/lite/ Rogue-lite General

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>What is this?
A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics. Examples: The Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Faster than Light, Spelunky, and Rogue Legacy.

>List of Some Rogue-lites (W.I.P)

>Steam Group

>EtG character ideas

>/ntg/ Pastebins
Character Ideas pastebin.com/JnGYReQj
Crown Ideas pastebin.com/TjhD5NAk
Soundmods pastebin.com/bAtMbDCV

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Also got this killing Draguns for the next task. Nice, even numbers.
This achievement probably is the only one I intentionally completed, outside of riding minecarts because no sane person would find that efficient.

But it's kind of garbage how blue chests can appear on Forge. Should be at least green at that point.

Meant to post this one, oops.


nah here is how it's done

>nobody you did great
it's the little things

Hey guys let's make up ideas for more secret floors.
For floor 3 how about a Gem Cave where the boss is always door lord.
The way you get to it is to pick up an explosive from the abbey that replaces your spacebar and drops if you roll, like the busted tv.
Then you drop it somewhere and you are granted entrance.

is it just me or does the elevator jew look like cartman

both are fat fucks

I just beat Dragun for the first time last night. I always choke on the 4th floor bosses.