Dueling Network General #2181
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Dueling Network General - /dng/
first for fuck TCG
Will FUCK READING ever stop being a meme?
>tfw the "DN will die within the month" meme is finally dead
I can actually explain every card so you retards understand a little better and don't fuck it up when you rebuild.
Trumpeter is to go into Ignister with Unexpected Dai, unstumpable.
Metalphosis Engine is used to pop B-Buster Drake, which you EQUIP to whatever union you search with Union Hanger, because if you search it and then equip you won't be able to pop it with a Metalphosis.
1 Volflame because it's a beater to go into with Counter, don't add more because it's the worst Metalphosis and has the least synergy. Well, you could probably add a second one and it wouldn't matter though.
Maxed Goldriver because level 4 and Maxed Steeleren because it's the searchable high scale.
2 Silvbird because it's pretty useless to summon, only to search a low scale in a pinch, could max it desu though.
1 Luster because Luster is fucking broken.
1 Master to summon with Ignister or Unexpected Dai, specifically to go into Dinoster.
3 Dragong because it's a normal machine pendulum. Summon with Unexpected Dai to go into GGX or search with Painful Decision to also go into GGX or use as a high scale. Could cut a copy.
1 Stegosaurer because it's a low scale machine to search with GGX. It has an effect you can use sometimes too as pretty sick removal.
2 X-Head Cannon to search with Painful Decision, he's actually not bad in your hand sometimes.
1 of each of the unions because they clog and you search them with Hanger.
The S/T lineup is pretty self explanatory. Twin Twisters can be bad draws so you can drop them or swap them with Cosmic Cyclones. They have neat interaction by letting you discard an ABC Union mat or if you draw Fusion you can discard that.
For the extra deck, you want 1 of each Metalphosis fusion because you can fuse an ABC Union mat from your hand to get it into the grave, and Orihulk steals games/ 2 GGX might not be necessary, would cut for a Norden and 1-of Instant Fusion, or another R4 option or a second Adamante. Rest is self explanatory.
Again, what is it about Kozmos and Blue-Eyes that drives/dng/ to shitpost?
Firs for enjoy playing a cuck format where every format is another way of locking your opponent out of playing the game or else your deck is shit
These are your dates tonight.
what's wrong with it's wings?
also xth for becoming one with your dimensional counterparts
the day people read is the day they make tribu- oh wait
the day people read is the day I stop drinking and they print galaxy journy
We all have FUCK READING moments though.
My latest was forgetting to set my floodgate before summoning Denko
>summon Denko
>set ASF
It almost cost me a game.
>Setting cards before summoning Denko
Can Magnet Reverse summon Verserion or Valkryion when it hasn't been special summoned properly first?
Reminder that devotion to your waifu makes you better at card games
Can we meme up those Madolche pendulums?
H-how did he get back Graceful Charity...?
I didnt know I needed to know what this is until now
nope, gotta summon it first, from there thats your decks special little monster reborn
It was a Mask of Restrict I intended on flipping next turn, since as soon as I flipped it Denko's "fuck backrow" effect would reactivate.
Were you unaware of that being a completely legal play?
I wish I had screencapped it in the moment when this guy asked "Is there a reason I can't summon Flying "C"?"
Yes I read Denko what I'm saying is that only a retard would set 4 then proceed to summon Denko which is what Scrubkaiser did
Kozmos were overpriced and had an obnoxious playerbase who were arrogant about their deck being tier 0 since no other deck had bosses like it does and recovers like it does.
People take joy in beating Kozmos with petdecks as a form of mockery.
Blue-eyes is basically the same except it is nowhere as near as expensive and the only mention of it being meta in the future was an article in V-Jump.
Blue-eyes is also easy to beat with petdecks since it is NOWHERE near as oppresive or as helmet as Kozmos are so people beat it as a form of mockery.
It also doesn't help that its a nostalgia deck so people who dislike DM and all associated with it hate the deck.
That's true, we all have those moments. It's fun pointing them out though,
>EVER printing Madolche pendulums
Now watch Konami prove me wrong and give you M. pendulums :)
Did you read the comic, carefully?
Here's your (You)
>selena is an obilisk blue
ah yes, as the trend went only the hot titty monsters were allowed in blue
>rin is a grad student
Why is everyone splashing brilliant fusion in everything? Can someone explain this to me? Im a scrub so i dont get it.
is Synchroing/XYZing/Fusing your partner monsters with yours in a tag duel frowned upon?
Extremely. You always ask for permission.
That's the 5D's Duel Academy uniform
Read Gem-Knight Seraphinite
read lazuli and saraphinite
It's common courtesy to give them a heads up of what you want to do, especially when using their monsters.
tl;dr, kinda, yes.
Also because someone asked for it a couple of threads ago. Don't be fooled by the screenshots of me sacking people, this deck isn't good
basically dont be a dick
I remember only anzu/akiza with it and it wasnt even for long, the twins were very forgettable but they wore it too
why are you using the horrid quality one. should I go make a high res
>screenshots of me
>random user
10/10 worlds, etc
I really really REALLY want a Tamagoro YuGiOh doujin some time in the future
Is there any better feeling than Metalphosis set 3 Solemns, 2 Metalphosis Counter ready to summon 2 big ass Volflame, along Ultimaya + Crystal Wing?
how do cards that have you naming the name of 1 card like Mind Crush work on YGOPro?
