Frogger TD edition
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Frogger TD edition
>where do I look up tank info:
>How do I get platoons:
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first for gaichi
first for where dem NA memorial tourney invites at?
S35 watering CAn
Just how many maps have we lost now? I know we have gained some but they come up so little on the rotation it barely makes an inpact. 6/10 games on Sigfried line just isnt fun.
4th for garlic
5th for PZMOE is cutest clan, now that I'm back in it.
here is ur new tripcode friend
I've noticed that the better I get at this game, the less I enjoy playing it. When I was a 48% shitter, I didn't give a fuck if my teammates were idiots, half my shells went nowhere near where I aimed, and occasionally I just died to random explosions that drop out of the sky. Now that I actually know how to play the game and am trying to get above 54% winrate, I just rage at every fucking match because I recognize all the bullshit in this game which is designed to minimize the impact of skill on the outcome of a match.
This game is casual bullshit. I'm thinking about playing Farmville instead. At least there I won't die to artillery.
Yes, I quit for a year because I gave a fuck about stats. I came back and give no shits and the game is wayy better. Just stop giving a fuck, it's not worth it.
With warships being more successful and all, do you think we'll ever get music like this in tanks?
>tfw have been side tabbing the pre game apehoop craps/da land
>already 3 WoWS ads
I remember when me and my brother would celebrate actually getting damage in a game man those were the days.
I got slightly bored with the game but I realized it was because I was mindlessly grinding through lines. Now I keep tanks I enjoy and play them as well as the other lines. The churchill 1, churchill gun carrier, SPIC, BT7 art and scorpion will always have a place in my garage.
Heres what you need to do. Think back to the very first match where you did something "amazing". For me I was in the churchill 1 on ensk and got 6 kills, my heart was beating out my chest, I was sweating bullets I was having so much fun and I was so excited my hands were shaking. Remember that tank and re buy it!
Sometimes you get artied and sometimes you get pushed into a fountain by a KV 4 then ammo racked but there is always the next match!
How do i play the T-10? I haven't gotten the final gun yet, but so far I'm pretty disappointed.
Pearl River, Komarin, Port, Province, Northwest, Hidden Village, Dragon Ridge, South Coast, Severogorsk, (Ruinberg on fire)
9 (10)
>Added after beta:
No idea, couldn't find an overview when each map was added. I'd guess it's about the same number, but many of them are maps that see very limited usage like Mittengard and Ghost Town, or are retextured like Wintersdorf and Fiery Salient.
>he doesnt have the final gun
Its why you are dissapointed. You would be suprised how much difference the final gun makes.
Please teach me to stop being so goddamn greedy
SHIT when did this happen? how are new players gonna learn how to camp now?
>Pearl River, Komarin, Port, Province, Northwest, Hidden Village, Dragon Ridge, South Coast, Severogorsk, (Ruinberg on fire)
And yet the console versions still have access to almost all of these.
Why are they being removed from rotation on PC?
not enough t10 games on ensk
This has fueled my furnace of rage. I feel I would have been better off not knowing.
9.10. Mittengard makes pretty clear how WG wants people to play the game.
>because I gave a fuck about stats
There's your mistake. I only give a shit about mastery medals and barrel rings. Concerning yourself with anything else is at your own discretion, but you have only yourself to blame if you end up hating the game due to an obsession with statistics.
>I remember when me and my brother would celebrate actually getting damage in a game man those were the days.
I remember when surviving a game was a cause for celebration. I was really shit for a long time when I first started playing.
>Think back to the very first match where you did something "amazing"
First ever Top Gun medal in my M6 on Redshire. Sweaty palms getting the 6th kill; a friendly Hellcat somehow bounced this shell on an AT2 and I snatched the kill just as I crested the hill.
The also have weather effects on many of those maps too.
That said, I don't miss Port. I never really mastered that map.
Russians can't deal with them, I'd guess. Although Komarin was really annoying to play.
>pearl river: ?? probably something to do with terrible gameplay ??
>komarin: bad draw statistics after multiple redesigns
>port: balance issues after introduction of penetration through destructible walls
>northwest: ??
>hidden village: ??
