I can do some heroics and shit with him in game."
He then gives me his phone number and says "please call me".
FUCK FUCK FUCK. This is NOT what I signed up for.
I then said to him "lets talk here first. It isn't wise to give out your personal information to strangers till you know them better."
So he starts telling me his life story. I wanted to bail but I could tell this was real. So I had to listen to him talk about his shit tier childhood growing up and what school was like for him and working with jerks and people telling him to kill himself.
So I spent almost 3 hours texting with this guy, calming him down and telling him that he needs to surround himself with better things and avoid negative people. To eat healthy and work out and the best revenge is a life lived well.
So like it or not I am now stuck with someone who thinks I am a flamboyantly gay faggot who is a flight attendant (what I told him I did) and now my level 60 alt that I used to troll people with I have to keep because I now actually feel like I have to pay a price for my trolling and this is it.
So what is my lesson for you guys? Don't be a troll. I was having a good laugh before this. Perhaps this is God's way of telling me not to be a fucking asshole because who knows what kind of shit day the people were having before I started in on them.