Stock up on me edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: 18.12 Vauban Prime
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/wfg/ OP pastebin, if its not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for bursa torture
grinding is half the fun
6th for Nyx a cute!
nyx prime is too sexy
Nth for Ivara part never dropping
nyx prime is the sexiest thing in warframe
regular nyx is an ugly retard
nth for trade rework never, and with space jews you can't lose
regular nyx is still sexy
>regular nyx is an ugly retard
leave my space aerobics mom alone.
This is why we can't have nice things.
So is Oberon.
>Void_Glitch is a 16 year old African American kid who datamines a game, was able to get into design council and was close to DE Glen but was kicked for datamining too much. while also managing to go to good schools and get great grades and possibly getting into Ivy League and only spent $5 on this shit game
What have you faggots done with your life?
So why the fuck does ivara not have a witch hat alt helm yet?
Oh yeah, DE doesnt like money.
oberon skipped too many leg days to be sexy, even in his alt costume
Spend $0 on this shit game, which means I'm immediately better off.
Datamining and tying it to your IP is just asking for stupid shit to happen. If you are going to drop off a sack of shit, you don't put it in a self addressed sack.
>not posting the better one
What's the best landing craft?
>pub draco
>I'm a level 2 Nekros
>He doesn't want Oberon to ejaculate his Amber-based Tree Sap all over his face whilst it tastes like honey.
who cares senpai
>run 6 T2 Exterminates
>not a single volt prime part drops
god dammit
the whole african american part is pure conjecture on the part of /wg/ just because a school offers scholarships to minorities
the rest is true though
Actual Oberon lewd pastebins and porn when?
3 day ban
>too lazy to bother to check anything
>being this retarded
Jesus, I bet your frame is red and black also
Fucking idiots
SAuce boss
>le youl'll be BANNED!!
>implying i care
seriously familia
how exactly do you build equinox? it seems like she goes off of efficiency, duration, power and range all at the same time
Plus I've posted lewds here many other times. Never have I been banned. If I do get banned it'll be probably the first time the mods actually did something productive.
Ignore power unless you have a trin.
Build for Range, efficiency and duration, in that order
>the exact shades of purple that Nightwatch camo uses are in the Lotus palette
Was getting caught part of your plan?
>Stuff we already read and saw.
Now make something new user.
RozenMaiden-senpai you idiot
i finally got my hands on the soma prime, but i've never been a fan of bullet hoses
how do i deal with its eventual ammo issues? do i just slap an ammo mutation mod into it?
How it feels to have your chat spammed with shitters.
if only there was a convenient guide that showed you exactly how to build and play her
If I took off that mask, would you die?
i'd prefer to follow a build that wasn't written with faggot goggles on, guidequeer
You're a big guy
You asked if there was any Oberon lewd shit, and I gave you some. Now fuck off faggot.
Was bored as shit so I put together this webm showing off Peacemaker to finally shut up the retards who claim that "PM scales into lategame!"
TTK on lv100 ancient, taken from video timestamps
Peacemaker = 4s
AkSomatis = 1.5s
This was with a max STR PM (299%) that drained over 9 energy/s, completely unfeasible for regular play
For the record, Vaykor Hek, S. Tigris, and Tonkor were all capable of 0s-TTK
>M-Mesa is good!
>P-PM scales into lategame!
fuck you retards
What's the next step in your master plan?
i've yet to see a single person that says PM scales into lategame
from what i've seen they mostly say "it one-shots things up to x wave and while the damage falls off the stutter keeps them at bay"
>selling Fragor P set
>other people are trying to pass it off for 250
>offer to sell it for 200
>get a pm "can you come down to 175"
>being this much of an asshole to people who just want their waiframe to be loved
>shittalks the guide while admitting he has Z E R O idea of how to play the game
don't feel lonely user, you're in the good company of the rest of shitters who hate the guide
People have said PM scales into lategame, and that if it doesn't for you you're not building enough power strength.
But I love Mesa. She's the second frame I ever got, my favorite frame ever, and I couldn't be more excited for her coming buff.
But I acknowledge when a frame is shit instead of spouting retarded advice
>PM scales into lategame
No one has ever said that Tierqueer but you seem mad enough to actually make a webm of your favorite frame to prove how useless she actually is and the rework won't help her good.
Have fun the with "allow mesa to slow walk with PM" augment mod. I voted for that too.