>dragon ridge: technical issues
>south coast: terrible balance
>severogorsk: ?? shit after too many redesigns ??
>ruinberg on fire: too many ruinbergs
they were all shit except for port and dragon ridge since they offered unique gameplay so ok
>probably something to do with terrible gameplay
That can't be a valid reason for WG. Otherwise we'd only have something like 4 maps left.
I don't really care much for weather unless it affected the terrain. like boggy ground or snow drifts.
The one I will never miss is south coast. I never had any idea what I was doing on it. However I would rather have 20 shit maps than 10 shit maps including 3 of which are only seen once in a blue moon. I mean really when was the last time you saw pilsen overlord or stalingrad? It must have been atleast 150 games since my last stalingrad match.
wg has a different definition of shit
and that definition sometimes covers things that are good and fun that are no longer in the game
>>probably something to do with terrible gameplay
>That can't be a valid reason for WG. Otherwise we'd only have something like 0 maps left.
Every other game when the patch was new. I hate that fucking box map so much.
>pearl river: ?? probably something to do with terrible gameplay ??
Not a good map for Heavies or Arties, but Lights, fast TDs, and Mediums can have great fun here.
>komarin: bad draw statistics after multiple redesigns
A good example of a broken map.
>port: balance issues after introduction of penetration through destructible walls
Yeah, far too many lines of sight too. Very difficult to mount a coordinated attack.
>northwest: ??
No idea. Not a great map, but not terrible either.
>hidden village: ??
It's very small and you basically only have 2 attack routers which just become choke points. Can be fun, but is usually just a mess.
>dragon ridge: technical issues
Such as?
>south coast: terrible balance
In favour of which team?
>severogorsk: ?? shit after too many redesigns ??
It seems to work now on console at least, but matches on it tend to be very short. Once a team breaks through on one of the 2 flanking routes, it's all over.
>ruinberg on fire: too many ruinbergs
It was probably the most visually interesting Ruinberg though.
If I'm absolute shit at the T71 and just want to play medium autoclappers, do I just stick to the endless grind for the T69, or do I play the other light route?
>Redshire is a corridor shooter these days
>do I just stick to the endless grind for the T69, or do I play the other light route?
As in the T49 route? You're not going to get great autoloaders on that line.
1 hour for CUGS tourney
>>dragon ridge: technical issues
>Such as?
i dunno ask wg. loading the map crashed too many niggas or something
>>south coast: terrible balance
>In favour of which team?
north team always camps
don't know what map you're talking about exactly but northwest and south coast are shit maps
>i dunno ask wg. loading the map crashed too many niggas or something
Required a computer with more than 512mb of ram, which meant it was unplayable for half the russian players at that time.
>Shitters opinion on maps
no wonder they got removed, next up fiery salient prokh
I don't usually bitch about Arty, but due to chokepoints and stalemates on Redshire, Arty are spoiled for choice in terms of stationary targets.
>i dunno ask wg. loading the map crashed too many niggas or something
How the fuck did they manage to fuck it up on PC but then get it right on console?
prok isn't bad
tell me your favourite map and i can tell if you're shit
consoles are easier to develop for since the hardware is consistent. also console devs are american and the pc version is run by russian jews
>pilsen overlord or stalingrad
I had genuinely forgotten that those maps existed.
>also console devs are american and the pc version is run by russian jews
I'm really starting to believe that console is the way to go if you want the best WoT experience. Sure, you lose out on a lot of features, but it just seems better put together.
Stop impersonating me.
prok, I can already tell you're shit by your opinions so don't even bother telling me any more of your shitter opinions
If a tanks would be grills who would be the THICCest?
I'd say Type 4
>i dunno ask wg. loading the map crashed too many niggas or something
IIRC Dragon's Ridge had a constant blanket of light fog on the lower levels of the map. If anything slowed down computers it was the particles and smoke and fog and shit.
>How the fuck did they manage to fuck it up on PC but then get it right on console?
Consoles at least have a lower bar of hardware instead of being forced to accommodate differing levels of performance. Consolefags know their shit is more or less standardized and don't have to worry about the game being tweaked down in order to run on a russian toaster oven.
