Best waifu and freljord edition
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!
League of legends general /lolg/
>Deluded Taliyah apologists still trying to convince people she isn't total guttershit despite posting quite possibly the WORST winrates seen in recorded LoL history.
>there are people in this thread who think lucian is overpowered
who are the most fun top lanes now that the tank meta is stagnating
if these continue onto next patch I'll agree. I've seen too many people claim a new champ is shit and then they get buffed and people complain even more when they were op all along, but people didn't know how to play them.
He's not overpowered, he's just stronger than all the other adcs.
I get you what you mean it's hard to put in words what i'm trying to say
Even though the games look similar there are several little factors for why supps from lol and dota are different
the biggest one being ratios vs static numbers
It doesn't worth putting farm on a taric and tarics abilities aren't strong enough to kill a carry early game like lion is, but a good taric stun late game can win it
Another factor is the map itself, lol map is very small while dota map is gigantic and has dozens of routes since you can cut trees to open gank paths
In lol there isn't many needs to supports to roam since there aren't camps to stack anyway, and since the lanes are smaller and towers stronger supps can't gank effectively as a jungler since they lack damage, the only exception was s1 alistar when he shitted damage and could dive a tower every minute since his ult was bullshit
But I agree, it is much more fun to play supp in dota than in lol.
reminder that pic related is going to be great if the triforce changes go through
she's already great
she's going to be broken
>he's not overpowered, his power is just over that of everyone else
>defending the cuck role
You know who actually had fun playing Alistar? Shushei at S1 Worlds being immortal, healing everyone for more than Soraka's ult and instagibbing anything with full AP. Meanwhile you retards have to do your "epic play" and hope your team is good enough to get the kill because you're useless big minions otherwise.
its worth noting, the Vayne and Reksai bans are picks me and top/first pick highlighted.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
my girl
in context of the rest of the game he's fine
in context of the rest of the game, most other adcs are hot fucking garbage
That's because all the other adcs are dogshit, ad is the worst role in the game right now.
I love Sona!
Sona would like people who are kind and considerate of others, so I want to be someone she would approve of!
I hope you love someone as much as I love Sona, and that they inspire you to be the best possible version of you that you can be!
irelia, Poppy, Lissandra, and Graves
You do find winning fun, right?
Give lightbringer a 2.0 sec static CD or a 3.5second base cooldown and he'll be fine.
Sheen alone gives it a 3.15s cd, trinity force puts it down to 2.8 second CD which means basically every spell can proc Trinity
There is a problem when he's LITERALLY breaking 50% playrate while STILL maintaining a very good winrate.
Those nerfs can't come soon enough.
Irelia actually has bad matchups though unlike shit like Maokai or Tank Ekko.
ADCucks will literally never be satisfied, this season has easily been the strongest they've been in years and they're STILL complaining
>ADCbabs actually believe this
>not playing zyra and 1v2ing bot all game
>not playing brand or vel'koz and obliterating an entire team in one rotation of spells
>not playing karma and deleting the enemy adc in one rq while still being able to satisfy the normie definiton of support
[audible wew ladding]
>useless big minions
If you don't even play the game, why are you even arguing?
Ad is literally my worst role, main jungle. I know ad is terrible because I shit on them while building tank every game.
>Its another lissandra shit thread
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
isn't lulu like a thousand years old or they retconned it too
>any adc without a dash can be good in league of bruiser assassins
>playing mages in a suboptimal role for them
Xth for David Sirlin
btw, sirlin hates league of legends and enjoys hots
>don't need gold to shit out degenerate damage
>still going mid
lmao stay bronze
a request
>Just got an autistic singed main called "pls chase me" on my team
>Enemy spent whole game chasing while we took every objective for free
Fuck me man that shit feels good
Exactly why literally the next 5 ADCs after Lucian in winrate don't have a dash of any sort right :^)
>saving the reddit version
When people make Singed work, its a sight to behold that shit is bananas
Not surprising
Nami is cute. I didn't request it but I do appreciate it.
Draw Sivir, Yi, and Udyr running to the soothing tones of eurobeat please
>it's a "someone is trying to play non-ap tryndamere in URF" episode
use a different brush I can barely tell what the fuck is going on in this image
I don't think I've actually seen this version before.
But it looks horrible.
>Its the same pic that was used atleast once for the past few lissandra threads
This is why I hate waifufags
They never up their quantity and quality of the waifu that they "claim" to love.
>when you come back from no inhibs or nexus towers for 15 mintues
Draven best guy!
gold 3 gumi!
>Its a "your jungler ignores top the entire game despite it being insanely easy to gank" episode
just fucking end me
Oh I'll end you alright.
>not manning up and slapping the top laner
I guess
D-don't cry
Please send blue dust. Thank you very much!
My league kept crashing so I'm doing that scanning shit
I'm at 8,000 files scanned so far and still at 0%. What the hell is this? How many files are there total?
I just want to play Zilean
New guy here
When is the best time to start playing ranked?
Got the 16 required champs a while ago but I don't know about jumping into ranked.
Just what should I know before going in?
>See any non-mobile mid/top
>Gank that shit non-stop
Their only mistake was picking something without a dash
Are you a cute girl?
>waaaah pls gank my lane
I'm going to gank when i see a good opportunity to, i don't care if your lane is easy to gank, if another lane needs help more, or if I'm in position to gank another lane, I'll do so. A aspect that people who don't jungle don't get is that you're going to gank where you camps are. If top jungle is clear, and bot jungle isn't, I'm not going to gank top and risk wasting a massive amount of time unless i KNOW it's not warded, and we can get a kill. If there is any chance we won't get something, I'm not going, no matter how badly you need the gank. It's not my job to win your lane. Unless you're against nasus, then I'm forced to camp there.
