A Damn Find Game Edition
Thread No.78
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.
>Previous Thread
>list of all games
>List of fan games
>Comic and Manga links
Mega Man X scanlations
Novas Aventuras de Megaman in English
Translated Iwamoto Rockman X3 manga:
Megaman X2,X3,X4 - Iwamoto Manga Raws: digitalmegamanworld.com
Final Chapter of the Iwamoto Rockman X1 manga:
Master Paste of translated fanmade 4Komas and Short Mangas made on Pixiv. Regular updates.
>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)
>Cartoons and Anime
Ruby Spears Playlist
Contains episodes from Rockman.EXE, Ryuusei No Rockman plus other stuff.
Mega Man: Upon a Star English Dub
>We have a booru now! mmg.booru.org
/mmg/ Mega Man General
Mega Man 8 and MM&B have the worst artstyle of the series
>That moment when you realize Rei/Raychel is Flame Hyenard.
>dumb frog op
I am not okay with this
Veeky Forums is blinking on me right now.
Send Help.
I agree. Should have been Large Man only.
I didn't make the OP header.
Why did Inafune fucking do this?
Tight budget.
Rei and Call feel like they were sloppily tacked on.
I'm a fucking retard who decided to play an incest VN.
She dies in the end.
Now I'm sad.
Pls post cute and happy things.
you poor bastard.[/sopoiler]
That's bad.
Why would you do such a thing?
incest is really weird, but i suppose its a relative thing
I don't know what I like about it, I do have a sister but I'd never fug her, for God's sake.
After I go have dinner, that is.
Shit I just realized that was probably a joke.
I feel like a tard now.
Good Mega Man cosplays are exceptionally hard to do but that doesn't make the bad ones any less amusing.
My 8 year old cousin is playing Mega Man 2. He managed to kill Metal Man. I'm kinda proud of him.
On Easy mode?
Yeah, but he sucks at even mega man 10 on easy mode. He actually made it to Flash Man.
It's kind of embarrassing...
>hoping to get Roll Soul
>got WindMan
aw crap I don't even use wind chips
He just killed Flash Man and only lost one life in his stage. He's learning.
Alright here goes:
Last year I started playing a game called Hentai High School +, where you are a school principal who has to corrupt everyone into mindless sex drones. It's a good management game under all the porn actually. But anyway, a few in-game weeks in, you get notified that your brother/sister is coming to stay with you for a while. You get to choose whether you have a brother (Andy) or a sister (Annette). Since I wasn't into incest the first time I played the game, I chose Andy and hoped for no H scenes. There was a part where he was scared and asked if he could sleep with you (my fetish). I said no because AM NOT HOMOFAG and I thought "shit I should've chosen Annette". Since I was a perverted cunt I had to start a new game because my reputation was at 25.
So I started a new game with a new character and this time I chose Annette (I also started doing really good at the game because I was less of a perverted cunt now). So I waited for that cutscene I mentioned earlier but it never happened. I looked her route up and turns out it was totally different from Andy's, with sweet loving incest replaced with turning her into a camwhore. This pissed me off quite a bit, so I went and complained on the only place I knew would listen: /hgg/.
Oh wow that's kinda cool. I tried playing MM2 again last week but I got stuck at Quick Man.
So they called me a faggot and then I asked them for any games with cute incest stuff. They replied with a game called Kana Imouto. I played it for five minutes until oh hey turns out there's something biologically wrong with your sister, she's gonna die soon but you can't tell her.
The game was full of "I'm gonna get healthy one day bro, and we can all be happy!" moments and I'm not gonna explain how the whole brother/sister dynamic works but fuck it was sad. It made me cry. The last game to make me cry like that was KS.
Fuckin char limits man.
Oh and hey look I forgot my fucking name again.
But yeah, shit was sad. As stated before, she died in the end But then again that's not the good ending. Not like it makes a difference because in the good ending she leaves forever after a successful kidney transplant.
Maybe I should just never play visual novels ever again ever.
He gave up after Air Man's stage. He's playing Kirby 64 now. He's so embarrassingly bad at platformers cause all he grew up with was Call of Duty and Minecraft.
>not wanting to fug gently your cute brother.
Anyway, sorry about your tears, user.
We should have one of those, Megaman themed
u cheeki bugger
My older brother is pretty similar. He's more of a strategy game type of guy, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and such, and we tried SM3DWorld for about 1 level before his skill level became clear.
>tfw I grew up on platformers and am total jenkum at FPSs
I had a blast playing Halo3 with my cousin and his friends, though, since they all brought round a bunch of TVs and xboxes so it was a huge multiplayer fest. After a couple games I got "better" (like, 10th instead of 15th/15)
I feel CoD gets a bad rap cause
>everything about its online
>angsty 13 y/o's buying it
But they're not -bad- games, just for a different audience.
Also I don't know about you but MM2 is nails, m8. I downloaded it for VC on Wii and shit son I was not prepared. I thought with all the platformer background I had, even completing multiple Metal Slugs with nearly no deaths, that I'd be good at it.
>Quick Man's laser stage
Never again...
He can't even play those games anymore because he accidentally put a parental lock on his xbox 360 and I can't get it off. It's used so I can't go through microshit to fix it. It's basically an e-rated paperweight now.
The lazers in Quick Man's stage are a lot easier once you memorize where you're supposed to position yourself.
Who did he buster, Metal Man?
I don't know if I'll get to stream by 8PM EST. I'm stuck watching the kids.
>Mom: We'll be home before 8.
Yeah okay mom. whatever you say.
