/r6g/ - Rainbow Six Siege General

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>All the Classic Rainbow 6 games running on the latest engine, compatible with current windows, all maps, all modes.
techknow.one/forum/index.php?topic=69.0 (dead link)

>WIP /r6g/ guide for crosshair overlays, tactics etc

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


I have learned that if a teammate is down I let him die because I die nine times out of 10 rescuing them.

>winning a duel against Ash at 8m with the French shotgun

whoever said this is dogshit last thread is wrong

Third for Ash, best girl

>new and improved nazi shotgun

I want to kill myself when this happens especially on this map.

>better get that battery there, you don't want a hole in that wall right?

>brainlessly reinforcing objectives
I'll never understand why people reinforce the upper floor objectives on house. They just become ready made attacker bunkers.

Playroom is impossible to hold when your "teammates" reinforce it.

>playroom on house
>all walls reinforced
>castle barricade on door and window you can flank through
>glaz watching the hallway

>playing ash on Kanal
>it's control room
>pop a window open with a charge
>see a defender punch a window open nearby
>tap him a bit
>he runs and attempts to take cover
>but the window he attempted to hide behind was the one I blew out earlier

sometimes everything just feels right

>try to go in playroom
>exposed from every angle
>attackers just pour in flashbangs, nades, pucks
>hang outside
>can't see into room
>"defuser active"
Hellfire. Teamkilling would get you just as far in those situations.
The only reinforcement I put up in 2nd story house is in the bathroom wall section directly opposite of the window that watches the hall way so I don't have to worry about being wall banged while fighting attackers off with an acog.

Top 3 maps:


Replace plane with Kanal and your list is good

Ya planes not the greatest prb replace it With border soon, but no way Kanal is shit.

The wall parallel with the windows in kids room is also ok for reinforce. It's directly over the low part of the stairs so you won't get much use of it, but window guys can shred you

Guaranteed kills if the objective is in the master bedroom. They can't shoot back either, they can only change routes or climb up and die.

>tfw getting 3 kills in a row when all the enemies kept climbing the ladder
>tfw get called a faggot by enemy after we win the round
Feels good.

Why is spawn killing from the tower so fun?

>c4 a wall between two bombs
>idiot puts up fortification
>"don't! stop!"
>idiot 2 puts up on other space

What a surprise we lost

>club, bombs, bar and store room
>shotgunning through the projector wall
>just about done, had some trouble so down a mag and half
>some stoner faggot who's been trying to be funny all game runs in
>reinforces both walls
It took every ounce of my strength not to splatter his brain across his new wall, next round I just waited for him to reinforce before trying again.

>-10 (team gadget)

more like
>-100 team kill
Fuck that noise, if you can't see the tactical advantages of the wall being blown up AND you can't even listen to your teammates telling you not to reinforce you deserve every bit of lead that goes through your brain.

>Had to go afk for a minute
>Game assigns me to GSG9 recruit with the M870
>end up killing 3 people with it and win the round

get back demons!

Imagine a melee only shield in this game and he has tear gas grenades.

>when you kill someone and they rage quit

>when you ace as Pulse and everyone calls hacks

Excuse me this is a Teamspeak general. We don't use that reddit tier trash.

Top 3:

Bottom 3:
Kafe Dostoyevsky

This is not debatable.

That's actually a legit new operator idea. Has a launcher like Ash, except he throws tear gas. Last as long as a Smoke's piss gas, and visual effect would be sort of a hazy, watery screen. Non-lethal unless you're injured.

I'd put Bank before Kafe in shittyness

I have an idea for an operator. Would anyone like to hear it?

Spit it out

If the op has a passive ability dont bother writing it

Why did this make me laugh so much?

Never been killed in spawn in Bank before I could react before.

Sewer spawn the windows make it a shooting gallery

I like plane. Plane is fun.

Yeah but you have to move in the open. In Kafe there are two spawns that you can't react faster than someone coming out and headshotting you at the start of the round because two spawns aren't covered.

Plane is a clusterfuck of horrible design

>Japan Operator

>Kinzoku chitsu

>Is able to operator a small electromagnetic field around their body, lasts 3 seconds. Can be used to stop killshots, pick up ammo or perhaps fly in some manner.

So is this game worth a buy? I wanna operate as JTF2 and GSG9.

Unit 777 with qt female operators when?

no it sucks

no one here likes it

no one plays it

this isn't even a general for siege we all play rainbow 6 vegas 2 on the original xbox

How the fuck do you pick up ammo with a electromagnetic field?

