Katarina is the Best and Cutest Girl on League Part 2
Old: Eyosongive.us
ImThem Waifu Edition
Katarina is the Best and Cutest Girl on League Part 2
Old: Eyosongive.us
ImThem Waifu Edition
Who's that champion?
xth for breast waifu
First for please kill me i hate my life video games have ruined me
>tfw you wanna funpost but janny is here
Go get some hot pockets, I wanna post memes.
>champion mastery 6 doesn't unlock a profile banner with your champions original splash, as well as your champion's ability icons as summoner icons
>champion master 6 doesn't unlock profile banners of all the skin splash arts you own on that champion, as well as your champion's in-game face icon as a summoner icon
>we get a purple gem and a blue gem for getting carried a few times for S ranks and having 22k mastery points
is riot even trying to hide how pointless this system is?
Xth for Zero Time Dilemma
>appchan is now flickering as well
Xth for Katarina
best girl
aww thanks op
Katarina is fugly kid
>these winrates
pardon the cropping job
>Morde's winrate climbing higher and higher thanks to indirect buffs via itemization
>Next patch he gets a TF that is literally perfect for him
My body is so fucking ready.
Taliyah is ziggs without damage past level 1
Rito can't balance most of their champions
I want to lick Trundle's tits!
>You get S ranks for getting carried
Nah son, you only get them IF you carry.
Mastery 7 can only be attained if you do two things:
1, donate monies to the shekelords and
2, be good enough to actually get S and S+ ranks
Put" .blink {
animation: none;
} "into your global css
>when there's still very little sample data certain outliers vary drastically
Wow. Shocking. It's almost like you don't know anything about statistics.
what about S-
>play urf
>collect mastery 7
this fixed it
why did this fix it
where does this issue even come from
Champion dot gg looks a little different for me
it's because the zed/ribbon/vayne/lucian faggots don't touch those champs
only dedicated mains play them
S- doesn't count toward mastery 7, only 6.
Draven best guy!
what is the best Akali skin?
You guys think Twitch will ever get rid of trihard and anele?
My gf whom I loved dearly for 2 years took her life because of depression, and I haven't dated anyone since then, due to my standards of women not matching up to what I once had.
Nowadays I spend my free time playing league and other games, making friends with people on here, and generally hiding from the real world in any way that I can.
League of Legends
>1.3k instances
>low sample size
just got a phone call from my stepdad
my mom tried to kill herself early this morning
what the fuck
It was intentional, check the /b/ sticky. Adding this to css disables the blink in html that they used to make pages blink
xth for lovely and playful foxes
>Installing this shit game again as i write this
After half a year or so i really thought i was over this shit
I cleared my game backlog so now all i do is sit and wait for new games
Can anyone give me a rundown who is OP now?
I quit shortly after Jhin came out
>enter game
>team gets 3 kills level one while i sit top and farm
>after taking mid/bot tower they gangbang my enemy laner with me and we all snowball out of control with dragons and heralds
>all i had to do was stay nearby as they rampaged through the map
>get S-, didn't make a single play all game
>am now further along in my path to mastering the champion that didn't even matter who they were that game
anons, please.
She's also new and most people have no idea what to do with her just yet.
Headhunter or All Star
You should go see her
It's just an emote bro
lmao those epic /b/ admins at it again!!! XD cant wait to post this on /r/Veeky Forums
i fucking hate what this site has become
but they have literally never been used in a non-racist way
i'm surprised sjw haven't campaigned for their removal already
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
Do you also imagine the sound of hitting something irl when Trundle autoattacks? Its kinda funny.
Jhin was new and not even he was this bad on release when he was actually good
Hell not even Illaoi was this bad on release.
She's objectively a shit champion and needs significant buffs. W needs to be vector targetable and not fucking self silence her and worked ground needs to be made considerably less punishing.
First one to correctly guess all three memes gets a free 520 skin of choice
>le crow person of infinite damage
>*teleports behind u*
>el dog man of many stacks
>ged dungged :-DDD
>le blade lady
explain lolbabs
>plays naut a lot
Bro this is nothing mate. You cannot avoid the retards. When you go mid, your bot will feed or your top will be spamming pings for help and then 'gg afk' coz he hates the jungler.
I have seen support mains climb pretty easily at season start and I have always wondered why. This is a game where you have to do better than your opponent, but that will not matter if your team as a whole is doing worse.
One easy way of dealing with this is knowing more than one type of support: a front line like leona/taric, a disruptor like janna, a damage support like zyra or velkoz and a healer like soraka. Pick last and fill up on what you think your team needs. Try to bring in small niche advantages like everyone's underestimation of raka heal or support velkoz's damage output.
Be nice in champ select coz some retard might be waiting to go off but you can will offset that. Watch objectives. Try to not be condescending. Even with all this you can easily lose but you will win more.
>implying I give a fuck about e-celebs
>implying I'll let politics dictate what games I play
Anyone here play on lowest graphics setting?
Why should I care how much they make?
>>Reinstalling this cancer
>>Not just coming the the general for shits and gigs and to shit post
I wonder how sustainable Dota's winnings system is when teams realize that there is literally no point to playing when you will never win anything.
xth for Cute Vi
Katarina Edition
Super zac, complete with flapping cape
>pro players
do you call pro football players celebrities
Noone cares how much money you are throwing at dota. Now fuck off
P.s. please take doubleshit into dota anyday.
Hold me, /lolg/.
swain talon nasus darius
but that last one could be lot of champs
irelia, riven, kat idk
Who beats golden tweety bird of many sands?
the hint is in the filename
thats a retarded build by the way, lulu doesnt need a tear
I fucking love fiora.
>flash ignite up
>disregard everything i can kill everyone
>flash on the full life vlad with spectral cowl
>XD this champ so dumb i didnt oneshot him like im doing every time against the 0 mr sona
no wonder he play annie anything more difficult would give him an headache
all she had to do was wait for the wave...
>flash ulting a full hp vlad with Mr
>lol vlad so funny champ xDD
What the fuck did Annie expect?
I love Lissandra!
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
add Tanooki btw
>fiora, a late-game anti-tank champino melts darius, a early-mid-game tanky champino
gee whiz
that make me want to play her
but lets be honest witch did all the job here
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA RESULTS
Another one is up!
>that gigantic nose
Taliyah could very well be shit but the fact that she's new and most people playing this game are brain damaged amplifies her problems.
I'm disappointed in her from a conceptual standpoint though.
Darius Even though Vi literally says "Get Dunked"
>Over 110 kills
What manner of clown fiesta is this?
cute kat :3c
Riot takes almost all the money for themselves while barely working on skins while Valve has to give away 25% of their most successful item releasing far more content and their only upside is that people do free shit for them.
I want to cuddle with Lulu.
can we do a vg vs vg urf mode on howling abyss
>clown fiesta
We hearthstone now?
Vi a shit
How do I Lee Sin?
urf is not fun.
if youre trash then no it's not
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
>not dodging when seeing that zed on your team