RIP mezzers, you used to have a niche but DE robbed you of even that
>14 hours of grinding fuckits
post more
events are the highest form of meta
post your scores so you'll shut up all these haters
I have 75% off, how much plat do I buy?
>Mesa can still carry everything under level 120, shitters just don't like having to manage energy and aim Peacemaker.
>I know for a fact that her 4 will one shot common enemies until like, 130, at which point it starts 2 shotting the grineer ones
several people also said that the reason my PM isn't working is because I don't use max BR
there's more but I'm too lazy to dig through archives
don't underestimate how delusional people are
I want to forcefully insert my cock into prisma shade's moist mouth
>>shittalks the guide while admitting he has Z E R O idea of how to play the game
see the thing here is that i admit that i'm a shitter and seek advice publicly
you're not only DENYING you're a giant shitter but you're also trying to school people like me into following your retarded advice and thinking everyone but you is bad
Am I just bad, or did enemies get a buff in the last five months?
You should pay full price to repay DE for all the hours of entertainment they gave you.
>May 6
>Another entire general derail by t. tierqueer
It was a shitpost for the shitpost machine and you actually believed it since you have nothing better to do than to shit up this general. Now get a tripecode or fuck off back to /a/.
tier list
For (you)
Seriously when was the last fucking reactor alert? last I seen one was 2 weeks ago, is this shit p2w for real?
if you're a shitter maybe you shouldn't shittalk a guide made by someone significantly more experienced at the game than you
>i-i was just pretending to be retarded!
Just sell some junk for 20p and get one fresh off the market. Also, get the warframe app if you haven't already and set an alarm for potato alerts.
>significantly more experienced at the game than you
according to who? you?
1k hours, every frame owned, maxed r10 mods, etc.
>time = skill
please do this so people will stop criticizing you. once they realize that your understanding of the game is vastly superior to theirss that will stop them and we can finally end all this shitposting that keeps cropping up in this general
Dead thread is dead
Anything can be made with malicious intent regardless of skill or experience.
The fucker that posted that zippyshare never did come back and tell me why my Warframe kept crashing after hitting play when I put that shit in my directory.
Do you have your wife's son trying to protect you?
Read the SweetFX FAQ and troubleshooting
I wasn't the guy who posted it, but also look at videos who also installed sweetfx in their warframe.
>Brazilian bitches about noobs on draco
>Brazilian dies more than anyone else
>Brazilian rage quits
Why would anyone want to write a shitty poem or story to join a shit clan?
B-because I wasn't thinking about joining or anything!
I could totally write something if I needed to. S-shut up
Write about your favorite fetish desu.
you already failed
please, even Higgus got in. surely you can't be worse than him.
When I started events were dead. I only do the minimum to get the rewards. I find them boring as shit and my clan doesn't compete. Leaderboards are a contest of 1) who can figure out the sleek first and 2) who's autistic enough to mindlessly grind more than others.
Guide's not malicious though at all though, which you'd know if you read a dozen words of it
You need at least a few hundred hours in order to get a good understanding of the game, if for no other reason than than it takes that long to grind frames/mods/plat. 1k hours doesn't mean you're good, but 200 hours (as an example) does prove you're a shitter.
Also way to conveniently ignore the "every frame owned" and "maxed mods"
How do I effectively farm oxium solo?
I try to make pub runs but I always end up with shitters.
>Guide's not malicious
But your behaviour and attitude is.
>afk farming morphics for secondary weapon mastery fodder
>getting oxium as well
>shit posting on /wfg/
I seriously have hit a new low
get it through your thick skull
your guide isn't the problem
your tierlist wasn't the problem
your skill or knowledge has never been the problem
YOU'RE the problem
YOU'RE the massive faggot who actively sought to make your guide the thread's official guide
YOU'RE the guy who doesn't take any criticism while claiming he does
YOU'RE the person taking snapshots and making /b/-tier collages
YOU'RE the one acting like they're some sort of celebrity or authority among a sea of shitters when in truth you're the main source of ridicule in this thread
kill yourself at your earliest convenience
Well I won't deny it. But I'd like to see you stay civil when shitters with zero knowledge of the game like shittalk your guide
I don't mind though, arguing with shitters gives me something to do when I'm bored
>tfw using bless trin with pubs
>your skill or knowledge has never been the problem
Speak for yourself. Every time guide is posted people say it's wrong, or shitterbait, or that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Just look at this thread where some retard who has no idea how to play Equinox calls the guide shit
also see