That you probably don't know nearly as much as you think you do about the game, and you're probably not that good either. Both of these are okay though, as long as you just jump in and keep focusing on trying to improve, you will learn fast and improve pretty fast as well. Don't get discouraged if you lose a lot or get placed in bronze v or something, don't get into the habit of blaming your team, even when it probably was their fault. Just go in there and focus on yourself.
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
reminder to have F U N in urf by playing AP kogmaw!
inb4 that same nigger greentexts me again saying "b-but i'll kill him with ekko zed and lb" the 23/8 game had fizz, leblanc, wukong, AND ekko in it
Hey lolg I was just trying to mess around and just bought 5$ of RP with a fucking debit card.
How is this even possible? Doesn't it need a credit card to work?
1. Be really good at at least two champions.
2. Be really good at at least two roles.
3. Understand that the rank you get is rank you deserve.
4. Blaming your team will not help you climb.
5. Learn who to ban.
6. Ward.
7. Play a lot. A lot of climbing is brute forcing numbers.
8. Don't flame, you'll tilt your team into losing.
9. Ward.
10. Learn from your mistakes, don't make excuses for them. If you died, you fucked up. This is true 9/10 times.
11. Some games cant be won, and the sooner you treat them like that the sooner they can't be won.
but, i mean, what do i know I'm just in silver
own 60 champs, to trade, 4 rune pages minimum
nice fucking system riot
how much do you think the random champ shards will cost?
>mfw it's 7800
>League will never be as good as Dota
Draw Garen not being a cuck.
>it's a "your jungler ignores every lane and instead goes off to die at their wolves because all enemy lanes are pushed" episode
>it's a "your jungler ignores dragons all game long" episode
I'm pretty sure you can just use dust to upgrade their mastery too, and the blue dust costs are going down significantly for upgrading masteries too. I'm not really that upset about, but it would be nice not to have to go through all this hextech crafting bullshit, but people were complaining about there being no blue dust sink after ownling all the champions.
who cucks Garen?
Why isn't there a appear offline
>I will never learn how to play dota so I'm stuck with league
feels whatever famalam
>play URF
>a Nidalee in my team rushes tear
Probably 3000 or so, if it ever comes
Well I certainly have more fun playing league than DOTA. So for me league is a better game.
Taliyah's winrates aren't as bad as release Yasuo and Syndra or Cass every time she gets a rework
Regardless, they're still pretty bad
>I don't care if your lane is easy to gank
>if another lane needs help...I'll do so
>gank only if camps are there
>I know it's not warded
>any chance of not getting something...
>unless against nasus
If a lane needs help, fuck that lane, you got two others that still have a chance.
Getting a summoner spell or forcing someone to back is just as good as trying a kill nigger.
Not going around wards or lane ganking.
Jesus fuck stay silver.
>He's not overpowered, he's just stronger than all the other adcs.
That means he's overpowered, genius.
Blue dust costs are only going down on Garena servers.
No not being a cuck silly.
Is TA a slut?
give me some suggestions
why does imp go bork first on twitch
why not ghostblade first like everyone else?
xth for breast waifu
Garen doing cystal meth on URF
these are the kind of shitty teams i have to put up with every game
a malz voidling wearing arcade riven's helmet please
>He's not overpowered, he's just stronger than all the other adcs.
probably doesn't want the pen for early game and just wants the ls to farm up for late game or he's stuck in season 4
>Its a "your opponent's jungler also ignores top the entire game" episode
This is what a toplaner lives for.
Lulu and Trist licking Annie's armpits
poppy being embarassed, fantasizing about how she and the hero fall in love
I am too lazy to draw this myself.
Lissandra running an ice cream parlour
ok now that riot has released 22 cuck champions, can i finally get a titty monster now?
what makes twitchs laning phase so bad?
I've been playing dota for years, which is why I'm asking, if you played like shit and started ranked early when you didnt knew much youll have to work your ass off later because of how slow it can be.
In around 3 months of playing I'm getting matched with plats/golds in normals so I guess that's a good sign?
I'm just wondering if there's any issue of starting early where it could take forever/be harder if you would've started later as in dota
unless you mean an actual monster
>beginning of game my trioqueue shitlords give Irelia a double kill
>let her and leblanc assfuck me under tower and never help
>say I'll afk if I dont get help
>never get help, too busy camping bot
>end up 1/5
>power farm and ignore team
>end up with no inhibs and no towers
>only nexus alive
>farm farm farm
>"report kayle please" in unison by the three
>farm farm farm
>omg kayle group with us
>farm farm farm
>go from 1/5/4 to 13/5/10
>gj kayle at end of game when we win
Fucking trio queue too busy circlejerking each other to help out the lane they fed.
Reminder Kayle is the best 6 item champion in the game.
he's not Lucian
average range, only one damaging ability, no (reliable) escape from ganks
Yeah fuck dota that piece of shit game. League is too much fun.
>tfw everyone here is shit at league expect me
>enemy team pushing into our base
>Shaco is the only one up
>Trynd and Veigar about to respawn
>tell trynd to tp to the minion wave pushing into enemy bot inhib turret
>he does
>hope Shaco and Veig can hold them off long enough
>I was wrong
>we lose
His AS steroid takes 4.5s to proc in combat, or 1.5s out of it and alerts the enemy that you're using it, so there's really no effective way to use it in a fight. His W is just shit. His E needs a few autos in to be good, so you're easily beaten in short trades.
I'll be expecting you