PlayStation 4 General #327 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

Old Thread: Retarded hat edition Edition


The Technomancer ‘Companions’ trailer

Yooka-Laylee new details and screenshots, Toybox launches in July

Dragon Quest Heroes II gameplay shows Atlas vs. Drakulard battle

New Atelier game announcement coming May 24

Nioh alpha demo survey results announced

Gran Turismo Sport launches November 15 in North America, November 16 in Europe

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ‘Blood and Wine’ DLC ‘New Region’ trailer

The Idolmaster: Platinum Stars second trailer

Siren: Blood Curse Episodes 1-12 rated in Korea



>PS+ Current Offerings

>PS Store Updates

>PS Store Weekly Sale

>PSN Friends List

Other urls found in this thread:


Please stop posting this shitty list. Created by ps4 gen? Really? When was i able to vote?


kill yourself


sorry what

So what's everyone picking up from the Flash sale? I got
Grim Fandango
Banner Saga
Rogue Legacy
Persona 3 Portable

Thinking about picking up Thief/Killzone Shadowfall although I'm not sure, I just know I don't own any FPS games yet.

Also is Idolmasters worth picking up?
It's the first time it's shown up on a console that I either
A) Own
B) Care about
so I'm interest in what you guys think.

Welp, I tried it and it doesn't unlock the trophy. If you got the trophy that way I'd be curious to know how.

nvm, the fifth time did the trick. Thanks.

hopefully this thread dies so I don't have to look at the shitty op image any longer.

You're just jealous that you ain't cute.

So what are you guys doing tonight?

wonder how mount and blade will be, i have it on steam but never gave it a go

downloaded a tonne of great javs and am gonna marathon them all while edging
should be a good one

Only got P3P to play as FeMC

You're going to cum to the first one and it will all be for naught

Did they ever fix Tetris Ultimate so it actually works?

I can only do that for JAVs I'm not really interested in. But good luck all the same


kek what the fuck

>original looks better
Are they trying to advertise it like this?

I think I'm gonna kill myself before miku comes out.

hey anri dont kill yourself i like you

>Anri retired
>VR scene never

So, what is the reasons to buy a PS4 if I already have an Xbone and don't really care about the resolution differences? I already have PS+ through the Vita and some of the games from it.

>Anri retired

I don't think anyone in this thread was stupid enough to buy a xbox one so you should probably ask somewhere else.

>I already have an Xbone
Why tho


brb hanging myself

See, you don't have to be a total cunt, but hey.
I had a god awful experience with the PS3, and Sony seems to hate Vita fans, so I dipped out, plus Halo. I've not really had a bad experience with it since NXE came out.

Say what you will, but at least the sticks on them don't rub off in like, 3 seconds.

why do the japanese have such perfect tits

either that or their plastic surgeons are gods

Speak for yourself, there are a few idorts here.

Is this what you tell yourself? You Xbox fags are embarrassing.

I'm sorry, I have both, my launch Xbone controller still works right, and the launch PS4 controller had to have the sticks replaced 3 times. Please, fuck off falseflagger.

Only because you never use the Xbox One controller since there's nothing to play on the piece of shit.

>the launch PS4 controller had to have the sticks replaced 3 times

Dude, I play both almost every single day, and the PS4 build quality is worse with sticks. Sorry that I'm breaking your mind here, but I'm allowed to criticize Sony on the quality.

>10¢ was deposited into your account

worn sticks were definitely a problem with the release controllers. But the ones I've bought 6 months or so after have all been fine.

>open thread
>person fighting with a sony shill
I know this is /ps4g/ but still

>ebin shill meme
Keep at it kids, one day mom will tell you she loves you

wait for neo to come out and use it as your main console since it has better hardware, use the 1984 for exclusives only.

>20¢ was deposited into your account

But I play the Xbox for gaming with my friends, who are also on there for the same reasons that I'm there. I really only want it for a few games.

>Hey guys, they called me out for being a shill, what do I say?
>Insult there parents, it works! - [email protected]

Oh hey spammer is back

>people buying xbox
>people think they are better for having a ps4
Both you niggas can shut up and give me news on new releases.

>every shitpost is from a new ip
subtle as ever

>He bought anything from Microsoft

Why are there no /weird/ games on PS4?

What do you mean with wierd? There's a game about torturing people with traps, a game where you turn your mother into a mouse and let her be raped by other mice, a game where you send child soldiers into war and a game about ninjas stripping each others. What other wierd shit do you want?