Same way you stop a bullet wound with a syringe gun

I am pretty sure Doc just got drugs from Bandit

Isn't Siege all a simulation, according to lore?

No that is black ops 3

Yes, everything except for Article 5

I don't suppose anyone can translate Russian? I wonder what these newspaper say.

All the newspapers just have Siege promotional pics.

I never realised that in oregon you can blow a hole from kitchen to main hall


They say shit like "it's a wonderful day"

The same newspapers appear on Bank, but in English.


>Rainbow 6 HQ
>The Russians all squat around in the corner making borscht soup after a long day of training
>Buck and Blackbeard get into an argument over whos gun attachment and beard is better
>Bandit offers Doc some "extra kick" for his syringe gun
>Meanwhile Thatcher is busy arguing at the microwave
>Blitz and Frost are playing some practical jokes on IQ
>Ash is on leave since its pass over
>Pulse is trying to listen to the newest Death Grips album but is pissed since his bunk is next to Mute
>Rook in the mean tries his luck in the online dating world
>Jager makes fun of him by saying "2D>3D" while snuggling with his body pillow
>Valkyrie is bust placing cameras in the mens showers for "reasons"
>Thermite secretly places a picture of Donald Trump with the caption "BUILD A WALL" on Montneges shield


What do you think of this bears nose?


!!!Easter Egg Found!!!

!!!Easter Egg Found!!!

>bank managers office has degree framed
>the degree is from bartlett university

!!!Easter Egg Found!!!

!!!Easter Egg Found!!!

>bartlett university

Isn't that what Article 5 is based on?


So... The Jewish bankers caused the terrorist attack?

It's so obvious now...

When will the Siege Cinematic Universe start up?

>tfw finding your camera when it's glitched out

>The devs still haven't released Bartlett University as a PvP map yet

Is... is Blitz okay?

What if they released it complete with the yellow cake dust? That would be pretty awesome. Maybe like a day, night, and dust version.

Smoke said no

Too busy with the pro league bro. Priorities



Clearly Blitz has been replaced with a human sized mech.

I hear mechanical moving noises in my head when Blitz steps in that webm.

dumb players baka

lol, if you did that on PC they would've peak-headshotted or avoided the hallway when they saw you kill Glaz

Well, yeah

So I use a little GTX 760 and quickly loaded games on medium settings. After that big patch, I get stuck on "loading" for a good 10-15 seconds. Did they add any option in particular I need to turn off? I already updated my drivers.

*peek, sorry

But yeah, at least try putting down a deployable shield in front of T-chanks and look up when you know you're about to get shot, your head gets hidden behind the shield because your character kind of crouches when looking up. Good stuff


I have a GTX 760 as well. Haven't experienced any slow downs in loading. I use Medium/Low settings with AA off and FXAA on, full screen, no vsync

Yeah pretty much.

Never knew about this trick, I've always viewed the shield as a hindrance to aiming.

I will be doing this from now on, when I can.

I'll match these settings thanks. I'm beginning to think R6 also hates 5600 RPM HDDs.

Keep in mind, reloading puts your head above the shield whether or not you're looking up.

Be safe, t-chanks.

I like to bully enemy Castles in chat when they fuck their own team, over calling them "Castle MVP"

*team over, calling them

>they gave Sledge a Bane-esque mask

The absolute madmen.

here's a juicy castle meme if nobody's heard it

>go outside the objective
>shit down a castle wall
>put a shield perpendicular to it
>can't breaching charge it

Punch it 12 times.

that's why

>can't breaching charge it



I got 4 kills with Tachanka last night as last man standing and won the round and forgot to record it.

Please close your eyes and imagining me getting the 4 kills. I got 3 with the turret and one with my assault rifle. It was in the big auditorium room on Oregon.

Nice dude. It looked amazing in my imagination.

Ash started licking out my asshole at the same time? What a great scene that's painted right now.

>Blackbeard sees the SEALs as a ideal blend of mental and physical abilities and strives to maximise both of these traits in himself.
>He uses a Transparent Armoured Rifle Shield, that protects him against blunt impact and artillery fire.

>artillery fire

They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

>Crashing this plane ... with no survivors
>but Bane, the plane is grounded

Which Chanka would u fug

At once.

First one obviously

Which operator is the closest to CIA?

I don't know why, but I'm thinking thermite.