Yeah, he managed to buster Metal Man
I managed to actually complete MM2 in the end, but those lasers gave me hell. Yeah, once I had them down via trial-n-error, it was alright. THEN I had to deal with magnet-blocks in Heat Man's stage until I realised I could use Rush Jet
I tried it again after going through DKCR, SMW3DWorld, and DKC:TF and was tons better; guess I was rusty when I first played it. Pretty sure I'd been playing mostly Zelda and various RPGs around then, so I guess my "kung fu no refurekses" were poor.
>MM2 is nails, m8
B-b-b-but it's not
It's the easiest of the NES Mega Mans
>Good at MM&B
>Bad at MM2
I am an enigma, riddled with mystery.
I dunno maybe I find MMnB's cramped style easier to play. May explain why I like MMV for gameboy, too.
Have you tried Mega Man 7?
I do love that one, too. It was the first Classic Mega Man I emulated properly (I messed around on the nes ones on a NESJava or something rom website, where the roms+emulators were built into the site)
I always loved Cloud Man's battle in it, the background dusk is so nice. In fact, his stage is just great, also, with the weather effects you can influence. I love how certain RM weapons affect parts of stages, so you have more reason to revisit them than the nes ones (MM6 was an alright start for this)
I'm torn between Burst Man and Spring Man as my favourites from 7, and both there weapons are some of my favourites to use in MM overall.
>Ghosts 'n' Goblins theme in Shade Man's stage, plus the werewolf robot section
That game was grand, for real.
That game amazing considering it was made in only 3 months. I couldn't pick my favorite stage. They all have little touches that make them special. My favorite weapon was Junk Shield and Freeze Cracker.
Junk Shield was MVP for most of the game. Perhaps the only good shield weapon in MM history (Jewel Shield is pretty gud), its a shame it wasn't a custom for Mega Man in Smash.
>Made in 3 months
Hot diggity damn. Imagine if they spent a year making. It could've been GOAT.
The music really grates on me after awhile, especially the battle theme. youtube.com
Also I'll be starting stream at 9PM EST. I'll be playing Mega Man X4 tonight.
What do you think is annoying about it? I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just curious.
The pitch obviously, in that one, it's incredibly screechy.
As for the rest, and including the theme, they're all too bouncy and happy for me, it never feels like there's any real urgency to the stages, unless you're going through the alternate music for Shade Man's stage. It's alright to have a few tracks like that, but it really feels like almost all of it is that way in 7. Similar problem I have with 8.
Also wanted to clarify that I'll be playing as X this time. I fucking suck as Zero and at Mega Man X games in general but that's besides the point. I might start earlier if I can.
>I looked her route up and turns out it was totally different from Andy's, with sweet loving incest replaced with turning her into a camwhore
well that certainly puts....SOME things in perspective, with the memes that people spout about shotas and such.
That put you off the fetish, or are you still RocknRoll stronk?
Battle Network Collection for 3DS with online netbattles when?
Mega Man X4 stream starts now.
My normal laptop is dead and my new laptop isn't reading my mic. So I'll be staying silent until I manage to fix it.
Is there a way to turn on push to talk?
oh, daddy~
that's my daddy~
It's a parody of Quickman's losing quote in Battle and Chase, which is "My pride..."
It's hilariously overblown. Plus, he's uses the pronoun 'watashi' in that game, which feels really weird.
Heat and Flash find it hilarious.
Flash: "Quick, this is amazing. Wood, come take a look at this!"
Quick Man's is all "WHAT IS THIS?!?"
>That aura
Is he wielding Muramasa?
yamato daddy's just really hot.
Stealth Woman user
You hold it like this
That is not comfortable at all.
It's not about comfort, it's about function.
Think of it as a right-handed Monster Hunter Claw
Literally nobody I know holds their controller like that but whatever works for you.
Well I mean
What you're doing isn't working for you so...
I really don't want to argue over how I hold my controller.
Sorry, I didn't mean to argue, I just thought it might help with the X games.
It's all good. I did try it, it just didn't really work for me.
Have you tried double-tapping to dash then instead of O/A? If a claw doesn't work for you, that might.
people really DO use the Claw, though. Never tried it right-handed, but there are only so many ways to use the dpad and analog concurrently.
but THAT one's never worked for me. I much prefer circle dashing or even R dashing than double tap.
Huh... I just normally hold it flat and use my index on shoot, my middle finger on jump and my ring finger on dash. The way I hold it depends on the game on playing and what system I'm using but that's what I use for Mega Man games on my PS2.
L for dash is what I use. Used it from X1 all the way through ZXA.
But that's probably because that's what I did when I played DDR with my controllers. It actually helps my reaction time. I'm just bad at X games.
Wait, how is that not more cramped? My fingernails get stuck in the buttons if I curve my fingers, so I have to keep them flat, which means bending my middle finger at an ungodly angle to keep it on X
I just have weird fingers I guess.
it WOULD be better to use triangle for jump in a flat setup, but then you'd clash with the very ingrained notion of x=jump.
What a polite young man she was!
I hate flat setups anyway, it messes way too much with my coordination. It's way easier for me to have two buttons being used by the same finger than two fingers for two buttons. Especially in Mega Man games, where I can go between holding the tip down and flexing to jump when I'm charging, or holding the knuckle down and shooting with the tip when I'm jumping and shooting.
>not just putting your entire palm over the buttons
Goodnight /mmg/. Don't die.
>the X button is in a different position on every single controller i own
I don't know what's this argument about, but my controller setup is always Y for shooting, B for jumping and R for Dashing. A is for the right side rapid weapon switching.
I mean, on a SNES controller.
>emulating Mega Man Game Gear
>playing star man's stage
>its pretty much the same as the NES version
>But the part where you have to jump down and avoid spikes is rendered more difficult because the spikes are off screen
The screen crunch is real