What are you talking about

Suda51 and Swery. Yes I know Let it Die is coming.

>le ps4 sticks are shit meme

Kill yourself.

Only the launch sticks are shit. I got a new controller recently and it's way better.


having good skin or skin that takes makeup well goes a long way to making tits look good

What games are those? Deception and Senran Kagura I recognize

The Witch and the Hundred Knight is the mouse one and MGSV/Valkyria Chronicles both have child soldiers.

What about this one? No PC multiplats you could just pirate.

Now that list is fucking trash.

Here, beg for ps4 remasters of Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 localisation. Also ask for yakuza localisation

Yeah nothing but weebshit weebshit everywhere



I know this is a ps4 general but can someone direct me to getting a ps3 for dirt cheap ? I wanna play some ps3 exclusives.

Right now I see one for $99 at GameStop website but I've seen people get ps3's for way cheaper like around $50-60.


Fucking kek

Get one that can be jailbroken on ebay for $150

>page 10


>doom trophies glitched

Should I get Battlefield 4 or just wait for BF1?

Might as well just wait now.
Go download one of the f2p fps games to satisfy some of your shooter urges.

Morning Guys!
How'd you make it through the night?

Alright. I enjoy got Hitman to keep me busy for a while.

>caring about trophies

stop this meme!

Do I need to have played other games in the Atelier series before I order Atelier Sophie?

Or should I just get Digimans?

Pic related, those are Digimens.

Sophie is the start of a new series so no

I've got more trophies than you've had hot dinners you scumbag. When it comes to general videogame threads on anonymous anime image boards I'm a pretty big deal.

New platform
New characters
New trilogy
So no, you might miss a couple in jokes, but that's hardly worth it. You just missed out on terrible localization jokes. You'll be fine.

At least he's not a baby metal mouthbreather

Get some actual taste FAGGOT

So my ps4 turned on then immediately off. Then I left it for a hour then tried again, got to the main dashboard, put a game in, then it shut off. So its be rn two hours, it's running rn, currently watching Netflix. Should I be worried

>New trilogy
not him, do you mean this is the first one of a trilogy ? Or are they just import from ps4/3 ?

Why is everyone so shit at Uncharted 4's multiplayer? I'm basically averaging at least 25 kills per game. The majority of the time I don't even want teammates since they're so fucking terrible.

Could be anything from a mechanical failure of the on/off switch being misaligned to severe harddrive failure.
Does it yell at you when you turn it back on saying "This console was improperly shut down" or anything like that?
If not then it's probably your buttons being screwy.

Just the first one of a trilogy.
All the Atelier games seem to be trilogies lately. Which is good, since it lets them refine their mechanics into good ideas instead of the rough cuts we got during the PS2 era.

I see, so I can safely buy this one without having played any of the other. Also, how long do they usually take to make a trilogy ?

I guess uncharted 4 with its mass ads brought in loads of people who haven't played a lot of 3rd person shooters.

If you check the newspost, they're announcing the next game in Japan in like 2 days. They're yearly releases so for a full trilogy about 3 years. Good pace.

>E3 is in 20 days

I'm really curious about it.
People have been complaining that consoles have been converging too much, same multiplats, same features etc.
I think we might see them start diverging again, starting with this E3.
Xbox will be merged with W10 (consoles was just a side project for MS anyway), Nintendo increasingly focused on handheld and non-gaming business (Amiibo, movies, theme parks).
Playstation might be the only one increasing their investments in dedicated home consoles going forward.

>page 9

This girl would be much hotter if she had a dick

Does anyone else feel they introduced this brother for the sole reason of getting Troy Baker to voice him. Fuck troy baker

I'd really like to know what the script was like before the rewrite, Hennig leaving and recasting.
Listen to the voice over from the reveal trailer.

Where do learn about jailbreaking a ps3 ? I have no clue how to do that. If its jail broken will it be able to get new game like persona 5 ?

Like you can see all of Neil Druckman's greasy fingers all over it, ego probabl high becaause of TLOU and everyone saying U2 is the best (U3 is much better imo). Like look at the intro. Again they did one of those pointless fake outs like the train start, but this time it makes much less sense since they pretty much spoil Drakes brother doesn't actually die at the jail before it even happens. Retarded writing.

Also I was thinking about this, it could have been Rafe. Rafe seemed like such a tag along that I think its possible that they made a new role for him and made the dude left behind drakes brother

If Sam wasn't in it they probably casted him as Rafe.