T95. Short, fat, slaw as shit with stubby legs. Needs a rascal to leave the house.
>don't have to worry about the game being tweaked down in order to run on a russian toaster oven.
Russian devs and Russian players ruining a game for everybody else.
>IIRC Dragon's Ridge had a constant blanket of light fog on the lower levels of the map.
Just to note, the console version never had that as far as I know.
Stop impersonating me.
fat is not real thicc
how shit is the caern
Pretty ok
Looks like the console players might be getting a T-54A "hero tank" in an upcoming event.
The event is Russian themed, so would I be correct in assuming it's going to be a Russian equivalent of the Freedom, Liberté, or Knight?
Artillery sucks lmao git gud
Czech line if you hate scout mm
If he thinks it's an "endless grind" to get to the T69, he'll hate grinding the terrible T7 and T8 on the czech line to get to the amazing T9.
Is it really that great?
My old account got erased because WG apparently is incompetent in all areas
What line should I grind up on my new account until they respond to my ticket?
The t9 and t10 are argueably op, stock the t9 is still shit though and it's locked away behind 100k+ exp.
Nth for fuck the the TK punishment system.
The autoloaders on the T9 and T10 have normal gun handling (i.e. they actually hit after a little aiming, unlike every other autoloader), russian super-fast shell velocity, have super low between-shell time, and pretty low magazine reload.
The T9 can kill a tier 7 tank in a little over 3 seconds, the T10 kills tier 8s in 4-5 seconds.
>shit at the T71
literally how? this is my favourite tank. it's just so comfy and amazing. go away bullydog fags T71 is cuter
Neat, this reaffirms my desire to grind
How do I make the t34/100 less unbearable?
>go away bullydog fags T71 is cuter
The answer is always Russian heavies.
How the fuck do I get good?
Also why is the grind so fucking horrible. I'm only on tier 3-4 tanks and its fucking abysmal.
The 34/100 is bad, but almost all T7 meds are bad.
Now, the TVP VTU is also bad, but the problem there is that most T8 meds are good, so it's completely outclassed in every single aspect, and is hell to grind through.
1. Because you are bad. You are probably losing more games than winning, which hurts your xp gain, and when you do win, you probably die early on, meaning that the game won't give you that much xp.
2. Because you are in tier 3-4. They are legitimately the worst tiers in the game to grind, due to the way the matchmaker is designed, and the game is balanced.
don't worry, once you get to tier 5 it starts to be a whole lot more tolerable. Wargaming thought it was smart to make the start of their game terrible and the end ok rather than the other way around.
>Because you are in tier 3-4.
3 isn't too bad unless you're grinding really bad tanks. 4 can be a bit of a nightmare though.
>Wargaming thought it was smart to make the start of their game terrible and the end ok rather than the other way around.
Then why are tier X games so broken?
Damn, I haven't played that line below T6 since before the KV-2 was the KV
>it gets even worse
All me.
t. M13
should've quit at tier 6
I assume he's really bad at grinding tanks becasue he's asking how to git gud, and he stated that he's only at T3-4 tanks.
>benching it while fiddling with some fine gachi
best feeling
getting gud is impossible until you're already gud
Oh yes, the VTU is easily the worst vehicle in the line
/wotg/ help me
I try to open World of Tanks but it keeps giving me a critical error, could not connect to the update service. I clearly am connected, so what is the problem?
the game client
do what with the game client
>get banned after the first game
>all (You)
uninstall the game now and leave forever
You're free, user. Go forth and tell the world of our plight!
literally uninstall
I gave our team the momentum it needed to win the set.
>Saturday night
I'd get on but I can't fucking start the game
>Haven't touched the game in over a year
>Get fiber optic at new apt
>DL WoT to test speeds
>I guess one match wont hurt to see how this new internet performs
>3 days and 15 hours of gameplay later
>Might as well check if the general / clans are still around
What the fuck is up with this. I randomly clicked the drop down on the sit and it says I have 47K gold in WoWp.... I havn't played that since Alpha.
>guy i regularly platoon with fell asleep while we were platooning
What tiers you playing user?
NA? join NAFUN.
I sent in an app a few minutes ago