A Dialogue box opens with a list of every legal card where you can type in part of the name to narrow the list down then you click on the name then Okay on the box
you write the name in the keyboard and YgoPro gives autocomplete options
If anyone is using 4chanX, and is having a blinking screen, just go to Settings, Advanced, scroll down to Custom CSS, and add .blink{animation:none!important;} to the end. You're welcome.
Will Metalphose save Shaddolls?
I fought against that dude in checkmate too, he's a shitter.
It's okay, I wanted to use them anyway, thank you.
Limiting Construct will but if you have a good Metalphose Doll decklist, post that shit
>having to use Grysta
lol no
so if you summon Azure with Spirit Dragon you cant target or destroy with effects. but what about spell cards?
How inept are you that you can't look up the artist when their name was LITERALLY in the same post?
I looked up the artist but I want the specific source
B-But it kills Pendulum.
Speaking of metalpho shaddoll is metalpho fusion suppose to trigger the dolls effects or did i read something wrong again
I think there's some Selena out there from Tamagoro, but nothing fully fleshed out.
If fusing dolls didn't trigger their effects, the deck would've never been playable in any form
Read the Shaddolls then think about it for a second
The wings are supposed to be transparent.
Source is deez nutz
>not using Concealing Light
You expected a tripfag to understand the game?
fucking noise and line bullshit
im sorry the quality is ass
This is the official.
Swords of Concealing light is a spell card.
That's a lot of details removed on the wings.
>This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except with "Orichalcos Shunoros". When this card is Summoned, your Life Points become 0. This card cannot declare an attack unless you send the top 10 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. While you control this card, you cannot lose the Duel.
How will they transfer it into the game?
Hot damn the art in Yu-Gi-Oh has been fucking beautiful lately. I really wish most cards had the level of detail that Spirit Dragon has while still retaining the game's artstyle. Prophecy Destroyer, for example, is a very well-drawn card but it's hilariously out of place.
"This card cannot be used in a Duel."
>? ATK
>this card can only be summoned by paying all but 100 LP, you can't take damage while it's in play, send top 10 to let it attack, if it attacks its ATK becomes the highest on the field +100 and if it destroys a monster you win
its not a prize card so no memes for you
what about a kinda high res secret
>here lemme make up a shit effect
>hyuck, wow, what a shitty card
"Cannot Normal Summoned / Set. Cannot be Special Summoned except by banishing 5 Normal monsters on your side of the field. This card is unaffected by other card effects. When this card declares an attack: send the top 10 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. When this card attacks or is attacked, during the Damage Step: this card's ATK becomes 10,000."
>LV12 5000/0
>Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 "Orichalcos Shunoros", and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Unaffected by other card effects. While you control this card, you take no damage. When this card declares an attack: send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. If this card leaves the field: take 4000 damage.
Can a weeb confirm if the typing is Reptile? If it is I'm already thinking of some jank-ass Metalfoes/Box of Friends Rank 4 spam deck to bring this baby out.
>normal monsters
It was the boss of Dartz' deck, they ruined Shunoros beyond repair, and they haven't released any of the other Orichalcos shit besides the seal. They don't care.
It's dark reptile.
Why can't someone just get a copy of the card and scan it with a high-quality scanner? I know my printer has some decent scanning quality so I'm sure it's not impossible.
Metalphosis sekrit winmoar card ;)
Also Orichalcos Shunoros is all about Normal monsters for some reason so I wouldn't put it past Konami to make Ouroboros related to Normals.
Who /topsie/ here?
>Dueling Network General #2181
Jesus Chirst, you faggots still play this broken game?
I think you might be clinically retarded or were trying to be funny in the wrongest way
why are you people trying to pretend konami wont fuck up this-
>5 normal monsters
you're worse than konami
>going the shuroros route
how about no
Reeee xD
What if they let it have ∞ ATK?
I'm a big fan of topsies.
put your trip back on swampnigger
you must be over 18 to browse this site
How do you report to Percy about glitches and rulings? Because I can't pick up any monster written on Imperium Magnum through Fusion Reserve.
When is it my turn?
>match winner
>being printed
>match winner
Are you retarded?
Kill yourself, retard
Unfortunately I do FUCK READING most times I duel
Ask if you can do so
If match winners were tournament legal would anyone actually run them? Assuming they change the rules somehow to accommodate them, say not being allowed to scoop on your opponent's turn. 3 Tribute monsters aren't the easiest to get out.
Grave dump=deck thining + extra summoning. Are you reay that scrubby?
anything that would cause a player to delay winning a duel (since they aim to win two duels at once and need to get their match winner out first) would generate unlimited amounts of salt from both sides, since the other player would surrender when he figured out what the match-winner-player was doing
Victory Dragon in Blue-Eyes
Shut up retard
>button placement
I noticed this the second the episode came out and was disappointed no one pointed it out in the threads. The animators have done the same with Serena's last outfit too.
If we assume scooping during your opponent's turn is no longer allowed, then what chance would Player 2 have to scoop before Player 1 goes through their single-turn combo play and swings for game? You could probably splash it into some stupid dragon pendulum deck or something.
Cutest card in the game, prove me wrong.